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Male | 17

How Can I Relieve Headache with Nausea and Stress?

Sir, I have headache like tight band with nausea, stress and tension. Sir please give me some medicines for relief.

1 Answer

Answered on 8th July '24

You may have a tension headache. This headache feels like a tight band around the head and can cause vomiting. Common causes for these headaches include stress and tension, poor sleeping habits, or eye strain from looking at screens too much. To alleviate your symptoms, you should take some non-prescription painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Additionally, get enough rest and drink plenty of water while trying relaxation methods like deep breathing exercises or light workouts. If they don’t go away or get worse it would be best if you visited your doctor so that he could give them proper attention.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 year old male I am not sleep properly in night. I have sleeping problem.

Male | 21

In this case, insufficient sleep might make you feel fatigued and irritable during the daytime. There might be several causes of this such as stress, excessive screen time before bed, or drinking of caffeine late. Practicing relaxation techniques before sleeping as well as establishing a soothing bedtime routine and not consuming caffeine in the evening will be the best ways to enhance your sleep. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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GM.. I am suffering from pain in hips,Thigh and whole RT leg. A.Type II modic changes at L5-S1 level B.L4 -5 disk reveals defuse posterior bulge,indenting anterior thecal sac. C.L5 -S1 is reduced in height, reveals focal posterior annular tear and shoes diffuse posterior bulge with medium size broad based poterocenral and right paracentral protrusion with medium sized overlaying right paracentral disk extrusion (8x6 mm) with superior migration for 4.4 mm and interior migration for 6 mm compression interior thecal sac , right budding nerve root and encroaching neural foramina . Moderate central canal stenosis is noted at this level . Residual canal diameter is 6 mm.

Male | 52


Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have pain in my head in one side only and pain side face swelling also and some times pain side eye vision is getting dull

Female | 38

It feels like you might have sinusitis. Sinusitis can make one side of your head hurt, swell up your face, or affect your sight. This occurs when the sinuses in your face become infected or inflamed. Try putting warm wet towels on your face, drinking lots of water, and using saline nasal sprays. If it still hurts, contact a healthcare provider for further treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

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मेरो टाउको पछाडी २ दिन भो धेरै नै भारी भाको जस्तो भाको छ र टउ्को नी धेरै दुखीराको छ

Male | ३७

तपाईंले टाउकोको पछाडिको भारीपन र पीडाको अनुभव गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, यसले तनाव, मांसपेशी संकुचन, वा अन्य स्वास्थ्य समस्यासँग सम्बन्धित हुन सक्छ। आराम गर्ने, हाइड्रेटेड रहने र राम्रो निद्रा लिने प्रयास गर्नुहोस्। ताजा फलफूल, तरकारी, र समुन्नत आहारलाई प्राथमिकता दिनुहोस्। यदि दुखाइ निरन्तर रहिरह्यो वा अन्य समस्याहरू देखा परेमा, चिकित्सकसँग जाँच गर्नुहोस्। विशेषज्ञ संगको परामर्श तपाईंको स्वास्थ्यको साँचो मूल्यांकन गर्न मद्दत गर्नेछ। याद गर्नुहोस्, तपाईँको स्वास्थ्य महत्त्वपूर्ण छ, र सही मार्गदर्शनले तपाईंलाई चाँडै राहत पाउन मद्दत गर्नेछ।

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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I am a 43-year-old woman experiencing sleeplessness. I consulted a neurologist who gave me sleeping pills, but I wasn't interested in taking them. I tried setting a proper sleep schedule and reduced screen time, but there have been no improvements.

Female | 43

Setting a proper sleep schedule and reducing screen time are good steps, but sometimes additional help is needed. Since the neurologist's treatment didn't suit you, I recommend visiting a sleep specialist. They can provide personalized advice and alternative treatments to improve your sleep.

Answered on 29th July '24

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Ive been facing tingling in hands and feet also having digestive issues since 1 week, had mild headache also. And now when I fall asleep, my whole body keeps shaking, gets normal, when I move little. Yesterday got my blood reports. I have 197 VIT B12 on ref level of 211-950(acc to lab). Therfore a deficiency. Also vast deficiency in VIT D. Is it all happening because of these deficiencies? Or any other reason?

Female | 19

Your symptoms sugge­st vitamin deficiencies. Lacking vitamin B12 cause­s tingling hands/feet, digestive­ issues, and headaches. De­ficient vitamin D prompts shaky sleep se­nsations. These deficie­ncies likely cause your symptoms. To fix this, e­at vitamin B12 and D-rich foods. Your doctor may also suggest supplements to re­store levels.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I am feeling dizziness suddenly

Female | 24

There could be several reasons behind this. Perhaps you’re not taking in enough fluids or stood up too quickly. It may even be an issue with one of your ears such as an infection. The best thing to do is sit down, relax, and have a drink of water. If it keeps happening, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 30th May '24

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Just been diagnosed about a month but I believe it's been ongoing for years slowly my walking and balances off no real pain it is a chance that anything could be done to get the balance and walking better stronger

Male | 70

Consult a neurologist or a physical therapist in case you're facing severe issues in balancing and walking.There are interventions available to help improve balance and walking. These may include physical therapy exercises, gait training, assistive devices, and other rehabilitation techniques. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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