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Female | 27

Could severe headache and vomiting indicate serious health issue?

I'm 27 years old and yesterday I had severe headache and had had a feeling of vomiting which I almost vomitted. Later took disprin and I was better.. Today I was feeling lil dizzy and was feeling hot for little bit of tim

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

You probably had a severe headache and nausea but now you are better due to Disprin. Today, you have a feeling of dizziness and fever-like symptoms. These could be the signs of a migraine. Migraines can make you experience headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and the like, having light or sound be a trigger. Do not forget to lay down, drink water, and stay away from stress and some foods to keep it from happening.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I have migraine aura i was concerned whether i have a blood clot in my head or not. Can u please help

Female | 21

Migraine aura involves visual disturbances before a headache, while a blood clot is a serious issue needing prompt attention. If you're worried about symptoms, talk to a neurologist to ensure an accurate diagnosis and proper care. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My grandfather age is 69 before 5 months he has second brain stroke and after second brain stroke he unable to move his tongue and unable to speak but now he able to move his mouth and tongue also and speak slowly slowly but today he gliding when drink water so please doctor suggest what to do and is any medicine which we ask for our doctor to improve his eating and drinking habit

Male | 69

The stroker or synchronized swimming effect of water can occur after a stroke due to weakness in the throat muscles. Ask the doctor if they can refer you to a speech therapist to help improve swallowing. They may also suggest safe methods for eating and drinking. 

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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My uncle met with an accident few days ago . He had a head injury. After few days he had lost his memory and also behaving aggressively

Male | 65

Your uncle may suffer from a disorder known as Post-Traumatic Amnesia (PTA) after an injury to the head. Memory loss and aggressive behavior are pervasive symptoms. It is because the main point gets violated, hence, it can be the cause of behavioral changes. Rest, avoiding stress, and patience are necessary for your uncle's recovery. 

Answered on 11th Nov '24

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Answered on 7th Jan '25

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Hello guys, I am a male 24 years old. So in early 201 9 i started to get weird symptoms than at the end develop constant feeling of all started with just sinus pressure and dizzines,but it develop in to constant unsteadiness like i am walking on a boat 24/7.It does never stop not even for a single second. It does not matter if i am laying,sitting or walking the sensation is there always.This sensation is accompanied with sort of like bouncy vision which is constant same as the unsteadiness.lts hard for me to focus on objects because i have a sensation that they are moving or bouncing.This dual sensation varies in intensity depending on the day. Those both sensation are going on for 5 years.l have developed anxiety with it and often find myself panicking over this symptoms I did an MRI scan that showed no malignat changes on the brain and a C6-C7 discus hernia and relative spinal stenosis. I also went to few ENT doctors,that recommended me to do a deviated septum surgery which i got. They said it could be to air pressure in my ears and oxygen deficiency which ultimately did not prove to be right. I went to a few neurologist that all said the same,that there is nothing wrong according to them I also went to an eye doctor who said i do not have anything wrong with my eyes despite my bouncy vision.Even when i explained my symptoms she said that she had never heard of something like this On the recommendation of my ENT doctor i did caloric test that show the next parametars: Right ear showed 2.20 and left ear showed 2.50 (keep in mind i do not know what this means) I also have checked my blood vessels on my neck to check for circulation and it came out fine I am literally out of options and i do not know what to do next. Anyone out there with simillar kind of symptoms? Can anybody give me some advice for what to do next?

Male | 24

Answered on 30th July '24

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When someone one trying to get alpha gpc for focusing on study then what dosage you give for 19 age

Male | 19

If you're considering Alpha GPC to enhance your studies, proceed with caution. A safe daily dose for a 19-year-old is 300-600 mg, but it's best to start with a lower dose for a few days to see how your body responds. While Alpha GPC may improve cognitive function, remember to maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep for overall health and focus.

Answered on 18th Oct '24

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My grandfather age is 69 one month before he has second brain stroke attack for 1 month he unable to speak and eat also unable to move tough

Male | 69

When someone has a stroke, it can affect their ability to speak, eat, and move. This happens because parts of the brain that control these things get damaged. It’s important for him to be monitored closely by medical professionals to provide proper care, support, and therapy to help him regain functions. Patience, love, and proper medical care are key in his recovery journey.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I feel very strong pressure in my head and behind my eyes whenever I lie down or sit, but it eases when I stand, and sometimes I hear a slight crackling sound or the sound of small bubbles from inside my head. I went to a neurologist and the results of the MRI determined that I had spondylosis in the cervical vertebrae and stenosis in the cervical spinal canal, and he prescribed these medications to me. baclofen 10mg twice a day antox, santanerva, celebrex 200mg once a day antodine three times a day I started treatment three weeks ago, but the symptoms are the same and there is no improvement. The doctor told me that the headache and pressure should decrease, but once the effect of the baclofen wears off, the pain and pressure return as they were. I take the medications regularly. Every time I ask the doctor, he doesn't answer me anymore, and I don't know whether to take the treatment or stop, and I know that I can't stop baclofen suddenly because it's dangerous. What should I do?? Are there medications that are better than these medications or more effective in relieving pain at least, and is there anything additional in the x-ray that the doctor did not say about? normal weight, chronic diseases: gerd

Female | 21

The pressure in your head and crackling sound may indicate a nerve issue in the neck. While the medication you're taking can help, if you're not feeling better, it's important to explore other treatment options. Don't worry about changes in your baclofen dose, but consult your neurologist before making any adjustments. You may also want to ask about other medications that could be more suitable for your condition. As for the X-ray, the doctor likely focused on the areas related to your main symptoms, which is why nothing else was mentioned.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am 42 year old, having bouts of severe headache prominently on right eyebrow and temple, severe right neck and shoulder spasm, was on gabamax nt 50 for 6 month which was advised by an orthopedic doctor. Later strtd with topomac for almost 4 months which was suggested by neurologist. Still my pain persists n it is present 24*7 , since past 1 year. When I am on medication it has reduced max till 30%. Kindly help since I still can't understand the root cause of my problem.

Female | 42

Would suggest Alternative therapy for your problem, like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping, Moxa. 
Diet recommendations would naturally heal your system along with the above mentioned therapy.
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Patient Name.Rithvika age .2 years female child ...she having neuro problem at brith time s o could you suggested me who is best children neuro Doctor in hyd

Female | 2.5

kindly visit any corporate/Government hoapital 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I survived Wernicke Korsakoff with minimal damage. Is it true that I only have 8 years to live?

Female | 53

It's great to hear that you got through Wernicke-Korsakoff with minimal issues. Don't worry; you're not limited to just 8 years. Wernicke-Korsakoff affects memory and brain function, causing symptoms like confusion, vision problems, and walking difficulties, usually due to a Vitamin B1 deficiency. Treatment includes B1 supplements and a nutritious diet. With proper care, you can live a long, healthy life.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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