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Male | 23

Silent Stomach Gas: Antacids Masking Deeper Issue

I am kennedy...and for years i have been taking ant acids when am in an occasion...or during mind thought it was acid in the stomach, wen i take ant acid..there is no gas formation in the stomach and no regular farts. So i came to find that wen i take food like beans i expect to have more acid and farts but thats not the case...the farts has no smell...just stomach gas then a sound then a fart...

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 28th Aug '24

You've had gas in your tummy without a funky sme­ll. This is normal, it occurs when our bodies process the­ food we eat. Some foods like­ beans tend to make more­ gas. To reduce the gassy fe­eling, try eating slower. Also, ditch fizzy drinks and split your me­als into smaller portions. 

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

I have acne from 5 years now I have heard about isotretinoin and I want to know if I can use it

Female | 19

Chronic stomach problems can have various causes, you need to get it diagnosed properly by a gastroenterologist. To address these issues, consider dietary adjustments, stress management, regular exercise, and maintaining a food diary to identify triggers. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Khaya piya nhi lggta bhukh nhi lggti weight gain nhi hota

Male | 25

These could be the signs of many medical conditions. A gastroenterologist would be able to identify any medical conditions that might be causing digestive problems and offer appropriate treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have jondies bilirubin count 1.42 any problem sir

Male | 36

A bilirubin count of 1.42 corresponds to a mild case of jaundice or icterus, which is due to bilirubin being increased in the blood. I would suggest that you go to a gastroenterologist for a more detailed analysis and treatment. It is important that you get medical treatment early to avoid the complications which may occur with this condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi , I am having lower abdomen sharp pain and discomfort since few months . I had a scan tests and it came normal . So , previously I suffered with IBS hence doctor prescribed me medicines and told me that I had IBS due to which I got sudden pain in my lower abs. After few days , my bowel movement got normal . But at times , I am feeling sharp , needle and prickling sensations in different places of my lower abdomen. Sometimes I am having constant sharp pain in my lowest low abdomen above urethra . I am using heat pad for relieving but it is temporary. I am facing lot of discomfort everyday and I can't live normally . I stopped exercise also because of this discomfort and health anxiety and could not do body stretch as if something gonna happen to my abdomen . Why am I feeling like this ? What's wrong with my body . I had underwent scans ,Blood tests , thyroid , iron tests all are normal . Do I need to undergo any tests ? I took urine tests also it came normal . Why am I feeling this weird pain and discomfort in my lowest abdomen.?

Female | 24

Answered on 9th Feb '25

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My sgpt shot level are high almost 3 time then normal

Male | 35

This elevated SGPT level could imply liver injury or disease. It is crucial to see a gastroenterologist to identify the exact cause. They can suggest a treatment plan which includes lifestyle modifications, medication or further testing. It is vital to take it seriously and visit the doctor right away.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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