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Male | 32

Why is my back headache with uncontrolled BP?

Headache in back side and breathing bp level uncontrol

1 Answer

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Experiencing discomfort in the back of your head, along with issues related to breath and fluctuating blood pressure, can arise from various factors such as tension, stress, or even dehydration. These symptoms might indicate the need for relaxation techniques, proper hydration, and lifestyle adjustments. However, persistent or severe symptoms warrant a healthcare consultation to explore underlying causes and receive appropriate care. It’s essential to prioritize your health and seek professional guidance from neurologist to ensure peace of mind and effective management.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (930)

Syed Rasool is my father, he has a mental problem, his memory is weak, he cannot walk again, and sometimes he has seizures and he had meningitis.

Male | 65

It sounds like he's dealing with multiple health challenges, including memory issues, difficulty walking, seizures, and a history of meningitis. Given this complex situation, it's crucial for him to receive proper medical attention and care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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He can't walk carefully he falls down,he can't set on the floor he set on chair,he can't speak clearly and he is physically so weak he 7 years old.his weight is 17kg and his height is 105cm

Male | 7

Some kids have difficulty with movement and speaking clearly. This can stem from various reasons. One possibility for a child this age is a neuromuscular disorder, which affects the muscles and nerves involved in movement and speech. It's crucial to take the child to a pediatric specialist for tests to determine the exact cause. Meanwhile, ensure the child gets plenty of rest and proper nutrition. Avoid activities that risk falls or injuries. Addressing symptoms promptly helps the child feel better and stronger.

Answered on 26th July '24

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I'm 27 years old and yesterday I had severe headache and had had a feeling of vomiting which I almost vomitted. Later took disprin and I was better.. Today I was feeling lil dizzy and was feeling hot for little bit of tim

Female | 27

You probably had a severe headache and nausea but now you are better due to Disprin. Today, you have a feeling of dizziness and fever-like symptoms. These could be the signs of a migraine. Migraines can make you experience headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and the like, having light or sound be a trigger. Do not forget to lay down, drink water, and stay away from stress and some foods to keep it from happening.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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I am 28 years male completely fit i just had blood from mouth and pain in middle of head may be due to dizziness

Male | 28

Occurrence of bleeding from gums and head aches could be frightening. Quite a few factors including like a sinus issue, injury, or even stress may result in these symptoms. Feeling of lightheadedness can be a manifestation of either insufficient blood supply or dehydration. It is important to keep a calm mind and make sure that you are well hydrated. I recommend that you keep an eye on your symptoms very closely. In case the bleeding lasts or if the pain increases, it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor as soon as possible. By implementing these strategies, we can take care of both your health and mentality.

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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Symptoms - headaches especially during day and evening with will no vomit, lack of left body coordination

Male | 17

You should visit a neurologist right away. Such complaints may suggest a neurological disorder that calls for the services of a specialist to be managed. Make no delay in getting proper medical help because the sooner the diagnosis is made the better the outcome will be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Vertigo curable ya not am suffering from vertigo then I am lying down

Female | 23

Vertigo is a sensation you or the environment around you is spinning. It can be due to structural abnormalities in the inner ear or the brain. Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, and an imbalanced stature. The therapy for the cause is vertigo which is determined by the cause. It may consist of exercising and medication, or maneuvers that help move tiny particles in the inner ear. With proper treatment, vertigo might be controlled or cured.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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My neck shaking with out my control i think it's Parkinson what to do

Male | 40

Consider talking to a neurologist one on one about all the symtoms you experience. They may prescribe tests to determine the cause. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My grandfather age is 69 he had second brain stroke after 3 month now he able to speak slow slow today he got anger and eat food by himself without ask anyone after I ask him is any problem you in eat he said no problem and easy to eat . so please doctor suggest me can we start giving him food by mouth

Male | 69

It is quite predictable for a person who had a stroke for the second time to have trouble speaking and experiencing behavior changes. The good thing is that he ate without any problem which is a way forward. His improved swallowing ability is reflected in his independent eating skills. It's necessary to lay a good basis by cutting out soft foods and liquids to avoid choking. Let him carry out the process of swallowing without being rushed. It's recommended that a speech therapist or a healthcare provider be the one to provide him with a diet plan that he must follow carefully.

Answered on 11th July '24

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I am Ibrahim, 32 years old. I fell at work and completely lost consciousness

Male | 32

Losing consciousness can occur when the brain receives insufficient oxygen or blood supply. Perhaps you sustained a head injury after falling. Signs may include feeling lightheaded, weak, or even disoriented just before losing consciousness. You should see a doctor who will examine you and tell you what to do so you do not put yourself in any danger.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have a headache in front and back side

Female | 17

Stress, dehydration, or eye strain usually cause headaches in the front and back. On rare occasions, sleeping poorly may also be responsible for this kind of headache. Drink water, rest in a calm place, or take a short break from screens, and you will feel better.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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I used tap water to flush my nose out as I was congested before realising and then about 1 hour later used boiled water as I know it shouldn’t be tap water I’m In Northern Ireland what are chances of me getting brain infection I’m worried now No symptoms it was 2 days ago when will I know if I’m clear of infection

Female | 31

Using tap water to flush your nose­ can be unsafe. Tap water may have­ bad germs. But, do not worry too much about it. Getting a brain infection from this is ve­ry rare. Since you used boile­d water later, you are like­ly safe. If you have no signs after two days, you are­ likely okay. But, look out for bad headaches, fe­ver, or stiff neck. These­ could mean infection. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I can't smell any thing I can't get any taste of food my head is paining alot

Male | 18

You se­em down about not smelling or tasting. Plus, that headache­ is tough. A cold or sinus issue might cause this. Stay hydrated. Re­st up. Try decongestants and antihistamines if ne­eded. But if it worsens or linge­rs, see a doctor.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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