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Female | 15

எனது ஒழுங்கற்ற மாதவிடாய்கள் மருத்துவ நிலையைக் குறிப்பிடுகின்றனவா?

எனக்கு ஒழுங்கற்ற மாதவிடாய் உள்ளது. எனக்கு மே மற்றும் ஜூன் மாதங்களில் மாதவிடாயானது ஜூலையில் தவிர்க்கப்பட்டது, பின்னர் ஆகஸ்ட் 23 இல் இருந்தது, பின்னர் மீண்டும் செப்டம்பர் 6 அன்று தொடங்கியது. எனக்கு ஏதாவது நோய் இருக்கிறதா

டாக்டர் நிசர்க் படேல்

சமூக மகப்பேறியல் மற்றும் மகப்பேறு மருத்துவர்

Answered on 9th Sept '24

மாதவிடாய் சுழற்சியின் ஒழுங்கற்ற தன்மை மிகவும் சாதாரணமானது. மன அழுத்தம், ஆரோக்கியமற்ற உணவு அல்லது ஹார்மோன் ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு ஆகியவை இதற்குப் பின்னால் உள்ள பொதுவான காரணங்கள். மேலும், அறிகுறிகள் ஒழுங்கற்ற இரத்தப்போக்கு அல்லது மாதவிடாய் இடையே நீண்ட இடைவெளியில் வரலாம். இதைப் போக்க ஒரு வழி, மன அழுத்தத்தை சமாளிப்பது, நன்றாக சாப்பிடுவது மற்றும் தொடர்ந்து உடற்பயிற்சி செய்வது. உங்களுக்கு கவலைகள் இருந்தால், அதைப் பெறுவது சிறந்ததுமகளிர் மருத்துவ நிபுணர்எந்தவொரு அடிப்படை சிக்கல்களையும் விலக்குவதற்கான கருத்து.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

I have a query regarding HPV vaccination. My daughter was taken only one dose of HPV vaccine when she was 14 yrs . We are not aware about other doses. Now she is 20 years.. so what should I do regarding her HPV vaccination ?

Female | 20

HPV is a type of virus that can lead to cancer in some cases. The good news is your daughter can get the rest of the HPV vaccine doses now. It's best to have all doses done to get maximum protection. Go to a clinic and they will tell you how to catch up on the missed doses. 

Answered on 11th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

After 2 medicine abortion by MTP kit then can I get pregnant in future.

Female | 22

The ability to get pregnant in the future after using the MTP kit for abortion, chances can vary from person to person.. In many cases, having one or two medication abortions are safe and do not affect fertility or the ability to conceive in the future. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

My girlfriend got her periods On 2nd jan.On 7th of jan i rubbed my Dick on my Girlfriends vagina. It didn't get inside but as precaution she took the unwanted 72 on 9th of jan (in 48 hours). And now on 2nd feb her periods started again but there is very low bleeding. In one hour only 3,4 times bleeds (5-6 drops of blood). What should we do now? Is she pregnant?

Female | 22

Pregnancy is not possible. Bleeding could be a side effect of the emergency contraceptive pill. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Good morning pls am two weeks pregnant and I want to remove it how will I do it

Female | 25

If you're looking to terminate pregnancy then it's imp that you consult a professional for guidance based on your circumstances. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

mujhe apne main part s white discharge hota h or kbhi kbhi bht jor s chubhan hoti h jese ki suiii gap gyi h

Female | 13

You may have a yeast infection, which often causes itching, stinging, and a white discharge. This is usually due to an overgrowth of Candida fungus. Over-the-counter antifungal creams or tablets can treat it effectively. To prevent further issues, wear loose cotton underwear and keep the area dry and clean.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I am on the pill (Yasmin) as I used get really heavy periods,cramps and a nerve pain in my right ovaries near my hip that would also travel down my leg. When I take my four day break from the pill I experience really heavy bleeding with clots and really sore cramps. The pill has not changed anything to do with the nerve pain by my ovaries. It still is the same. I’ve been to loads of doctors and they all say it’s just my period, or its normal but I feel it really isn’t. None of my friends go through pain like this ever. The cramps are worse when I am active, it’s as if its a flare up of something and activity triggers it. They get so bad I can’t walk and have to just crouch down til they go away. This cannot be normal, can it?

Female | 18

Severe pain that interferes with daily activities and is not relieved by medication or hormonal contraception.. requires further evaluation. Seek a second opinion if your think your current medication is not working for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Last year i was checked up for pcos treatment and now I am having that problem again. Can I take earlier prescribed medication for this problem without going to the gynecologist again

Female | 25

how was pcos diagnosed last time ? what are the current symptoms ? lifestyle and dietary modifications to be done , also any history of diabetes in family ? get your serum insulin levels ,serum fsh serum lh day 2 checked 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankita Mago

Dr. Ankita Mago

My periods date was on may 13 and i got a sexual intercourse on may 5. Is there is any chance of pregnancy here?

Female | 22

The possibility of pregnancy depends on the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to your menstrual cycle. Sperm can survive for several days, so conception is possible if you ovulated earlier than expected or have a shorter cycle. If you're concerned take a home pregnancy test after your missed period. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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