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Female | 30

Может ли незащищенный секс во время менструации привести к риску беременности?

У нас был незащищенный секс, у моей жены были менструации, это был ее третий день, на 4-й день у нее продолжились менструации, а также приняла нежелательные 72 в течение 20 часов, на 5-й день у нее были белые выделения, а на 6-й день снова было кровотечение?

Доктор Нисарг Патель

Социальный акушер и гинеколог

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Экстренная контрацепция, такая как Unwanted 72, может вызвать кровотечения, которые могут быть ненормальными, особенно если это происходит дважды в месяц. Белые выделения и кровотечение могут быть результатом гормональных изменений, вызванных приемом таблеток. Это позаботится само о себе. .

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)

I am 27 years old and unmarried my weight is 87 ,the fat is on hip and sides .My face don't look healthy my hairs are not growing and my body aches like pain in neck ,shoulders, arms,headache and my face don't look what supplements and medicine I should use to loose weight and maintain my health because I am unable to loose weight and sometimes glossitis is faced by my tongue ..what I should do to lose weight and gain healthy life

Female | 27

Based on your symptoms, I recommend you make an appointment with an endocrinologist who is an expert in hormonal deficiency. They may be able to discover a source of accumulated weight, such as hypothyroidism or PCOS. In the meantime, pay attention to your daily diet and regular exercise to promote overall health. Don't self-medicate with supplements or drugs without consent from a healthcare professional.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Mere vagina m left side ki ander chuban hona na race lgti jati na jldi sa kuch kiya jat dhukta or dard hota h

Female | 45

In case you have pain or discomfort in your vagina, an immediate visit to the gynecologist is recommended. This might indicate an infection, wound, or some other medical condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

I had sex few days back but now I am fecing vaginal infection (itching) etc. Please suggest

Female | 24

These symptoms are usually caused by infections. Visit your gynec to get personalized advice and they will prescribe medications, such as antifungal or antibiotic creams or oral medications, to help resolve the vaginal infection.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I am 22 years old with one week lasting period A guy was trying to force himself on me but he couldn’t have sex but he released a pre cum on me and I feel pregnant because I have not seen my period How can I test for my period without test kit maybe with over the top counter I feel bloated but the period is not coming out

Female | 22

I understand how scary it is to feel bloated and miss a period, but remember there are other explanations besides pregnancy. Things like stress, changes in weight, or hormonal imbalances can mess with your cycle too. As for your question about pre-cum, it usually doesn’t lead to pregnancy on its own. However, if you’re worried, you should buy a pregnancy test kit from the store and check for yourself.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I used ocp pill 7 days after intercourse after 7(14) days I had light bleeding and brown bleeding b. Is this a sign of pregnancy?

Female | 18

The light and brown bleeding you had after swallowing an OCP pill a week later following intercourse is not indicative of pregnancy. It is one of the common side effects related to your body due to hormonal changes which you experience when utilizing pills. However, one is advised to seek advice from their gynecologist in case they have any doubt or fear.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Can I give birth to babies if my appendix is gone

Female | 28

In case you have a vaginal birth, your chance won't be lessened by anything, not even the absence of your appendix. The appendix is a small organ in the belly that can get infected in some cases, and pain will be one of the most common symptoms that you will feel while the inflammation is going on. When the appendix is removed, there are no severe problems that can prevent your body from functioning normally. So don't worry, after the removal of your appendix, you can still go through a normal birth.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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