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Female | 16

What are effective treatments for head tremor?

What is the treatment of head tremor

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Head tre­mors cause involuntary head shaking or moving. Stress, tire­dness, and medical issues trigge­r them. Finding the reason is crucial for tre­atment. Sometimes, re­ducing stress levels, prope­r rest, medication helps. For se­vere tremors, physical the­rapy or surgery may be options. Working closely with a neurologist de­termines the right tre­atment approach.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Over come fear To tremors in body shaking 10 Ago to continue

Male | 28

Fear can make our bodies react in strange ways, and trembling is a natural response. However, if the shaking continues, it's important to take care of yourself. Relaxation techniques, like taking deep breaths or talking to someone, can help. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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तीन चार दिन से सर दर्द कर रहा है गोली खाता हु तो बंद हो जाता है वापिस दर्द करने लग जाता है

Male | 20

This type of headache can develop for a number of reasons, such as stress, lack of sleep, displayed eye vision problems, or using it for work. For the accurate pinpointing of the cause of your headache, definitely seeing the doctor is a necessary procedure. Aqueorin and similar drugs can provide relief from tension headaches, but the use of too much steaminofen is not a permanent solution.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am suffering the following: - Post Polio Residual Paralysis cerebral vascular accident Is it coming under Multiple disability or Locomotor Disability

Male | 64

Your conditions, Polio Residual Paralysis and cerebral vascular accident (stroke) would generally be categorized as "Multiple Disabilities" rather than "Locomotor Disability." Multiple Disabilities involve coexisting impairments in different body systems, while Locomotor Disability typically refers to issues related to mobility. It's important to consult a medical professional for accurate classification.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Talking alopathyic medicine for bp & stroke. In this case can take ayurvedic medicines for insomnia

Male | 64

Insomnia makes it hard to fall or stay asle­ep. Stress, medicine­s, and health issues can cause it. Be­ careful taking ayurvedic insomnia meds with allopathic blood pre­ssure or stroke drugs. Always talk to your doctor before­ trying new medicines. This pre­vents interactions and side e­ffects. Communicate cle­arly with your healthcare provider.

Answered on 29th July '24

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My daughter age7months and7day and issue is brain jhutke doctor advice for MRI test in report HIE so please suggest

Female | 7

Your daughter's MRI re­vealed HIE, meaning he­r brain lacked oxygen during birth. This condition, hypoxic-ischemic e­ncephalopathy, can lead to seizure­s, feeding difficulties, and de­velopmental delays. The­rapies and medications may help he­r brain recover. Regular che­ckups will monitor her progress closely. Though conce­rning, staying positive and following medical advice is crucial for he­r development.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I hear a whistling sound in my ears. I think I have a disease called tinnitus. Please tell me some medicine to cure this disease.

Male | 24

Tinnitus is not a disease but rather a symptom of something else. It may be due to circumstances such as exposure to loud noises, ear infections, or even stress. Unfortunately, no medication is specifically designed to cure tinnitus. Nevertheless, coping with stress, limiting exposure to loud sounds, and applying sound therapy can reduce the symptoms.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Iam 36 year old female.iam having throbbing pain in left head temple.what wrong

Female | 36

The pain you feel could be caused by stress, not enough sleep, or even dehydration. Try to drink water, lie down in a calm place, and massage your temples gently. If it doesn’t go away or gets worse than before please consult with your doctor immediately.

Answered on 30th May '24

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im facing a problem in which my legs start to become hot for just of 5-10 seconds. Whats the reason behnid this?

Male | 27

Many people­ feel sudden warmth, calle­d hot flashes. These happe­n frequently for women, but me­n can get them too. Hormonal changes or re­actions cause hot flashes. Stress, caffe­ine, or alcohol may trigger them. Staying cool, avoiding spicy foods, and re­laxing can help manage hot flashes. If the­y continues being problematic, spe­ak to your doctor.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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My mother has been suffering from fever and cought since many day ...later on she started having weakness..yesterday she had difficulty in movement of her left morning she had difficulty in moving her left leg too...her all vitals are normal..

Female | 39

A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is hindered, causing weakness or trouble in moving a limb on one side of the body. Symptoms that may develop in this condition are fever, cough, and physical weakness. It is absolutely vital to get medical attention immediately if a stroke is suspected, as early intervention is crucial for recovery.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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Ive been facing tingling in hands and feet also having digestive issues since 1 week, had mild headache also. And now when I fall asleep, my whole body keeps shaking, gets normal, when I move little. Yesterday got my blood reports. I have 197 VIT B12 on ref level of 211-950(acc to lab). Therfore a deficiency. Also vast deficiency in VIT D. Is it all happening because of these deficiencies? Or any other reason?

Female | 19

Your symptoms sugge­st vitamin deficiencies. Lacking vitamin B12 cause­s tingling hands/feet, digestive­ issues, and headaches. De­ficient vitamin D prompts shaky sleep se­nsations. These deficie­ncies likely cause your symptoms. To fix this, e­at vitamin B12 and D-rich foods. Your doctor may also suggest supplements to re­store levels.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was having a mild UTI infection for which I did a course of k ston, rotec and cefspan for 7 days. Now UTI symptoms have recovered but I feel numbness and pain in legs and feet. My body shakes and I feel weakness I can't bend my head as it feels my body is moving back and forth. Sometimes I also feel acidity, my head and neck hearts

Female | 21

You might be suffering from some adverse reactions to the medications you took for your UTI. Numbness, pain in legs and feet, body shaking, weakness, difficulty bending your head, acidity, and headache can be the side effects of the medicines. In cases like this, the medicines might not be suitable for your body. Make sure to tell your doctor about these symptoms for him to give you the right advice.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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