What are the best foods to eat while on chemotherapy

Surgical Oncologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
It is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet during chemotherapy to keep your body functioning optimally. Foods that are mild in flavor, easy on your stomach, and nutrient-dense are some of the best options. Diet consisting of fruits vegetables and lot of fibers .
57 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)
My wife is suffering from breast cancer stage2or3. Out of Bhagwan Mahavir rc jaipur and max cancer care delhi which is best? Dr at jaipur is dr Sanjeev patni dr at max delhi is dr harit chaturvedi. Kindly guide hospital Bhagwan Mahavir or max delhi?
Bhagwan Mahavir Research Centre (Jaipur) or Max Cancer Centre (Delhi)are both good hospitals
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, my mother is suffering from T-cell lymphoma stage 3. Is it curable?
As per my understanding your mother is suffering from T-cell lymphoma stage 3. As per literature the survival rate for lymphoma stage III, is of 5 years in 83% of patients. But still she needs to be under observation of an oncologist. Further investigations, treatment all depends on her general condition and stage and type of cancer. Routine cytology with PET scans, and others may be required. But line of investigations is all planned according to patient's response to treatment and doctor's decision. It varies from case to case. Consult an oncologist. You may check this link and get in touch with experts having relevant qualifications - 10 Best Oncologist In India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother is Squamous cell carcinoma on the tongue for one and half year now..Please guide me for cheap treatment as we dont have much money (Name: Jatin)
Please provide with all the reports along with scans we'll try and help you partly in financially sustaining treatment through our partner NGOs. Reports are needed.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Is any free cancer treatment hospitals in Andhra Pradesh available?
Female | 49
Free cancer treatment is given in Andhra Pradesh only to those who have a domicile of origin in the state. In 2020, Andhra Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy announced the Aarogyasri scheme that aims at providing medical treatment to those whose annual income is below INR 5,00,000. The healthcare scheme will cover around 2059 medical ailments, including cancer. Beyond this, there are many hospitals in India that offer free cancer treatment to those in need. These hospitals are some of the best in the country and have a commendable record at successfully treating cancer patients every year.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How i knew i had uterine cancer?
Female | 54
If you have uterine cancer, you may notice:
- Bleeding per vaginum
- and then go ahead with USG abdomen
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father has DLBCL type of NHL along with Liver cirrhosis ,ascites and portal hypertension. Is it safe f0or him to take Chemotherapy?
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). NHL is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The main treatments are surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Surgery, Stem cell or bone marrow transplants, Sometimes combinations of these treatments may be used.
The treatment depends on many factor like stage of cancer, patient's age, his condition associated comorbidities and many other factors.
Consult oncologists, who on evaluation of the patient will guide you to choose the best treatment suitable for the patient. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mom age 49 yrs diagnosed with liver cancer And it has spread to the gallbladder. And Because Of water abdomen Is fully tight. Jaundice is very high. What will be the best treatment for her?
