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महिला | 45

Why does my whole leg hurt?


1 Answer

Answered on 15th Oct '24

You see­m to experience­ leg discomfort, struggling to move it smoothly. Various factors contribute to muscle­ strain, injury, inadequate rest, or e­xcessive usage. Smart move­s involve temporarily resting, applying ice­ packs to ease pain, and gently stre­tching muscles. However, pe­rsistent pain warrants professional evaluation. Physiothe­rapists possess expertise­ assessing such conditions, offering tailored tre­atment plans. 

57 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I am 17 years old. I feel ache on my one side head and feel sometimes anxiety and sometimes feel pain in left side of body

Female | 17

You could be having some pain on the left side of your head leading to anxiety and pain in your left body side. Such signs may result from tension, lack of enough sleep, or dehydration. Drink water, have some sleep then try doing deep breathing exercises which can help reduce this pain. 

Answered on 10th July '24

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Drowsiness sleepy weakness

Female | 60

Feeling drowsy, sleepy, and weak can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Please consult an expert to get yourself evaluated and treated..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I feel dizzy with halluncination and I feel like I am not in reality

Female | 14

These could be indicative of a serious neurological or othe rmedical condition and require immediate medical attention. Please prioritize your health and safety by seeking immediate medical assistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Gene therapy can cure mascular dystrophy

Male | 24

Muscular dystrophy is when the muscles are gradually deprived of the power they possess to work. Thus, even the most basic movements can become a challenge for sufferers. The reason for this is the malfunction of the genes. Gene therapy is a method that can help in the modification of these genes. It comes with the promise of restoring the mutated genes in muscular dystrophies and substituting them for healthy ones. This can be done through the improvement of the contractility of the muscles and hence, the whole body over a longer period.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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What to do if you have problem remembering

Female | 66

If you have difficulty recalling, please see a neurologist. Memory loss may be triggered by a variety of underlying diseases. Neurologists can evaluate your symptoms as well as tailor appropriate treatment and guidance for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I survived Wernicke Korsakoff with minimal damage. Is it true that I only have 8 years to live?

Female | 53

It's great to hear that you got through Wernicke-Korsakoff with minimal issues. Don't worry; you're not limited to just 8 years. Wernicke-Korsakoff affects memory and brain function, causing symptoms like confusion, vision problems, and walking difficulties, usually due to a Vitamin B1 deficiency. Treatment includes B1 supplements and a nutritious diet. With proper care, you can live a long, healthy life.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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M N D problem tretment hole susto hobe ki

পুরুষ | 56

MND or Motor Neuron Disease is a severe disorder that causes damage to the nerve cells responsible for controlling muscles. MND patients have various treatment choices that are based on symptoms. Hence it is important that anyone suspected as having MND must immediately consult a neurologist or an MND specialist for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I can feel air moving thru the top of my head when I breath. Is that bad / dangerous?

Female | 25

Air can sometime­s pass through the top of your head when you bre­athe. It may be due to a tiny hole­ in your skull or close to your sinuses. Or, you may have a blocke­d nose passage. See­ a doctor to know for sure. They can tell you the­ right reason and give treatme­nt if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter started having a severe headache 2 days ago with blurry and double vision and nausea. Yesterday she got it again but worse than the day before she said and this morning she had been having blood clots come out of her nose.

Female | 16

If your daughter is experiencing severe headaches, blurred or double vision, vomiting, or blood clots coming from her nose, these are something to be seriously worried about. The cause of all these might be high blood pressure, a head injury, or even a blood clot in her brain. Take her to the hospital immediately. Call an ambulance or take her to the emergency department so that they can diagnose and treat her properly. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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