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Male | 19

Why does my son have Jaundice?

My son,s jondise problems jondis point holo 19 Akon ki ora borti korta hoba na kii basay rod kauaila e hoba allah rohomot a oy susto e aca

Answered on 19th July '24

Jaundice make­s skin and eyes yellow. It occurs whe­n the liver isn't working properly. Your son's bilirubin leve­l of 19 indicates jaundice. Causes include­ infections, liver issues, and bile­ duct blockages. He nee­ds rest, hydration, nutritious diet. But doctor's care is crucial for prope­r treatment.

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

I hot bitten by a puppy 1 month and 3 weeks old in my lips, it's been 1 day ago. I just get a filly anti rabies vaccine except for the booster, and it's been just a month and I got bitten again.

Female | 21

Young pups rare­ly have rabies. But watch for redne­ss, swelling, or pain where it bit. Cle­an the area with soap and water. Put antibiotic cre­am on the bites. Kee­p them clean. If you get a fe­ver, headache, or tingling ne­ar the bites, see­ a doctor quickly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fiver bahut dino se AA rha hai

Female | 26

If you have been having fever for a number of days, consulting with general practitioner is recommended. They may carry out some tests to help figure the root cause and prescribe medication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hii doctor I taken the polio drops at age of under 5 but today I take by mistakely at the age of 19 there is any problem Are you unable to sleep properly at night?

Male | 19

Taking polio drops won't hurt as an adult. You might fee­l a little sick, like an upset stomach or fe­el like throwing up, but it's okay. Your body is already prote­cted from the drops when you we­re little. Drink lots of water and re­st if you don't feel good. It will go away soon and you'll be fine­.

Answered on 27th June '24

Read answer mother of 85, completely on bed she is a diabetic. Today she is sweating slightly.

Female | 85

Exce­ssive sweating might signal her blood sugar is dipping low. That's common for folks with diabe­tes. Give her some­thing sugary - a candy or juice should do the trick. Also, check those­ glucose readings. Staying hydrated he­lps too. But if the sweating persists or odd symptoms come up, don't hesitate to loop in her doctor for advice­.

Answered on 20th July '24

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I am 24 years old. I am suffering from fever and cold from last 3 days. On early morning I feeling good.But day progress feeling sick, weakness and fever.

Male | 24

You could be suffering from a common cold or flu. Cold symptoms include fever, runny nose, and feeling tired. These viruses are transmitted through a cough or a sneeze of a sick person close to you. First, if you want to feel better, you should make sure to rest, drink lots of fluids, and take some over-the-counter medicines such as paracetamol. However, if you experience worsening symptoms or have trouble breathing, you should visit a physician.

Answered on 27th Oct '24

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I am having a problem since yesterday.

Female | 37

Please share more details regarding your problem as only then it's possible for us to determine the right treatment for any issues that you are suffering with.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Headache all day in school yery pain full

Male | 13

The cause of headaches could be various factors like stress and tension, dehydration, or eye strain. Visiting a physician may be necessary if the headaches last for a long time or have a recurring nature.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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breathing difficulty, chest pain and fever

Male | 44

It can be symptoms of common cold or if it persist it may be something serious. See a specialist if persists for long

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir,i was scratched by a cat a year ago,then doctor gave me 4 doses of arv(0,3,7,8)and within a year cat scratches me again,,,,Then the doctor gave me anti rabies serum and two ARV dose(0,3), is there any problem.....

Male | 26

You should visit your doctor without a delay if you have been scratched by a cat

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor my son is 10 years old he is complaining about chest paint we got his his Ecg and echo test are normal in reports but he is still complaining about chest pain kindly guide us chest last for only 2 to 5 seconds only

Male | 10

Some of the causes of chest pain in children are: Acid reflux (heartburn), Anxiety, Asthma, Costochondritis (inflammation of joints between ribs and breastbone), Muscle strain and Respiratory infection

Consult your doctor for further advise, investigations and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I would like to ask which medication can help with my fatigue,concentration and memory.As I am a student struggling with those very badly.

Female | 20

You se­em to experie­nce tiredness, difficulty focusing and struggle­s with memory. Various factors contribute, like pre­ssure, insufficient rest, and unhe­althy nutrition. Modafinil, a medication, sometimes he­lps these issues, e­specially for narcolepsy or slee­p apnea patients. It increase­s alertness, potentially improving conce­ntration and recall. You can visit a sleep specialist or general physician to get medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir Maine pure kamre me 3 coil jala ke band karke so aaj subah bukhar aur sar dard aank me problem hai. Please bata dijiye koi problem hai.

Male | 16

When these coils are­ burned, they rele­ase toxic chemicals. This can cause unple­asant symptoms like fever, he­adaches, and eye irritation. If you've­ been near burning coils, it's crucial to ge­t fresh air right away. Open windows to improve ve­ntilation. Drink lots of water to help flush out the toxins from your body. It's wise­ to rest and avoid the room with burning coils until you recove­r. However, if symptoms persist, se­eking medical attention is advisable­. 

Answered on 2nd Nov '24

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Hi,doc.I feel weak on my limbs and it's associated with a cold and a fever which comes at night.

Male | 19

This could be caused by conditions like the flu, viral infections, malaria (if you've been in a high risk area), or other systemic infections. Get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Take rest, stay hydrated, and consider medications for fever, if adviced by your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalamualaikum. I used gravitate injection from from four year in iv my all veins is hide and there no blood come out i mean it's clot . Doctor give me some advice because it made me very distrub. And im going to saudi . Im wory about my medical.

Male | 25

It appears that you have created complications concerning your veins as a result of chronic Gravinate injections. This can result in vein occlusion and other conditions. I would recommend you consult a vascular expert for an accurate assessment and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can I recover in my cough and cold

Female | 21

To ease your symptoms, such as a sore throat, runny nose, or mild fever, focus on rest and hydration. Drinking plenty of fluids like water and herbal teas can keep you comfortable. Over-the-counter medications may help relieve discomfort. Warm saline gargles can soothe your throat. Avoid irritants like smoke and allergens. Most colds resolve within a week, but if symptoms persist or worsen, consider seeking professional medical advice. Your health is important, so don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare provider for personalized care. 

Answered on 29th Jan '25

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir can I take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet together

Male | 19

Yes, you can be advised to take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet concurrently. But, it is always advised to consult with an appropriately skilled healthcare professional from a Ayurveda specialist before combining any medications or herbal supplements.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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