Male | 50
Should I take Capecitabine 500mg before or after meal?
Hello Sir Can you tell me when i take Capecitabine tablets IP 500 mg before meal or after meal?

Answered on 16th Feb '25
Capecitabine should typically be taken after meals to help improve absorption and reduce potential gastrointestinal upset. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage closely. Side effects might include nausea or diarrhea, which are manageable with proper care. Always stay hydrated and consult your oncologist if you experience significant discomfort or unusual symptoms.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)
Hello, I want to know about Proton therapy. Is it better and safer than other types of radiotherapy? Are there any side-effects of this therapy?
Proton therapy is more or less similar to radiation therapy, but its approach is more targeted. It delivers proton beams at cancer cells with better precision. Therefore the risk of damaging tissues around the tumor is lower than with standard radiation.
The treatment is suitable for cancers that involve tumors near sensitive parts of the body. But still consult Cancer Treatment doctors in Mumbai, or any other city, as it is finally treating clinician's decision to decide the best treatment for patient. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother 56 yr old is a breast cancer survivor ...its been 1.5 yrs since she is cancer free ...she is suddenly facing body ache and loss of appetite similar to what she used to face after chemotherapy .what is the reason behind it
Female | 56
These symptoms could be related to the chemotherapy or may be due to another underlying condition. It is important to get a proper diagnosis from a specialist who has knowledge of her medical history and current condition. It is advisable for your mother to consult her oncologist regarding her body ache and loss of appetite.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father is suffering from cancer. He has esophagus stage 4 and lungs also affected . Now blockage are increasing and able to take liquids only. He is able to roam little bit. We are taking some ayurvedic medicine which are not working well. what are the options we have to treat him. Can we go chemotherapy to control disease.
Male | 74
Menstruation Disorders: Symptoms, Causes & More
Menstruation disorders – the menstrual cycle (menstruation) is a condition indicating a change in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. This disorder occurs in almost all women, the cause of their development can be both physiological and pathological disorders.
Before treating menstruation disorders, it is important to undergo a series of examinations, the results of which will help the doctor determine the main etiological factor and prescribe the necessary therapy.
Causes of menstruation disorders
The main cause of menstrual irregularities is considered to be hormonal dysfunction in women, which entails an unstable manifestation of bleeding. This condition can be conditionally divided into 3 main groups:
- Physiological – climate change, frequent nervous overstrain, inappropriate nutrition, menopause
- Pathological – gynecological diseases, chronic pathologies of internal organs and systems that have a negative impact on the work of the pelvic organs
- Medication – taking hormonal contraceptives, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants that can affect the menstrual cycle.
Violation of menstruation in women after 40 years is most often associated with age- related changes in the reproductive system. At this age, the depletion of the ovarian follicular reserve occurs, and the frequency of anovulatory cycles increases. Such changes in the female body are initially caused by irregular periods, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, then menopause.
In young girls, menstruation disorders is often associated with uneven maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary and ovarian systems. Less commonly, congenital or acquired syndromes, chromosomal disorders, or reproductive system abnormalities can be the cause. Regardless of the cause, the treatment of the failure of menstruation should be carried out under the guidance of a gynecologist.
Symptoms of menstruation disorders
Depending on the etiological factor, menstrual irregularities can manifest themselves in different ways, therefore, a classification of clinical manifestations has been derived in gynecology, including:
- Algodismenorrhea – accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, headaches, menstruation failure
- Dysmenorrhea – an unstable cycle, manifests itself sharply without accompanying symptoms
- Hypermenorrhea – profuse flow of menstruation with a normal duration
- Menorrhagia – the cycle lasts up to 12 days with profuse bleeding
- Hypomenorrhea – scanty spotting
- Polymenorrhea – the interval between menstruation is not more than 21 days
- Oligomenorrhea – short periods with a duration of 1 – 2 days
- Opsomenorrhea – rare discharge at intervals of 1 time in 3 months.
