Female | 26
Как долго длится период после набора MTP после образования тромбов?
Одна из моих подруг приняла комплект MTP, и в первый день у нее начались обильные менструации в течение 5 часов, после чего у нее было нормальное кровотечение до третьего дня, а после этого у нее появились пятна и небольшое свертывание крови, но это ее 8-й день, и ей грозит боль в спине и животе, иногда она не может это контролировать. Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать, пока этот период продлится, и предложите что-нибудь.

Социальный акушер и гинеколог
Answered on 16th July '24
Изменения месячных вполне нормальны. У вас может возникнуть более сильное кровотечение, чем обычно, или вы увидите тромбы. Могут быть даже легкие кровотечения или кровянистые выделения, которые сохраняются до недели и более. Кроме того, в это время будут возникать боли в спине и спазмы желудка. Чтобы облегчить боль, ваш друг может использовать грелку, принять теплую ванну, отдохнуть и выпить теплые напитки, например чай. Однако, если боль станет сильной или если она будет обеспокоена чем-то еще, связанным с ней, ей следует поговорить с ней.гинекологдля дальнейшей помощи.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3828)
Sir, I was planning a baby bt 2 days before baby planning i drank alcohole only for two days, is there a problem??
Male | 31
A two-day alcohol intake shouldn’t make any big difference in conception. But, one should take care and refrain from it while planning to conceive In case you have any pregnancy related queries or planning to have a baby feel free to consult a doctor who specializes in women’s health.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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After 45days of no periods, I had my USG that suggested PCOD with both ovaries bulky then I started on Deviry, after consulting a doctor. 2days prior to the start of medication I was involved in a protected sex for once. Now it's been 4days since last dose of Deviry, but still no periods. Is there any possibility that I might get pregnant? Please do reply
Female | 30
After taking deviry tablet to get periods you have to give at least 12to 15days for withdrawal bleed. As you had protected sex just once chances of pregnancy is less.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have recurrent vaginal itching n dryness that is very uncomfortable that comes and goes.Its been a few months and now I also have itching in anal region n it burnt once.Shud I be concerned?I never had such issues but I was diagnosed with GERD after that I hv noticed these symptoms.I am taking rablet 20 mg and antiallergic medicine
Female | 22
Vaginal itching, dryness, and anal itch happen normally. A woman must see a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment of these signs and symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm 37 weeks pregnant since yesterday I'm experiencing that my vagina is swollen bt wit no irritation...only slightly pain when I wipe after I pee
Female | 31
At 37 weeks pregnant, experiencing vaginal swelling with slight pain could be due to normal pregnancy changes. Consult your gynecologist to ensure everything is progressing well.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Today I had sex for 1st time it was just for less then a minute without a condom and spearms were not injecting inside the vergina but it both vergina a penic were wet at the time is there a chance of pregnancy
Female | 18
There can still be a chance of pregnancy. While the risk might be lower due to the short duration and no ejaculation, there's no guaranteed safe time for unprotected sex. Take a test to confirm.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I took unwanted kit pills but I took 2 tablets of misoprostrol 400 mg today n I got proper bleeding should I take 2 more tablet 400 mg again tomorrow to complete course ?
Female | 24
Don’t take more tablets tomorrow unless your doctor tells you to . Severe bleeding can result from taking more tablets. Ensure that you rest and take plenty of fluids. If you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, or any other worrying signs, seek medical help immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Been trying for 2nd baby since October, period was due thursday but didnt start until saturday (im never late) had very very mild cramps days leading up to period, now after just over 24 hours period has nearly stopped
Female | 27
Naturally, a woman may have varied menstrual patterns. But if you are having difficulty conceiving and have doubts about long unexplained periods, you should not neglect this and seek advice from a gynecologist. With any fertility concerns, a fertility specialist should be seen for more specific assessment and counseling.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I had removed fibroids n want to get pregnant now. I have been operated December 2022.
Female | 40
After having fibroids removed in December 2022, if you want to get pregnant, it's important to consult your gynecologist or surgeon for personalized advice. They will determine when it's safe for you to start trying to conceive based on your specific case and recovery progress.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 24 and had an abortion in january. It makes me very sad. Since then my period has changed. Now it lasts 8-9 days. Normally 6 days. What is wrong?