As per my understanding the patient is suffering from liver and gallbladder cancer, and is having ascites and high bilirubin. Ascites is definitely a complication associated with advanced cancer. Doctors may do regular paracentesis to remove this fluid. It is advisable to consult an oncologist and religiously follow his advice and do the best for the patient. Along with treatment patient may need psychological support to deal with the disease. Regular nursing and family support will help patient. Kindly consult an oncologist for evaluation. Refer this page for experts who will provide guidance - 10 Best Oncologist In India.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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. Heterogeneous Soft Tissue Nodule in the Right Lower Lobe (RLL) Size: 14 x 8 mm This nodule is described as heterogeneously enhancing, which suggests it may have varying levels of blood flow or different tissue densities within it. This could be indicative of a tumor. 2. Air Space Opacification in the Right Upper Lobe (RUL) Finding: There is patchy air space opacification with interlobular septal thickening in the posterior segment of RUL. This could represent infection, inflammation, or more concerningly, metastatic disease or lung cancer causing these changes. 3. Left-sided Pleural Effusion and Subsegmental Atelectasis Pleural Effusion: Mild left-sided pleural effusion is noted. Pleural effusion can occur in the context of metastatic disease or cancer. Atelectasis: This refers to partial lung collapse, which may occur when there is a mass obstructing the airflow or due to pleural fluid. 4. Enlarged Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Nodes Lymphadenopathy: There are multiple enlarged and necrotic lymph nodes, most notably in the right hilar region, with the largest measuring 35 x 25 mm. Enlargement and necrosis of lymph nodes can be a sign of metastatic spread. The presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum and hilum is typical of malignancy spreading beyond the primary lung site. 5. Liver Lesion Size: 14 x 13 mm lesion in the right hepatic lobe, which is well-defined and peripherally enhancing. A hypodense lesion could indicate a metastatic tumor, especially since it shows peripheral enhancement, a characteristic of some types of metastases. 6. Skeletal Lesions Multiple Lesions: There are mixed lytic and sclerotic bony lesions, some with soft tissue components. These lesions involve the vertebrae, ribs, glenoids, sternum, sacral ala, iliac bones, and femur. Soft Tissue Components: Some of the lesions, such as those in the ribs and iliac bones, have a soft tissue component, which suggests more advanced involvement, possibly indicating metastases. 7. Other Findings: No signs of emphysema, bronchiectasis, or pneumothorax were noted, which is reassuring as it reduces the likelihood of certain types of lung diseases. The liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, urinary bladder, and prostate all appear normal on imaging, which helps to rule out major issues in these organs. Impression: The findings of a heterogeneously enhancing solitary pulmonary nodule in the right lung, with associated hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, along with a hepatic lesion and extensive skeletal involvement (with mixed lytic and sclerotic lesions), strongly raise concern for metastatic disease, most likely originating from the lung. The primary lung cancer is a potential consideration, though other primary sites are also possible. Next Steps: Histopathological correlation: This means a biopsy or tissue sample should be taken from one of the lesions (pulmonary, hepatic, or bone) to confirm whether the lesions are malignant and, if so, to identify the type of cancer. This will help determine the best course of treatment. The overall picture suggests a metastatic malignancy, likely of pulmonary origin, but further investigations and biopsy are essential to establish a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan.
Male | 58
The imaging results indicate several concerning findings, including a nodule in the lung, fluid around the lungs, and enlarged lymph nodes, which could suggest a more significant issue, possibly a spread of cancer. While these findings can be alarming, they do require careful evaluation. I recommend consulting your oncologist for a thorough discussion and potential biopsy, which is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment options.
Answered on 8th Mar '25
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Can Gastrointestinal bleeding cause Colon cancer?
Gastrointestinal bleeding may be one of the symptoms of colon cancer. Consult an oncologist, who on examining the patient, may advise some tests like blood tests, stool test, colonoscopy and others, based on these test reports the doctor will come to a conclusion whether the patient is having colon cancer or not, and then will guide you to choose the best treatment suitable for the patient. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My father is diagnosed with brain tumor recently. What is the best and affordable way to treat him.
Male | 70
ThErE ArE NoT chEAP WAys.. SURGERY, RADIATION, ANd CHEmO ArE OptIONs..consulT with your doctor as sson as poOssible to get the bEST treatment plant for your father and they can help you with the brain tumour treatment cost accordingly
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 35 years old female and my stomach was bloated for 2 days then I consulted doctor who gave drips then told for a ct scan then they told its cancer other told its all spread and its stage 4 many told us not to get biopsy as it will make it more spread now the report came that cea is 0.5 and ldh is 276
Female | 35
Bloating can arise from various factors, including digestive issues or hormonal changes. The elevated LDH and the CEA levels are significant, but it's crucial to interpret these in the context of your overall health and symptoms. Consult your physician for a comprehensive evaluation and discuss the necessity of a biopsy based on your specific situation. It's essential to have a supportive team guiding your care. Remember, communication with your healthcare provider is key to navigating this journey effectively.
Answered on 21st Jan '25
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I want to know best hospital for the treatment of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma head and neck
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am suffering from squamous carcinoma near retromolar. What is the best treatment for this type cancer?
