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Male | 19 years

Rectum Swelling Issue: Only Two Days - What's The Cause?

Rectom swelling problem /two days

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 24th Jan '25

Swelling in the rectal area can arise from various factors, including hemorrhoids, inflammation, or infections. Common indications are discomfort, itching, or slight bleeding. It’s crucial to maintain a fiber-rich diet and stay hydrated, as this can ease bowel movements. Warm baths may also provide relief. However, if you experience severe pain, persistent swelling, or bleeding, I strongly advise consulting a gastroenterologist. They can assess your condition accurately and recommend appropriate treatment. Remember, seeking prompt medical advice is vital for your health and peace of mind.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

I am kennedy...and for years i have been taking ant acids when am in an occasion...or during mind thought it was acid in the stomach, wen i take ant acid..there is no gas formation in the stomach and no regular farts. So i came to find that wen i take food like beans i expect to have more acid and farts but thats not the case...the farts has no smell...just stomach gas then a sound then a fart...

Male | 23

You've had gas in your tummy without a funky sme­ll. This is normal, it occurs when our bodies process the­ food we eat. Some foods like­ beans tend to make more­ gas. To reduce the gassy fe­eling, try eating slower. Also, ditch fizzy drinks and split your me­als into smaller portions. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I'm having chest pain in the middle, below my ribs, it feels tight, and aches, and causes a sharp pain when I move forward, and I, wondering it it is just aside reflux or should I got to the hospital?

Female | 17

You should see a gastroenterologist for the assessment of your symptom of chest pain. Whereas the acid reflux might be a possible cause but it is necessary to rule out the other serious diseases like heart problems. Immediate medical attention should be sought without delay to establish an early diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Respectful Sir, When I eat spicy food a little,tongue gradually starts burning, and then runny nose and watery eyes occur.please advice me how to prevent it,Sir.

Male | 30

When you consume spicy foods, your tongue may feel like it's burning and inflamed as a result. Besides the tongue the nose gets along with tears releasing at the eyes. It is because spicy food provokes your whole body to make more mucus in your nose and eyes if you eat it. However, don't worry; you may be relieved this way by eating fewer hot foods or by mixing chilled milk or yogurt with spicy food to decrease hotness.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I got diagnosed with the flu last night and today I’ve been having nausea and diarrhea. Is this normal or should I go back to the doctor?

Female | 19

The flu virus can impact digestion, causing nausea and loose­ stools. Along with fever and coughing fits. To recove­r, rest up, stay hydrated, kee­p foods light. But if symptoms worsen alarmingly, reach out to your doctor promptly. They'll advise­ next steps for fee­ling better soon.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My stomach is empty and upset and I'm unable to drink water without feeling nauseous. I've taken pepto bismol and I've been eating bread yet nothing's helping. What do I do?

Female | 21

It seems like you might have gastritis. This occurs when the lining of your stomach becomes inflamed and can result in feelings of queasiness as well as an upset stomach. Consuming bread or using Pepto-Bismol may not help alleviate these symptoms. To keep hydrated, try drinking clear fluids such as broth or ginger tea. Additionally, you should avoid eating spicy foods that could further irritate it since they tend to be acidic too while fatty ones take longer to digest besides causing discomfort hence worsening the situation even more should this happen. For proper treatment seek medical attention if they persist beyond what is expected.

Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Accidentally drank half cup floor cleaner

Female | 21

Drinking floor cleaner is super risky be­cause it isn't made­ for our bodies. It can burn your mouth, throat, and tummy. You could feel sick, struggle­ to breathe, or even pass out. It's crucial to ge­t help quickly by phoning poison control or heading to the hospital. Don't de­lay, getting treatment soone­r improves your odds of feeling alright late­r.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I eat something eaten by rat accidentally

Female | 15

In their mouths and saliva, rats carry dangerous germs. If you eat food that happened to be gnawed on by a rat, you might develop symptoms such as stomachache, vomiting, or diarrhea. Ensure that you take plenty of water to keep yourself well-hydrated then look out for any serious signs like high fever. Just in case they occur, visit a doctor who will evaluate your condition further.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi am 30 and I have issue of piles bleeding with stoll

Male | 30

You could have piles which are also referred to as hemorrhoids. The following indications could be the symptoms of piles if you see blood in your stool, feel pain or discomfort around your bottom, or notice swollen lumps. Piles occur when blood vessels in the area become swollen and inflamed. Eating fiber-rich foods, drinking water, and avoiding straining are some methods that can help alleviate the symptoms.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Vomiting black stuff last night, early morning, had bad pain in stomach

Male | 66

Black vomit and intense­ stomach pain indicate a serious condition. It signifies ble­eding within your stomach, where blood mixe­s with gastric acid. Causes include smoking, alcohol consumption, or certain me­dications. Promptly seek medical atte­ntion. Doctors will investigate the unde­rlying issue and provide appropriate tre­atment.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

How to cope up with poop disorder after quitting tobacco

Male | 23

After quitting tobacco, changes in bowel habits can occur, possibly leading to digestive discomfort. Stay hydrated, opt for fiber-rich foods, and consider probiotics to support gut health. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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