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Female | 17

Can I Take Vitamin C at 17?

Can a 17 years old take vitamin c tablet?

Answered on 30th May '24

Yes, a 17-year-old can take Vitamin C tablets. Vitamin C plays a critical role in the body by keeping it healthy and boosting the immune system. If you easily get tired, prone to illnesses, or have wounds that take too long to heal, it might be an indication that you lack enough of this vitamin. You can meet your daily requirements of Vitamin C by taking tablets.

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Male | 24

Why does Erectile Dysfunction occur in 1 minute?

Erectile disfunction jldi nikal jata hai 1 minute me hi

Answered on 30th May '24

The term "erection dysfunction" refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. It can come on suddenly, taking only around 1 minute to happen. Common factors behind this condition are stress, anxiety, and specific health problems such as diabetes mellitus. To combat these issues, consider ways of reducing stress levels in your life like working out more frequently and consuming nutritious foods.

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Male | 38

Should I go to hospital after 1200 mg zinc?

My friend took 1200 mg of zink. Should he go to the hospital or will he be ok? He's sick.

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Ingesting a large dosage of zinc – let’s say 1200 milligrams – could potentially cause quite a bit of discomfort. Some signs might include feeling sick to the stomach, throwing up, having belly pains, and being weak. It would help if your pal drank plenty of water to push this surplus amount of zinc out of their system. Should the symptoms worsen or if they are extremely concerned, then it would be advisable for them to promptly seek medical attention.

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Male | 24

What to do for fingernail coming off after injury?

Hi, My little finger got injured a few days back. There was no cut or bleeding but there was pus coming from it for couple of days. I did not use any medicine. Now it heeled completely and I do not have any pain. But the fingernail is starting to come off. What should I do?

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Your finger got an infection and that’s why there was pus. The pus most likely helped to fight off the infection in your body though. Once your finger has healed, it’s common for the nail to come off occasionally. A new one will grow back. Keep the area clean and covered. However, if it looks infected again or you are worried about anything else then it’s always best to get it checked out by a dermatologist.

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Male | 17

Are my stable pea-sized lymph nodes a concern?

I have 16 pea sized lymph nodes I am 57kg my height is 5ft 10 I’ve had them for almost 2 years and they haven’t got bigger or changed I’ve had blood tests previously and they all came back fine. I do have 2 under my jaw that’s a bit bigger than a pea though. Is it a concern? I have no symptoms except bad anxiety. I am highly afraid of cancers

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Your lymph nodes not changing size or growing for two years is good. When it comes to cancer we tend to worry a lot due to anxiety. They might remain slightly enlarged sometimes. It’s usually benign but it would be prudent to get the larger ones checked by your doctor. Additionally, work on calming down your nerves because that can also be of help.

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Male | 22

Why is my epididymal orchitis pain returning despite treatment?

Hi. Im a 22 year old and had received unprotected oral sex from a woman on 18th of april this year. I have been diagnosed with epididmyl orchitis. I have received doxycycline and ceftriaxone( rocephin ) for 10 days in which my pain was gone but soon after completing medication my pain is back. My urine RE and CS reports are clear and show no bacterial growth. My urethral swab shows “ normal flora growth “ but i still have extreme pain in my scrotum. I went back to my doctor and he gave my levofloxacin for 7 days 500mg daily and anti-inflammatory medicine but that brought me no relief and i am confused on what to do.

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

This type of testicle pain normally can be from an infection or other problem. It is usually treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline or ceftriaxone but if these don’t work then further investigation is needed. More tests or different treatments might need to be done if you continue feeling unwell. However, the most important thing is to talk to a urologist constantly until they find out what will help most with this issue.

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Female | 25

Why can't my infected double J stent be removed?

I have a double j stent on the right side. It is inside dor over 10months. I have extreme pain,chills,uncomfort,problems with peeing. My doctors said that they can not take it out because i have an infection. Why is that?

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

If you have pain, chills, or discomfort and you are having a hard time peeing, this might mean that there is an infection. When stents stay in for too long they can get infected. Your doctors don’t want to take it out while there is still an infection because that would spread the infection even more. Most likely they will start by treating the infection and then see if it is safe to remove the stent.

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Female | 25

Why do I have mucus and blood in stool?

Mucus and blood in stool Vomiting if eating anything

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 30th May '24

If you have bloody stools with mucus or nausea after meals, it might mean that all is not well with your digestive system. The reasons for this could be infections, inflammation, or something else. Drinking water and eating plain food in small amounts as important. I would advise you to go to a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

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Male | 59

Why Am I Experiencing Urinary Incontinence and Lack of Hunger Post-Stroke?

