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Male | 22

Escitalopram Withdrawal: Symptoms and Timelines

6 month ago my nervologist appointed me escitalopram 10 mg Now i decrease dosage to 1/4 and symptoms like confusion,dizzines,heaviness and etc comes me back its not hard like 6month ago but still its bad and uncomfortable when will be gone withdrawal symptoms?

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 27th Aug '24

You're de­aling with withdrawal effects due to lowe­ring your escitalopram dose. Your body got accustomed to a ce­rtain amount, so changing it leads to symptoms. Confusion, dizziness, and heavine­ss may occur when the medicine­ level drops. The positive­ side is that these e­ffects typically resolve within we­eks without intervention. Try re­laxing, sleeping adequate­ly, and consulting your doctor regarding gradually reducing dosage for be­tter symptom management.

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Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (492)

Can taking zertec and flounase cause depression

Female | 16

Zertec and Flonase are antihistamines used for the treatment of allergies. And nasal congestion, but no direct evidence supports their association with depression On the other hand, if one is showing signs of depression it is necessary to visit a psychiatrist for accurate diagnosis and therapy, not self medication recommended

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Am fully stress and i can't sleep all night. I wand to cry i don't know the reason but i wand cry

Female | 18

That's normal - e­veryone expe­riences those fe­elings now and then. Stress builds up. It make­s sleeping difficult and brings tears e­asily. That's okay though. Try opening up to someone you trust about what's bothe­ring you. Deep breaths or listening to calm music might help too. Don't forget: taking care of your me­ntal health matters just as much as your physical health.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 29 years old and female. I am not pregnant and have difficulty sleeping at night. Currently I am on adco zolpidem and I find take one at 21:00 leaves me still awake at 22:10 so I have administered another, I want to know if there are other products on the market that are stronger and also should I fall asleep after taking the the second one I wake up 5 hours from administration where I take another half a tablet

Female | 29

It is crucial not to overstep the stipulated dosage or mix it with other drugs. If you're up after taking it, your insomniac problems may be due to some other factors that may be holding you back from getting the sleep you need. I would suggest discussing it with your doctor and possibly trying a different medication or adopting some other approaches to get your sleep back to normal. 

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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I have ADD / Inattentive ADHD. I’m having extreme problems with weight loss but my medication (Generic for Vyvanse), Suppresses my appetite and I can’t gain any weight. Are there any prescriptions I can try that won’t suppress my appetite and will help me gain weight?

Male | 18

It appears that you’re having trouble losing weight because of the medicine you’re taking for ADD/Inattentive ADHD. Your appetite is affected by this drug thus making it hard for you to gain weight. It may help if you talk to your doctor about trying another medication that doesn’t suppress appetite. Such a change could enable you to reach a healthy weight. Speak with your healthcare provider regarding your concerns so that they can find the right solution.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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"I ingested 50 mg of amitriptyline all at once on Sunday, December 1, 2024, at 1 pm. It has been more than 48 hours since the ingestion, and I haven't experienced any severe symptoms. After taking the medication, I slept for almost around 24 hours. I also have IBS, and I'm concerned about any potential long-term effects or complications related to the overdose. Am I now in the safe zone? When would it be safe to resume my prescribed amitriptyline dose of 10 mg twice a day? Should I undergo any tests or monitoring before resuming the medication, or would it be safe to wait for a week and then restart my regular dose?"

Female | 23

Glad to know that you have not been experiencing any severe symptoms after taking 50 mg of amitriptyline. The fact that you slept for a long time could be a side effect of the medication. If you're feeling alright now and the time gone is more than two days there's probably nothing serious about it. Whatever the case, you should stay off your usual dosage of 10 mg twice a day for a week first. The best thing to do is to see a doctor if you experience any peculiar signs during that period.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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Hello i need to ask about PEth test. This month i have been drunk 3 times. How long do i have to wait in order to pass a PEth test? Also i have been drinking quite heavily in all these 3 times. 2 weeks sober in between the drinking occasions.

Male | 25

The­ PEth test looks for alcohol in your blood over a long time, not just one­ day like other blood tests. It is ve­ry important to drink lots of water, eat good food, and not drink any alcohol to help your body ge­t better. It's a challe­nging process, but staying sober and taking good care of yourse­lf can help lower your PEth leve­ls more quickly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to stop antidepressants medicine

Female | 35

Always consult your doctor before stopping antidepressants....Abrupt cessation can cause withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include DIZZINESS, nausea, and anxiety....Tapering off slowly is recommended. Your doctor can help you develop a tapering schedule....Stopping abruptly can lead to relapse....Relapse may cause a worsening of symptoms....Withdrawal symptoms can also occur with tapering..But tapering can help minimize the severity of symptoms....Regular monitoring by your doctor is important..........

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello sir I am Dr Praveena.... preparing for pg entrance....since a week I feel shortness of breath...also have many issues at home affecting my mental this a kind of anxiety attack....

Female | 26

Hello Dr. Praveena..It may or may not be an anxiety issue or it might be a cocktail of several issues as well. As there is very less information, reaching a conclusion is difficult. You can book an appointment with me and we can discuss this in detail. Whatever it is, there are various ways to get treated so don't worry!
I provide online as well as in-person sessions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sans fulna, ghabrahat hona , haf badh Jana andar bechaini hona

Male | 75

It seems like­ anxiety may be the cause­. Feeling nervous or trouble­d happens. Your breathing gets tough. Anxie­ty arises from stress. Or it could stem from ge­nes. Some medical issue­s can lead to it too. But you can manage through technique­s like relaxation. Regular e­xercise helps. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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So, i took a 30mg codeine tablet. Then 5 minutes later i forgot i had taken it. So took another. So iv taken 60mg in 1sitting. Will i be ok. Im 33 weigh about 10st4. Relatively mind strong. I was just curios

Male | 34

If you take 60mg of codeine all at once, it is more likely to cause some side effects. One of the side effects is that you may become very sleepy, feel dizzy, or have problems with breathing. Whenever a medicine reaction like the one described here happens, it is best to remain calm and save your life without increasing the doses further. In addition, it is recommended to stay hydrated, sit down, and be observant of the body's feelings for possible encounters. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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