In addition to the main clinical signs, there may be other symptoms that worsen a woman’s well-being and quality of life:
- Increased fatigue
- Irritability
- Decrease or increase in body weight
- Pain in the lower back or lower abdomen of varying intensity
- Nausea
- Frequent headaches, migraines.
All of the above symptoms should not be ignored by the doctor, who, after the results of the examination, will be able to determine the cause, make the correct diagnosis, choose the necessary therapy, and give recommendations.
How and what to treat
When a woman has a menstrual disorder, the doctor will necessarily prescribe a number of instrumental and laboratory tests:
- Ultrasound
- Histological analysis
- Colposcopy
- Flora smear
- Dad test
- Analysis of blood, urine
- Infectious screening.
The research results will help the doctor get a complete picture, determine the cause, and, if necessary, select drug therapy.
Treatment for menstrual irregularities directly depends on the cause, concomitant symptoms and characteristics of the patient’s body. If physiological reasons are the cause, it is enough to normalize the regime of the day and rest, monitor nutrition, and avoid physical and psychological stress.
When the cycle is disrupted due to infections, inflammatory processes of the ovaries, antibacterial drugs, uroseptics, hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy are prescribed. Herbal medicine is prescribed as an aid. The choice of any drug always remains with the attending physician, who will select the required dose and duration of administration.
To regulate menstruation, doctors often advise to follow a diet, to exclude contact with any provoking factors. If the failure of menstruation occurs due to damage to the cervix, the woman may be prescribed surgical treatment.
Treatment and Prevention Tips
In order to avoid menstrual irregularities, doctors in the field of gynecology recommend women and girls to monitor their health, not to self-medicate. Every woman must follow certain rules, as well as have the necessary information:
- Girls’ periods should begin at the age of 10-14 years
- Keep a menstrual calendar
- Visit a gynecologist at least once every 6 months
- Timely treat all gynecological diseases
- Not to self-medicate, uncontrolled intake of medications
- Balance the menu
- Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Is bone cancer treatment in ayurveda available?
Female | 60
Answered on 20th Sept '24
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In August, I was diagnosed with a tumor and opt it, but it has already spread to my bladder wall. From next week my chemotherapy will start. I'm not sure if I want to go through with the chemotherapy. I did a lot of research and read a lot. I am worried about the side effects. Would you like to advise me anything?
Kindly follow the instructions of your oncologist and start treatment accordingly. Side effects of chemotherapy can be controlled and treated adequately
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My uncle name is parbhunath upadhyay,he is 50 year's old . He is suffering from squamous carcinoma . His treatment is being continue on ayurveda . He is totally week now and he break his hope for live...i need for help doctor
Male | 50
Your uncle has squamous carcinoma. It starts in flat cells. Cancer often makes people weak and hopeless. Support him emotionally and physically. Encourage Ayurveda treatment. Tell him to stay positive. Make sure he eats well and rests enough.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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My 58 year old mother has been experiencing abdominal pain and bloating for a few months now. Given our family history of ovarian cancer, we are quite worried. Could you please explain how Ovarian Cancer Detection is typically conducted for someone her age and what steps we should take next?
Female | 58
Answered on 26th June '24
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After a hysteroscopy, I was diagnosed with cancer last week. For over a year I had been bleeding and in chronic pain since December. I'm not sure which stage it is. So, I'm here. Should I visit a gynecologist ? or what? Please advise me.
I am very sorry to know your diagnosis of cancer. I would like to know your age and also how the cancer was diagnosed, was a biopsy sent, and what is the report of that biopsy? You definitely need to see a gynecologic oncologist with your biopsy reports.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My aunt got a tumor in the kidney in 2014 and found cancer. She was 35 at that time. Since then, she has been surviving with only the right kidney. She is a diabetic patient too. Last month diagnosed with some abnormality on her other kidney too. Though it was nothing severe and was treated with medicine. But we are worried that if the other kidney also gets affected, what are her survival chances?