Its been 5 months,post stroke treatment,urinary incontinence, not feeling of hunger

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

After someone has had a stroke, they may not be able to control their bladder and bowel movements. This can result in them wetting or soiling themselves accidentally. One of the reasons for this is that the brain may not be sending the right signals for feeling hungry either. The problem could also be due to damage from the stroke affecting this part of the brain. It would therefore help if you talked with your doctor about it. They could think of ways to help you such as through exercises or drugs. 

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Male | 77

Why Does My Father Shake Uncontrollably?

My father is 77 years old, he has shivering problem, his hands and legs shook severely, now he has no control on toilet.

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Sounds like your dad might have something called Parkinson’s. This makes hands and legs shake a lot and causes problems controlling when you have to pee. What happens is certain cells in his brain stop working right. A neurologist can give him drugs or teach him exercises to help with these things. 

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Female | 27

Could I Be Pregnant After Experiencing Nausea?

I had my period on the 10 of this month into the 13 I then was with my partner trying once again to see if on this second try I would get pregnant all sudden on Saturday May 25 I felt nausea and also not feeling myself as from them to right now I’m feeling way to tired and also nausea and eating more than I mostly did before I haven’t taken a test I feel like it’s to early but those are the symptoms as of right now the I have

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Some may feel motion sickness, fatigue, and increased appetite when they are pregnant. These signs may appear within a few days after fertilization. Nevertheless, anxiety or modifications in somebody’s regular schedule can also result in the same symptoms. To confirm if someone is pregnant they should take a pregnancy test. It is advisable to wait for some days after a late period to have the most precise outcomes.

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Female | 18

Could Red Bumps in Private Area Be Related to UTI Treatment?

So about a week ago i was prescribed some antibiotics for my UTI. He also prescribed me fluconazole in case the antibiotics he gave caused a yeast infection. I kinda noticed the antibiotics wasn’t helping bc it was still hurting when i urinate and during sexual intercourse along with it still being red down there and so i took the fluconazole last night and a few before i took it i noticed like 3 red bump like things in the left side crease of my private, i was bit scared of what it might be, i woke up it didn’t look as bad but there was a few more. it has been itching bc of the yeast infect and it hasn’t been itching these past two days but im a little nervous on what the little bumps could be. could it maybe be from the yeast infection or sweat bumps or what

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Perhaps you have a yeast infection or a fungal infection in the private area. Yeast infections can cause redness, itching, and sometimes small bumps. These bumps are most likely due to the infection and not sweat bumps. To help this, complete your prescribed fluconazole and ensure the area is clean and dry. Avoid tight clothing and wear cotton underwear. If the symptoms do not go away or get more severe, it’s always good to check with your urologist.

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Female | 59

Is Tasigna 200mg causing my thumb stiffness and pain?

I am 59 years old and since I started taking Tasigna 200mg, there has been a stiffness in my thumb. I do not know if this is related to the medication, but I have been having a stiffness, twitching, in my thumb, mostly the joints, especially in my knuckle. Sometimes it also spreads to my wrist and other fingers. Also, if it touches anything (the finger) it kind of has a sore and burning sensation.

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 30th May '24

It seems plausible that the rigidity and spasms evident in your thumb may be indicative of arthritis. Arthritis usually leads to soreness, lack of mobility, as well as a burning sensation felt at the joints around such parts as the knuckles and wrists. This could linked with the Tasigna you’re taking. To alleviate the symptoms of this condition, try doing some easy exercises, using hot or cold packs on the area or discussing potential drug changes with your physician.

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Female | 30

Am I pregnant if periods were 2 days only?

Hello, I would like to know I’m pregnant or not. I have my periods last month it was only 2days but bleed was like my normal period is there any chance I can get pregnant. I test 2 times both negative. But why do I feel like I’m pregnant or I’m just overthinking. Please help

1 Answer

Answered on 30th May '24

Having a feeling of being pregnant but continuously receiving negative results can be perplexing. Some common signs of early pregnancy are nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness. Additionally, stress or other factors can affect your menstrual cycle, causing it to be lighter or shorter than usual. It is important that you have taken tests already, however, continue watching out for any new symptoms or changes. If you are concerned, speak with a gynecologist for advice.

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Female | 19

Will my period come after taking Unwanted 72?

I am 19 year old female...I had unprotected sex on 27 April for the first time and within 45 min I took the unwanted 72 tablet and my periods are 3 days delay so when will my periods come??

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 30th May '24

Emergency contraception like Plan B can throw your cycle off whack because of all the hormones it contains. It should only be a few days late. And if it doesn’t show up within another week or two, and feel free to take that pregnancy test. 

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