Female | 24
Your period can change after the procedure. Having your period last 6 to 8-9 days is common. This may happen due to shifts in hormones after abortion. If you have heavy bleeding or worries, talk to a gynecologist. Take care of yourself during this time.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello Mam/Sir how can we sure there is complete abortion or not i have used mtp kit recently please help me
Female | 23
To ensure the completeness of an abortion after using an MTP kit, look for symptoms like persistent bleeding and cramping. Seek a follow-up appointment with a doctor from a known hospital who may perform a pelvic examination, use ultrasound to check for remaining tissue, and monitor hCG levels through a blood test
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 19 years female and have a vaginal gas,I need help it's very painful
Female | 19
If you're experiencing vaginal gas, don't worry. It may feel uncomfortable, with pressure or pain in your lower abdomen or back, but it's generally not a serious issue. This can happen when air gets trapped, often due to things like sexual activity, certain foods, or even normal body functions. To help relieve the discomfort, try pelvic floor stretches and avoid foods that may worsen the condition, such as carbonated drinks. If the pain persists or becomes more severe, it's a good idea to consult a gynecologist for personalized advice.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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What to expect 8 weeks after a hysterectomy?
Female | 35
After 8 weeks of a hysterectomy, patients can expect to have some mild discomfort and pain. They can also expect to have some vaginal bleeding or discharge. However, it is important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your doctor to ensure proper healing and recovery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello I'm 34 Yr old woman 2 kids and husband. I had thrust a couple of months ago which was treated successfully. Since then I've started having this constant burning sensation (feels like vagina and bladder). I've had the doctor do an examination, check my urine. Please advice
Female | 34
It sounds as if you might have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs can result in burning feelings in the vagina or the bladder. Other signs can include frequent urination and pain while urinating. It’s great that you went for a check-up. A UTI can be treated by drinking lots of water and taking antibiotics prescribed by a urologist.
Answered on 7th June '24
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My period date is 17 but I want delay period due to some function
Female | 26
Periods are accompanied by symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, and tiredness. Stress and hormonal imbalance can be the reason for the irregular menstrual cycle. You can postpone your period by taking hormonal birth control pills prescribed by your gynecologist. They will help to maintain your menstrual cycle in the desired way and to push the period for a specific day.
Answered on 16th July '24
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Had sex on 11 day after period, I pill taken after 23 hours, 11 days to go their is no periods
Female | 20
It’s fine if your period is late after taking Plan B because it messes with your cycle. Some symptoms like spotting, feeling sick, or changes in the timing of your menstrual cycle are pretty normal too. Remember that stress may also cause a delay in your period so try not to worry too much about it. Everything should return to normal soon enough. If not though, then maybe think about getting a pregnancy test.
Answered on 7th June '24
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My periods bleeding has reduced in last 3 months. Usually on 2nd day i have heavy bleeding but now it's less bleeding. Why? Also whenever I have sex with my partner, I dry mid sex and unable to finish when he does. Why? Could it be because I'm obese?
Female | 31
Reduced menstrual bleeding and vaginal dryness during sex can have several causes, including hormonal changes, stress, or weight-related factors. It's important to consult a gynecologist to understand the specific reasons behind these changes and receive appropriate treatment. They can provide personalized advice and help manage your symptoms effectively.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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It's an 38 year old women having adenomyosis and her gynaecologist give her tabzyme and methix tablet for one month but the condition is not cured then she done again with ultrasound and fined adenomyosis now she wants to start again the tablets methix and tabzyme kindly suggest me if she do that???
Female | 38
You have adenomyosis. It causes heavy periods, pain in your pelvic area, and bloating. The tablets from your gynecologist help with symptoms. It was good to get another ultrasound to confirm adenomyosis. Your gynecologist may restart the medication or try other treatments based on your situation.
Answered on 19th July '24
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Pirods Leta ate hai is bar blood ke sath water aa Raha hai
Female | 21
These things can arise from different causes such as hormonal imbalances, fibroids, or even infections. It's really necessary to monitor the volume of blood and any other symptoms you may experience. Make sure to drink enough fluids and get some rest. If the problem persists, see a gynecologist as soon as possible.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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I had unprotected sex on 7th February and had ipill later. Afterwards I got my period on 19th February. I had protected sex on 26th February and again on 11 March. I am 2 days late
Female | 22
Being slightly late for your period isn't abnormal, especially during stressful times or bodily adjustments. The unprotected sexual encounter on February 7th, followed by taking emergency contraception, could impact your cycle. That might explain your delayed period. Remember, stress, diet modifications, and illness can also affect menstruation. If you're still worried, a home pregnancy test can offer clarity.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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My age is 28 and weight is 65 kg. I have pcos. I have to take medice for triggering my periods. Otherwise it won't come even for 6 months. Initially i was taking regestron for my irregular periods. Then another doctor gave meprate. After marriage doctor gave duphaston. I have low AMH 1.5. Now my periods flow is very low. What to do? Should I change tablet? And these tablets safe even if i am pregnant unknowingly. And why doctors giving diff medicines?
Female | 28
Irregular periods can feel difficult. Different bodies respond differently to medicines, which is why doctors may prescribe different things. These meds help regulate your cycle and are typically safe if you happen to be pregnant without realizing it. Since your periods are on the lighter side, you might want to discuss adjusting your medication dosage with your gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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