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Male | 21

Должен ли я продолжать принимать таблетки «Калькурий» при камнях в почках?

У меня началась острая боль в правой задней части, поэтому я пошел к врачу, сделал сонографию, и моя сонография показала 7-миллиметровый камень в правой почке в верхней чашечке и неровную стенку мочевого пузыря? заметил цистит pvr 5cc, затем врач дал мне лекарство, я принимал таблетки 15 дней, и теперь, через два месяца, один раз рвота, жар по ночам, боль в спине с правой стороны, небольшое жжение в моче и слабость, и я иду к врачу Бамса, и он дает мне таблетку кальция. По 2 таблетки два раза в день в течение 10 дней, но на этот раз ни лихорадки, ни рвоты, только иногда боль в правой части спины и иногда жжение мочи. Могу ли я вернуться к вкладке Калькури в той же дозе?

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Симптомы боли в спине, жжения мочи и общей слабости, скорее всего, связаны с камнями в почках. Я предлагаю вам продолжать принимать таблетки Калькури, как прописал вам врач BAMS. Пейте достаточно жидкости и соблюдайте сбалансированную диету. Если эти симптомы сохраняются или ухудшаются, очень важно обратиться за медицинской помощью. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Nephrologyy" (93)

30 year old, creatine and urea level high, diarrheas, from past 4 days. Back ache.

Male | 30

 you need to visit emergency department if your bp is more than 180/100 and having symptoms like headache for properly evaluation and management of your condition. This could be hypertensive emergency and needs immediate ecg and bp lowering medication to avoid possible complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ramit Sambyal

Dr. Ramit Sambyal

I have started having sharp pain in right back side so I go to the doctor and I did sonography and my sonography showed 7mm kidney stone at right kidney in upper calayx and irregular urinary bladder wall? cystitis pvr 5cc noted then doctor give me medicine I took tablets 15 days and now after two months Vomiting once and fever at night and back pain on right side and little burning urine and weakness and I go to the bams doctor and he give me calcury tab 2tab two time a day for 10 days but this time no fever or vomate only sometime right back pain and sometime burning urine. Do I go back to the Calcuri tab at the same dose?

Male | 21

Your symptoms of back pain, urine burning, and general weakness are likely due to the kidney stone. I suggest you to keep on taking Calcury tablets as the BAMS doctor prescribed you. Stay well-hydrated and eat a balanced diet. If these symptoms last or worsen, it's vital to get medical help. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I describe below our patient problem: 1. Suggestive of left renal mass with thrombus in left vein. 2. left paraaortic lymphadenopathy. 3. Visible part of chest shows multiple soft tissue nodules in basal segments of both lung, largest one - 3.2X 2.8 cm - suggest metastasis.

Female | 36

send reports initially

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Hello sir/mam, i have pain over left side abdomen from last 3 days, severe in morning and subsides as the day passes, fever, no burning sensation. Xray KUB is normal, Usg shows small renal cortical cyst and tiny calcific foci, features suggestive of pyelonephritis. Dr. gave me IV ceftriaxone for 10 days. Pain is still there after 2 days of treatment.What should i do for the cortical cyst ?

Male | 25

You have been experiencing pain in your left abdomen and have undergone treatment for pyelonephritis. An imaging scan showed that a small renal cyst slightly off the cortex in the kidney is the possible cause of some of your symptoms. Briefly, such cysts are usually benign and do not require treatment unless they grow or cause symptoms. In your situation, please continue to receive the necessary treatment for the infection, and they will also check the cyst to be sure it is not causing any inconvenience. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My GFR rate is 58. 73 years old. I was prescribed Herperax 800 for 5 days 4 tablets each. Whether the kidney would have been affected and if so, how long will it take to recover to original position

Male | 73

A GFR level of 58 indicates that you are in Stage 3 kidney disease. Herperax 800 has kidney side effects. Kidney problems may be indicated by the urine output changes and the swelling. To help your kidneys recover, drink plenty of water, avoid medications that harm your kidneys, and follow up with your doctor for monitoring. It can take time for the kidneys to improve, but following these steps can help.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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