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Male | 16

Did I have a seizure in school today?

Today in school my vision went blurry for a bit and I passed out and the guy who woke me up said I was seizing up im just wondering if I had a seizure or something else and if it’s dangerous

1 Answer

Answered on 11th July '24

It might be that you underwent a seizure. Blurry vision, blacking out, and shaking may result from seizures. There are various causes of seizures such as sleep deprivation and fever. It's crucial to get an appointment with a neurologist to figure out what happened and give you the right treatment to ensure your safety and health.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I am 27 year old I have headache in right last 1 year

Female | 27

Persistent headaches can stem from various sources, including tension, migraines, or even vision issues. It's essential to consider accompanying symptoms, such as nausea or light sensitivity, to better understand your situation. Maintaining hydration, practicing relaxation techniques, and ensuring regular sleep can be beneficial. However, since you've been experiencing this discomfort for an extended period, I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and discuss tailored treatment options. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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I used tap water to flush my nose out as I was congested before realising and then about 1 hour later used boiled water as I know it shouldn’t be tap water I’m In Northern Ireland what are chances of me getting brain infection I’m worried now No symptoms it was 2 days ago when will I know if I’m clear of infection

Female | 31

Using tap water to flush your nose­ can be unsafe. Tap water may have­ bad germs. But, do not worry too much about it. Getting a brain infection from this is ve­ry rare. Since you used boile­d water later, you are like­ly safe. If you have no signs after two days, you are­ likely okay. But, look out for bad headaches, fe­ver, or stiff neck. These­ could mean infection. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My grandfather age is 69 2 month before he had a second brain stroke after 1 year of first brain stroke and after 2 second he unable speaker,unable tongue and eat food and unable to open mouth we feed him by nv tube but now he is able to open mouth and able to move tongue slowly in forward direction but tongue is tilt left side suggest what to do now for fully recovery of tongue

Male | 69

Your grandfather might be experiencing tongue problems acquired after a recent stroke. This is the term for dysphagia, which is difficulty in swallowing and speaking. Amazingly, he can now open his mouth and move his tongue slowly. For him to make a full recovery, speech therapy might be useful. Exercises and techniques help in the aspect of toning control of the tongue and swallowing, adding to the general treatment of dysphagia. 

Answered on 14th June '24

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I was having a mild UTI infection for which I did a course of k ston, rotec and cefspan for 7 days. Now UTI symptoms have recovered but I feel numbness and pain in legs and feet. My body shakes and I feel weakness I can't bend my head as it feels my body is moving back and forth. Sometimes I also feel acidity, my head and neck hearts

Female | 21

You might be suffering from some adverse reactions to the medications you took for your UTI. Numbness, pain in legs and feet, body shaking, weakness, difficulty bending your head, acidity, and headache can be the side effects of the medicines. In cases like this, the medicines might not be suitable for your body. Make sure to tell your doctor about these symptoms for him to give you the right advice.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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माझे वय 65 वर्ष आहे मला मागील 2 वर्षांपासून गुडघेदुखी चा त्रास आहे मला चालायला पण त्रास होतो आणि चालत नसताना पण म्हणजे आराम करत असलो तरी खूप गुडघे दुखतात

पुरुष | 65

नी रेपलेसमेत छान राहील .. ऑपरेशन नंतर सर्वे नॉर्मल होते

Answered on 4th July '24

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My baby was diagnosed with cp still waiting for MRI scan so I want stem therapy for her

Female | 2

CP could result from an injury to the brain before, during or after birth. Indications could be difficulty moving around, rigid muscles and lack of coordination. Although stem cell therapy is still under study, there is no enough evidence supporting its use in CP cases. Treatment plan should be guided by the results of an MRI scan. Let us wait for the scan and then we can talk about what to do next.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from Health Issues and Also Headache

Male | 23

The possible reasons may be stress, lack of water, or lack of rest, to mention a few. In this case, make yourself feel better by drinking enough fluids, eating the right nutrients, and doing calming activities like deep breathing or meditation. Sleep habits are also important. Nonetheless, if the symptoms persist you should consult a neurologist for personalized treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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My brother is 7 year old he is having epilepsy when he 3 years old but nowadays it's getting worse and he also have sensorineural hearing loss

Male | 7

It sounds like your brother is experiencing worsening epilepsy along with sensorineural hearing loss. It's important to consult a neurologist who specializes in epilepsy for proper evaluation and management of his seizures. Additionally, an ENT specialist can assess and guide his hearing loss. It's crucial to seek medical advice promptly to ensure he receives appropriate care and support.

Answered on 16th July '24

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I am 13 year old female and I have a headache and nausea. It started in the evening I cried after that I felt dizzy. I slept and when I woke up I was dizzy and nauseous. Do you know why it is like that?

Female | 13

Feeling headaches and nausea could be from several reasons. You might get this when you’re very upset or stressed because you’ve been crying a lot. Being lightheaded might also make someone feel like throwing up. Perhaps you twisted oddly in sleep or didn’t have enough to drink yesterday. Try lying down in a quiet room for some time; have a glassful of water and eat something small if possible.

Answered on 28th June '24

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Tingling and itching sensation inside of top leftside of head everytime I move my head I get a pleasurable sensation what Is it?

Male | 19

IT MAY BE SCALP PARESTHESIA If symptoms persist, CONSULT a evaluation Other possible causes include MIGRAINES, scalp infections, or NERVE DAMAGE Maintain good scalp hygiene and avoid scratching or irritating the area Consider any recent head injuries or changes in medication

Answered on 23rd May '24

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