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Female | Awantika

Почему моя боль в спине не уменьшилась за 2 месяца?

Привет доктор У меня болит спина уже 2 месяца. Я также принимаю меры предосторожности и обезболивающее, но улучшения нет....пожалуйста, посмотрите, что произойдет с

Доктор Дип Чакраборти

Ортопедическая хирургия

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Боль в спине может быть вызвана множеством причин, например, напряжением мышц или даже смещением диска. В некоторых случаях обезболивающих может быть недостаточно, чтобы направить вас на правильный путь. Это первый шаг к правильному лечению, поэтому я рекомендую обратиться за помощью к врачу.ортопедкоторый может помочь вам с упражнениями или физиотерапией, чтобы укрепить мышцы спины и облегчить боль. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

Having issues at the Operated side

Female | 22

Surgery side­ issues are normal. Symptoms like ache­, swell, red, or warm may appear. Infe­ction, poor healing, or other troubles could cause­ them. Rest, ice application, and doctor instructions are­ advised. If the condition worsens or intensifie­s, a surgeon check-up is crucial.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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I got fracture on ankel. it will completed 14days can I walk slowly

Male | 20

Let me suggest that you never move any weight on your ankle until it is completely healed. Even slow walking puts too much pressure on the fracture, and it can still cause more injury.Please follow your doctor's advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can foot drop be treated without undergoing surgery?

Male | 44

Yes, Electro acupuncture has given great results in treating foot drop.
Foot drop is mobility impairment of an ankle, foot and toes which causes foot drop. It is usually caused by a stroke.
Acupuncture point along with electro stimulation, combined with Moxibustion ( passing heat) showed significant improvement in the condition of the patient.
Acupuncture helps in improving motor function in patients with foot drop. Some physical exercises ( at later stages) will be given which will also help in correcting the foot drop completely.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from right hand joint pain since 4 months

Male | 67

Repetitive pain caould be due to arthritis, repetitive strain injury, or some previous injury.. Consult an orthopedic specialist or rheumatologist, for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Welche günstigen Kliniken Weltweit für die Beinverlängerung gibt es?

Male | 20

Leg-lengthening surgery is a delicate and dangerous operation that has to be undertaken by experienced specialist orthopedic surgeons. It will be better to avoid “cheap” clinics for this surgery that is not about saving money at all costs, but rather ensuring the highest level of care and expertise. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 19 year old female with a knee injury

Female | 19

You must consult an orthopedist if its a serious knee injury. if not you can try home treatment. Apply ice, take good rest, compression to reduce swelling, and take pain killers as prescribed by your doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is total cost of both knee replacement

Male | 58


Answered on 23rd May '24

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4th PP base fracture and 5th MC dislocation L hand

Male | 22

You likely e­xperienced a fracture­ in your 4th finger and dislocation of the 5th. Breaks and joint misalignme­nts can occur due to accidents or falls. Pain, swelling, re­stricted movement: the­se symptoms indicate potential issue­s. Treatment often involve­s splints or casts to immobilize affected are­as during healing. Though concerning initially, proper care­ should facilitate full recovery ove­r time.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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I had acl surgery 2 months ago , i started my rehab 1 month and 15 days a go , i relased that there is some lachman in my knee is it because my muscles are weak or because a failed surgery ?

Male | 23

I suggest that you see your orthopedic surgeon right away. Lachman is the presence of a failed surgery or weak muscles. Kindly do not waste time and contact the surgeon who operated you through ACL surgery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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