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Male | 23

உரத்த ஒலிகள் ஏன் என்னை மயக்கமடையச் செய்கின்றன?

ஹாய் டாக், எனது கேள்விகளுக்கு பதிலளித்ததற்கு முன்கூட்டியே நன்றி. டாக் என்னுடைய பிரச்சனை என்னவென்றால், நான் சுமை சத்தம் கேட்கும் போது நிலையற்றதாகவும் மயக்கமாகவும் உணர்கிறேன், மேலும் மூடிய அறைகளில் மற்றும் சில நேரங்களில் பேருந்துகளின் ஹாரன்கள் காரணமாக. நான் தரையில் தலைசுற்றுவதற்கு முன்பு என்னை ஓய்வெடுக்க அந்த இடத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறுவேன். இது தொடர்பாக நீங்கள் எனக்கு உதவ முடியுமா

டாக்டர் குர்னீத் சாவ்னி

நரம்பியல் அறுவை சிகிச்சை நிபுணர்

Answered on 1st Aug '24

நீங்கள் சத்தத்தால் தூண்டப்பட்ட மயக்கத்தை அனுபவிக்கலாம், இதில் உரத்த ஒலிகள் அல்லது சில சுற்றுப்புறங்கள் உங்களை சமநிலையற்றதாகவோ அல்லது மயக்கமாகவோ உணர வைக்கும். இது உங்கள் உள் காது உணர்திறன் விளைவாக ஏற்படலாம். இது போன்ற சூழ்நிலைகளில் பதட்டமாக இருப்பது முற்றிலும் இயல்பானது. சத்தமில்லாத இடங்களில் காது செருகிகளைப் பயன்படுத்தவும், அமைதியான இடங்களில் சிறிய இடைவெளிகளை எடுக்கவும். பிரச்சினை நீடித்தால், ஒரு உடன் பேச வேண்டியது அவசியம்நரம்பியல் நிபுணர்மேலும் சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டால் மேலும் தகவலுக்கு.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)

My family are on a trip to god's place and My brother got fits today like 3 times and he is behaving abnormal...what can we do?

Male | 30

Your brother may have had seizures, which are also called fits, and can make people behave strangely. There are many reasons why seizures occur – for instance, epilepsy or a high fever. If you see someone having a seizure, put them down gently on their side so that they don’t get hurt. Don’t try to hold his tongue or put anything in his mouth. Keep calm throughout this period then seek medical attention immediately after it is over. Finding out what caused him to convulse is important as well as getting him treated appropriately. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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I am 66 years old.Iam having sensorineural hearing loss since 2021.Iam not able to hear without hearing it possible to reverse my hearing.

Male | 66

Sensorineural hearing loss happens when hair cells in the inner ear are damaged. This condition is common and can't be reversed, but hearing aids can help by making sounds louder and reducing noise. It's important to protect your ears from loud noises to prevent further damage. Regular check-ups with an audiologist are essential for effective treatment.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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My daughter started having a severe headache 2 days ago with blurry and double vision and nausea. Yesterday she got it again but worse than the day before she said and this morning she had been having blood clots come out of her nose.

Female | 16

If your daughter is experiencing severe headaches, blurred or double vision, vomiting, or blood clots coming from her nose, these are something to be seriously worried about. The cause of all these might be high blood pressure, a head injury, or even a blood clot in her brain. Take her to the hospital immediately. Call an ambulance or take her to the emergency department so that they can diagnose and treat her properly. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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Pet drd ho rha hai 50+ age hai or kafi scan kara liye hai kch pra nhi lag rha

Female | 50+

People are tired for many different reasons such as not sleeping enough, stress, and underlying health problems like anemia or thyroid disease. I would recommend that he eats well, gets enough sleep, and talks to a doctor if his fatigue is not getting better because of something more serious.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have nuero mylities optica NMO DISEASE, is nmo disease affect pregnancy???

Female | 26

NMO disease is an illness that damages the spinal cord and the optic nerves. During pregnancy, NMO can have diverse effects on an individual. Some may see an improvement in symptoms, while others might experience worsening. This issue is so far unresearched, and we still haven’t got concrete answers to how childbirth affects NMO. Discuss any worries with your doctor to keep yourself and your baby safe.

Answered on 14th June '24

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Hello sir, I have a pain in my left side skul part had so many years .but now thepain gets worst...more pain...that pain passes to the left sideof ear ,eye, throat, hand also ...and one more thing left eye is getting pain and falls tears also...what is this symptoms

Female | 26

You could be undergoing a migraine experience. Migraines can bring about severe pain in the head which is usually unilateral. It can then spread from the eye, ear, throat, and sometimes even to tearing. Going through the menopause, you may have seasonal hormonal changes. Most people feel that climate change can trigger migraines. To try to avoid migraines, note what triggers to look for, practice some relaxation techniques, and get over-the-counter drugs used with guidance under the care of your doctor could be some good ideas.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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