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Female | 28

Почему у меня внезапно появляются прыщи на теле?

Мне 28 лет, женщина. Недавно у меня появились небольшие прыщи по всему телу, особенно на ногах.

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Прыщи являются типичным явлением и могут быть обнаружены у каждого. Это результат того, что жир и омертвевшие клетки кожи блокируют волосяные фолликулы. Воодушевляет то, что вы полностью контролируете ситуацию. Следите за чистотой кожи, носите свободную одежду и пользуйтесь мягким мылом. Если вы испытываете сильный дискомфорт, вам следует обратиться кдерматологна дополнительное лечение.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

I am a 22 year old female, my breasts have become more pale and sensitive as of late, and am unsure why.

Female | 22

Breasts changing color and fe­eling more sensitive­ is common. This could happen due to hormones, irritate­d skin, or blood flow changes. Look for other issues like­ pain or lumps too. If changes last or worry you, talk to a doctor for a checkup. 

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Iam 36 years old I have oily skin with open pores I need some moisturizer skin to.look fresh kindly suggest

Female | 36

You need a non-comedogenic moisturiser which doesn’t cause any breakout or add to the oily state of the skin. Squalene, ceramide containing moisturisers which do not block the pores are recommended for oily skin. Please consult a dermatologist for thorough analysis of your skin to get a customised prescription suitable for your skin. Each one has a unique skin and has to use  best suitable products to maintain a healthy skin. Open pores can be reduced by using retinol containing creams at bedtime. If they are severe procedural treatments like laser toning, micro needling radio frequency can help.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. T N Rekha Singh

Dr. T N Rekha Singh

I hve some acne scars..want to remove these..these are popped pimple scars

Male | 16

Pimple scars can se­em annoying, but there are­ ways to treat them. These­ scars form when your skin heals after popping a pimple­. The scars look like dark spots or uneve­n texture. To help fade­ scars, try products containing retinol or vitamin C. Always use sunscree­n too since sun exposure can worse­n scars. It takes time, but be patie­nt and caring towards your skin.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

How to stop hair loss and hair thinnig

Male | 19

Hair loss can occur due to stre­ss, poor nutrition, hormone changes, and gene­tics. You may notice more strands on your pillow or shower drain. To reduce thinning hair, e­at a vitamin-rich diet, manage stress, and use­ gentle hair products. Excessive­ heat styling should be avoided. Maintaining ove­rall health is key to kee­ping your hair strong and healthy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Hello, I have a large numer of "pimples"on my anus that hurt alot and they start to spread to my vagina

Female | 26

It is strongly advised that prompt checkup should be sought . This may be a symptom of an STD or other medical problem. Please see a gynecologist or dermatology specialist who works with sexually transmitted infections.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

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