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Female | 28

How Can I Regulate My Periods While Struggling with Weight Gain?

My period is iregular and u had been gaining weight and constipate my body use to itch alot from head to toe i dont know what to say

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Irregular periods, weight gain, constipation and itchiness may indicate a medical condition. One should seek the help of a gynecologist in cases where periods are not on regularity and that of a gastroenterologist when one is having constipation. A dermatologist should be consulted for weight gain and an endocrinologist, on the other hand, in case of itchiness. Do not dismiss these symptoms as a failure to diagnose and treat correctly may diminish your physical health and happiness.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Hi I m 8 weeks pregnant

Female | 29

Congratulations on your pregnancy! At 8 weeks, your baby is about the size of a kidney bean. Your baby's heart is now beating.. By 8 weeks, all of your baby's major organs have begun to develop . At this stage, your baby's brain is rapidly developing. It's important to take prenatal vitamins and avoid alcohol and smoking. Be sure to schedule regular prenatal checkups with your doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I cant calculate mu current period cycle as im having irregular period every month and want to get pregnant.

Female | 25

Disordered periods don't make the process of finding the fertile window easy at all. You should see your gynecologist or a fertility specialist and have him/her evaluate your menstrual history, as this is the best way to get advice on tracking ovulation. It will also raise your chances of conceiving.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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सर मेरे पीरियड का द्वार नहीं है केवल पेसाब का रास्ता है मेरे घर वाले बहुत परेशान हैं और हमलोग बहुत गरीब हैं कोई सोल्युसन दीजिए सर

Female | 14

If you are not getting your period, several reasons might contribute to stress, change in weight, or hormonal imbalance. This condition may be regular, but it should not be treated lightly. To decrease the worries that exist at home, you can seek advice from a local health center or a doctor. They will discuss your condition thoroughly and can perform the proper tests. No need to be anxious; you will feel better with the help of a specialist. 

Answered on 28th Dec '24

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If I'm 3 hours late taking my birth control, am I still protected during intimacy?

Female | 18

Yes you are still protected if it is just 3 hours delayed but ensure that you take your birth control pills at the same time every day

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi docter I am 33 weeks pregnent I have 24 afi in pregenency reason not detect still now ..yesterday 2 dose dexamethasone 12 mg steroid give ot to me for docter assume incase have preterm labor in pregnancy question is this one is use for developing lungs function when the baby born preterm delivery right ..if incase my bay bkrm after 37 to 40 weeks of pregency any effect to my baby in future because of to inject 12 mg steroid to my body

Female | 25

It's good that you are taking steps to recognize things early. Dexamethasone is used to help a baby's lungs develop in case they are born prematurely. Premature means the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. You don't need to worry about the baby having problems with this medicine if they are not born until after 37 weeks.

Answered on 25th June '24

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On September 20 I was infected by dengue.At that time I was not on my periods .I recovered within 6 to 7 days .My period was to come on 1st week of October but it came on 16 October.Usuallyy period days is of 4 days but this time it was more than 4 days .My periods ended on October 21 .But it again came back on 1st November .This is the first time I am facing this issue

Female | 19

Recovering from dengue fever, one is likely to have irregular periods. However, there should be consultation with a gynecologist to rule out other underlying conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am 20 years old and since day before yesterday i am feelinh itchy down there with a certain type of bad odour which is unusual to me. all this things happened after i washed it with soap. the smell has decreased but itchiness is making me uncomfortable.

Female | 20

It's common to experience discomfort and unusual symptoms after changing your personal hygiene routine. Itching and an unusual smell can result from irritation or an imbalance in the natural flora of the area, often exacerbated by soaps or products that disrupt pH levels. To alleviate irritation, consider rinsing with water and avoiding further soap use in that area. Wearing breathable cotton underwear can also help. If symptoms persist or worsen, I highly recommend consulting a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

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