Male | 45
First Oncologist will analyze the report and depending on the stage of the cancer, If operable surgery is the treatment of choice and depending on the stage chemotherapy and radiation might also be required
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Merhaba kuzenim mesane kanseri teşhisi konuldu.doktorlar 2 ye bölünmüş durumda , bazısı ameliyattan önce kemoterapi diyor bazısıameliyattan kemoterapi diyo lütfen yardım edip aydınlatırmışız çok çaresiziz
Erkek | 46
The treatment for bladder cancer is a combination of surgery and chemotherapy. Whether chemotherapy precedes or follows surgery is dependent on the stage of the cancer. It is necessary to pay a visit to a urologist or oncologist who is a professional in the treatment of bladder cancer so that he/she can assist you more appropriately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, I have Pancreatic Cancer and it has started spreading to the liver. Which treatment will be able to increase my survival rate?
As per my understanding the patient is suffering from pancreatic cancer and now it has metastasized to liver and you want to know about the treatment. It seems the patient id suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Any cancer stage 4 does not have a good prognosis.
Treatment of cancer to a great extent depends on type of cancer, stage of Cancer, location of the cancer, general condition of patient, associated comorbidities and weighing benefits over risk. So considering these factors doctor will advise the treatment. Consult oncologists. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, how can we get information on treatment for RHABDOMYOSARCOMA that is stage 4 in a 9 year old boy?
Male | 9
Stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma is a muscle cancer that causes lumps, swollen areas, pain, and mobility issues. Rhabdomyosarcoma stems from genetics or chemical exposure risk factors. The typical treatment approach combines surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy. It's crucial to cooperate closely with the medical team overseeing his custom care plan.
Answered on 1st July '24
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I am detected with rectum cancer . I have a tumor at the tip of my anus and doctor has advised a surgery colostomy. I have got a PET SCAN done. The conclusion report of the pet scan says The known hypermetabolic primary rectal neoplasm involving mid and lower rectum. Small sized mesenteric, mesorectal and presacral lymph nodes with no significant FDG activity. Otherwise, no hypermetabolic distant metatases. I would like to know What stage is my cancer in? 1. What will be my lifetime changes after doing this surgery? 2. Is it safe to come to India during this time (COVID pendamic) to do the surgery? ( I stay out of India) 3. How long do I have to be in the hospital and in India for after care treatment ? 4. Will I need a radiation after my surgery? 5. What will be the total cost of my surgery? 6. I would like to get an appointment at your hospital for the surgery. Kindly guide me with my queries.and let me know when can I get an appointment in your hospital.
Male | 60
Oncologist can determine stage after clinical examination and reviewing of the pet scan images. he will need more details to stage the patient .
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My friend is going through cancer treatment. But the thing is, although her side-effects are decreasing there is no sign of cancer going away. Can you tell me if immunotherapy can help her? She is battling Prostate cancer and it's been 3 months now since she was diagnosed.
I think you have mistaken with the name of the cancer. A female does not have a prostate, so no prostate cancer. Consult the treating oncologists, who will guide you and help you choose the best treatment available. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How can we treat cancer inside colon with thrombosis in vine around small and large intestines by surgical, some doctors say there is no treatment in any place around the world . The only solution is left the case without any treatment because it is better. T
Female | 44
Cancer in the colon comes with challenges. It can cause blood clots in veins near the intestines. This leads to pain, swelling, and trouble going to the bathroom. Surgery removes cancer and treats clots. Some doctors say no cure exists. But options often help manage symptoms and improve your life. Talk thoroughly with your oncologist.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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Hello sir my name is sujit I have salivary gland tumors in my mouth. My pain is terrible.I am not diagnosed whether it's benign or malignant. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
For the tumors of the salivary glands in the mouth first most important study is to have a biopsy and radiographic investigations such as MRI to assess the nature of the disease whether Benign or Malignant. So Visit oncologist with your biopsy and MRI for the exact nature of the tumor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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