Having only one kidney does not affect the quality of life to a very high extent, but any disease or disorder of the remaining kidney can be fatal and will require immediate treatment. The most important thing is such a scenario is regular follow ups with nephrologist and routine investigations such as blood tests and ultrasonography tests. This improves and also increases the chances of survivals.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Dear sir i am from Bangladesh my patient is suffered from Acute Leukemia (ALL) we need guide line
Male | 52
Need guide line Chemotherapy after appropriate investigation. Treatment is based of the stage and patient condition. Kindly meet a medical oncologist to guide you through the treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir, my mother aged 74 years is been diagnosed Colorectal cancer stage 4. Her adjacent lymph nodes shows metastatic carcinoma (4/5) (H/L) in her biopsy report. She already undergone an operation where some portions of her right colon is removed. Sir i want to know where is the best treatment possible in india? We are residing in Kolkata.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My was diagnosed with Tymic Cancer stage 4 6.7 cm mass in the Tymus & metastasis to both lungs.R.lung 3 cm mass L.Lung 2cm mass.Have not seen Oncologist yet.Diagnosed from Pet Scan & Lung Biopsy.Is there Treatment in this case & possible surgery after treatment.
Female | 57
Treatment options for stage 4 thymic cancer with metastasis to the lungs involve a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. See an oncologist as soon as possible to discuss treatment options.In some cases surgery may be an option after initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a patient of rectal cancer with adenocarcinoma with cignet ring cell carcinoma, and got immunotherapy in ayurvedic through oral medications also got almost cured for three months. But again rectal bleeding and severe pain started and there is wound pist radiotherapy just at bottom inside layer of anus.
Male | 33
It's possible that the wound from your radiotherapy treatment has not fully healed or that there may be other factors contributing to your symptoms. You should communicate openly with your doctor about your symptoms, concerns, and treatment history, as they will have the best understanding of your problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Female | 48
Answered on 26th June '24
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Her injury was November 06, 2021 C5 incomplete. Does she qualify for Bone Marrow therapy?
Female | 29
Bone marrow therapy is not used to treat spinal cord injuries, including C5 incomplete injuries. Treatment for spinal cord injuries focuses on rehabilitation, physical therapy, and medical management to maximize function and improve quality of life.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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dear mrs/mr my mom has UTERINE cancer , stage 3 after MRI, she received results, among large text (good results, without metastases) I have noticed something , which I don't understand, and the doctor was not very helpful, so I hope you could help me. the text (quote): '... in the pelvis, there is no lymphadenomegaly along the iliac vascular structures, visible individual oval LN tr with a diameter of up to 10 mm. Bilateral inguinal without enlarged and altered LNs...' thank you in advance!
Female | 65
You should consult with your mother’s oncologist about additional clarification and instructions for her uterine cancer in stage 3. It is recommended that a gynecologic oncologist should be visited for more management of uterine cancer.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am from Raipur. I have an ovarian cyst and the situation is very complex. My doctor referred me to gynecology oncology. But here, facilities are not advanced, and I don't know whom to consult. Can you please recommend a good oncologist for my situation?
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My brother son with cancer symptoms based on few tests like open biopsy. In his right side just above the collar bone. But doctor is telling that. He have to wait for 45 days time to get final confirmation. On this situation we have to wait. Or to find out the position shall we go to which hospital is best in tamilnadu and India also. My brother son 24 years age
Answered on 23rd May '24
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In bone marrow test 11% blast means wht
Male | 19
Bone marrow test showing 11% blasts generally suggests an increased presence of immature or abnormal blood cells. This finding may indicate potential issues with blood cell production and can be associated with conditions like leukemia. Consult a hematologist or oncologist from best cancer hospital in India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I want to know best hospital for the treatment of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma head and neck
Answered on 23rd May '24
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