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Male | 19

Повлияет ли Даксид 50 мг на мои половые гормоны?

Привет, сэр Я приняла таблетку даксида 50 мг. Я опасаюсь побочных эффектов от таблеток. Если какие-либо проблемы с половыми гормонами изменятся.

1 Answer

Answered on 27th May '24

Даксид 50 мг может влиять на половые гормоны у некоторых людей. Они могут испытывать такие симптомы, как изменения либидо или проблемы с возбуждением. Это может быть связано с тем, что некоторые лекарства влияют на уровень гормонов в организме. Если вы заметили эти изменения, обсудите их со своим врачом. Они могут найти решение этой проблемы или при необходимости изменить ваше лекарство. Обратите внимание на то, как вы себя чувствуете, и если что-то кажется неправильным, не стесняйтесь обращаться за помощью.

40 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (353)

I was prescribed adderall and klonopins throughout most of my 20s. My doctor retired when I was 30 years old and I never got a new doctor, therefore I stopped getting my medications. I am now 40 and truly feel like I need to be back on my meds. What should I do to get prescribed my medications as soon as possible?

Male | 40

To get back on your medications, it's important to visit a psychiatrist or a general physician who can assess your current condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. Explain your medical history and the medications you were on. They will guide you on the best course of action and may restart your previous prescriptions after a thorough evaluation.

Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

My Mother is loosing her memory and she gets anxiety too she is not able to sleep she doesn't feel good she is worried all the time that she is loosing her memory she is also loosing her hair we have consulted 2 neurologists so far but nothing works out please guide us. Thanks

Female | 61

If your mother is nearly 60 do seek psychiatrist/ neurology help

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

I want to stop antidepressants medicine

Female | 35

Always consult your doctor before stopping antidepressants....Abrupt cessation can cause withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include DIZZINESS, nausea, and anxiety....Tapering off slowly is recommended. Your doctor can help you develop a tapering schedule....Stopping abruptly can lead to relapse....Relapse may cause a worsening of symptoms....Withdrawal symptoms can also occur with tapering..But tapering can help minimize the severity of symptoms....Regular monitoring by your doctor is important..........

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Doctor, our son-in-law and daughter need family counseling as they were upset, depressed, anger, misunderstanding in family life since marriage Dec2021. No understanding between them. They are living separate since Dec 2022. But Child is suffering without father. Can you please do this counseling by calling both of them together or separate on behalf of parents without telling our identity please.

Male | 30

This situation can be handled by a psychiatrist and marriage counsellor. Please book an appointment at They will arrange one on one session and also couple therapy.

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Dr. Narendra Rathi

Can u get psychiatric care online

Female | 59

Yes, you can receive psychiatric care online through telemedicine. Many licensed professionals offer virtual sessions via video calls or messaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I do not know why am I unable to sleep at nights

Female | 27

Insomnia causes difficulty slee­ping. Stress, worries, caffe­ine late in the day could disturb your re­st. Insomnia shows itself through restless nights, tossing and turning be­fore slumber, or freque­nt waking. Develop a calming routine be­fore hitting the shee­ts. Avoid those bright scree­ns too. 

Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I feel like my soul leaving my body sometimes. i suffer from memory gaps and I hear a voice in my mind

Male | 21

YOUMAY BE EXPERIENCING dissociation or depersonalization.. SEEK MEDICAL HELP .

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

6 month ago my nervologist appointed me escitalopram 10 mg Now i decrease dosage to 1/4 and symptoms like confusion,dizzines,heaviness and etc comes me back its not hard like 6month ago but still its bad and uncomfortable when will be gone withdrawal symptoms?

Male | 22

You're de­aling with withdrawal effects due to lowe­ring your escitalopram dose. Your body got accustomed to a ce­rtain amount, so changing it leads to symptoms. Confusion, dizziness, and heavine­ss may occur when the medicine­ level drops. The positive­ side is that these e­ffects typically resolve within we­eks without intervention. Try re­laxing, sleeping adequate­ly, and consulting your doctor regarding gradually reducing dosage for be­tter symptom management.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I have been taking paliperidone for the past month. I have been out of it for a couple days so I decided to take some Seroquel to help with the voices and whatnot that I have been hearing. Is there any need to be concerned about the drug interactions if I haven't had any paliperidone I close to 48 hours?

Male | 37

Switching betwee­n medicines like palipe­ridone and Seroquel is tricky. Eve­n if time passed since your last palipe­ridone dose, drug interactions may happe­n. Mixing them risks dizziness, drowsiness, and une­ven heartbeats. Consulting your doctor for pe­rsonalized advice is wise. 

Answered on 20th July '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Hello so i am a 13y old boy. Since this month i had some panick attacks and hyperventillation(i had 2 one today and one 2 weeks ago) i would ask how i can stop making having panick attacks or hyperventillation.

Male | 13

Commonly, everyone gets scared or anxious from time to time, even when experiencing panic attacks and hyperventilation. These are most likely caused by stress, fear, or anxiety. Signs are quick breathing, chest tightness, and dizziness. Apart from doing deep breathing exercises, training in mindfulness, and talking to a trustful person, can also reduce panic attacks. 

Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Mene librium 10 ki 6 tablet li hai abhi

महिला | 30

If you take 6 Librium 10 tablets at once, it is dangerous. Librium is a drug used for treating anxiety which can make you feel sleepy or confused as well as lead to shallow breathing when taken in large amounts. To avoid any negative effects, make sure to take only the dose prescribed by your doctor and contact them immediately if you believe that you have overdosed on this medicine so that they can advise accordingly.

Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Personal problem related to se..

Male | 28

Please talk to a psychiatrist. They may help you to overcome this issues

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

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