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what is robotic knee replacement?

What is robotic knee replacement?

5 Answers
Dr. Rajat Jangir

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

use of robots for knee replacement results in accurate implants placement and longer survival, used more specifically in extra articular deformity with osteoarthritis of knee joint.

79 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

cuts during surgery will be taken with help of robotic hands which is 100 per precise.

98 people found this helpful

Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Robotic Knee Replacemet is a good tool to make your surgery more perfect. The small marginal perfection can be achieved

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

99 people found this helpful

Dr. velpula  sai sirish

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Specialist For Stroke

Answered on 23rd May '24

robotic knee replacement surgery is done with the help of machine which is providing the safe and fast recovery with less sutures and less Hospital stay time 

75 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

Its more of robotic assisted knee replacement.
Robotic arm helps in taking precise cuts which depends on pre operative planning and intra operative adjustments.
operating surgeon is still incharge of whole surgery and bony cuts

Dr Utkarsh Pawar

86 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

Iam sufferings from serious back pain l4 l5

Male | 45

For severe back pain over the counter pain medications can provide relief. Consult a orthopedic or physical therapist for exercises and stretches from well known hospitals is advisable. Maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes, such as weight management, can also be beneficial. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalamualaikum and hello everyone my name is Ali Hamza. I am 16 year old.sir I am experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 months. Symptoms like numbness and sleepy some time. Medication Gablin, viton, frendol p, acabel, prelin, Repicort, rulling already used and now only using Viton,prelin.

Male | 16

The symptoms of numbness and sleepiness are concerning. These symptoms may be due to a problem with your nerves or spine. You must see a doctor as soon as possible for a proper evaluation. The drugs you have listed are good for the relief of pain, but if we want to know the exact reason for your symptoms, we must treat the underlying cause. Please seek medical attention promptly to address your concerns.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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I am 36 years old and i had got injured two years ago and bone of my foot was cracked and doctors bind it with plate and it was recovered but now a major infection arose in foot that cause redness in my foot and it is spreading toward leg and whole body is swelled and i am feeling pain in my chest

Male | 36

The redness, swelling, and pain spreading from your foot to your leg and chest could mean the infection is getting worse. It may be the case that bacteria attack cells resulting in a serious health condition called sepsis, characterized by the infection invading the body. This requires immediate attention. The treatment of sepsis consists of antibiotics and other medications to maintain the infection under control. To avoid any complications it is necessary to act quickly.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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Feel laziness and whole body pain,

Male | 25

Check your protein content in your diet, try to take at least 40 gm of protein every day

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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meniscuse treatmen its before 1year injury

Male | 27

Meniscus injuries can be treated non-surgically Typical care is RICE therapy. It means Rest Ice Compression And Elevation. Physical therapy is also used for healing and strengthening Surgery may be necessary for severe damage or joint instability.. Meniscectomy and meniscus repair are common procedures Recovery time may take up to 4-6 weeks Follow doctor's advice for better results..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Should I go to doctor if my knee popped and collapsed playing soccer the other day and now I have burning in my knee

Male | 17

Consult an orthopedic specialist or sports medicine doctor for proper evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage. take rest, avoid weight bearing on the knee, and apply ice until you can see a doctr..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Whenever i fastened belt and sit for office work, my eyes and face blush up & looks like such any gas is moved to my head. Hence my eyes, head feel pain & my throat dried up that i'm unable to speak. Please advise

Male | 30

Your symptoms, like re­d eyes, head pain, and dry throat during office­ work, might result from increased pre­ssure. Poor posture or restricte­d blood flow could contribute. Improve your posture, take­ breaks, and hydrate properly. If issue­s persist, consult a doctor.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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