Female | 35
Neden Keskin Alt Karın Ağrısı Yaşıyorum?
35 Göbek deliğinin altında alt karın ağrıları olan kadın, iki taraflı(hem sol hem sağ tarafta) tek taraflı (tek taraflı ağrının oluştuğu yerde). Hem sol hem de sağ taraflar için doğrudan birbirlerinin karşısında, aynı konumu keskinleştirin ve kesin olarak belirleyin. Ekim 2021'den bu yana meydana gelen olay, sağ tarafta ilk ortaya çıktığı döneme denk geldi 2021, ilk başta bunun bir kist olduğunu düşündü. 19 Haziran 2022'deki ikinci olaya kadar (o zamanlar dönem döngüsü 8 - 16 Haziran'dı), sağ tarafta kayboldu. 25 Eylül 2022'de gitti ve bu kez sol tarafta geri döndü (Eylül 2022 için dönem döngüsü 3'ten 11'e kadardı), bu noktada sağ tarafta 7 Ocak 2023'te tekrar meydana geldi (Ocak 2023 için dönem döngüsü atlanan bir dönem) Hala beni rahatsız edenin kist benzeri bir ağrı, hatta yumurtlama ağrısı olduğunu düşünüyordum, bu yüzden jinekoloğa gittim, ağrıların yerinden dolayı kalın bağırsakla ilgili olabileceğini düşündüler. Şubat 2023'te bir ultrason çektirdim ve normale döndü. Ultrason yaptırdığım gün, sürücü izni için muayene olmak üzere medexpress'e gittim ve apandisimi kontrol etmek için önceki bilgisayarımdan tomografi istememi önerdiler. . Önceki PCP'me girmek zordu çünkü onları 3 yıldır görmüyordum ve bu yüzden kurulmamıştım. 2023 yılının Ocak ayında, Haziran 2023'te tekrar ağrı yaşadığımda, tomografi çektirmek için görüştüğüm jinekoloğa ulaştım. Sigorta tarafından onaylandı, ancak sonuçta doktor incelemesi altında reddedildi (denetleyici jinekolog ve önceki muayenem tarafından ultrasonum normal olduğu için). Daha sonra 2023 yılının Aralık ayında, ağrılarımın spazmlarla karışık ibs'den geldiğinden şüphelenen yeni bir pcpx ile bakım kurdum. Gerektiğinde günde 4 kez 10 mg disiklomin alıyorum ama ağrılar ortaya çıktığında aslında hiçbir işe yaramıyor. Farklı bir soruda sorduğum gibi pcp'im de disiklomini 45 günlük tedarik olarak değiştirdi. Ayrıca büyük safra taşı nedeniyle Mart 2024'te bir cerrahla görüştüm, çünkü doktorum bunun benim yaşımdaki insanlarda yaygın olduğunu söyledi. Cerrah bana daha önce verilenden tamamen farklı bir cevap verdi ve ağrılarımın endometriozisten kaynaklanabileceğini düşündü. Cerrah 29 Mayıs'ta kolesistektomimi gerçekleştirdi ve bu sırada genel bir inceleme yaptı ancak endometriozis bulamadı. PCP'm yine de hiçbir şeyi kaçırmadığımızı bilmek için endometriozis açısından değerlendirme yapılmasını ve ayrıca bir gastroenterolog tarafından değerlendirilmeyi önerdi. Çünkü ağrılarım hala devam ediyor. Bu ağrılar neyden kaynaklanıyor olabilir? Jinekoloji ile gastroenteroloji arasında gidip geleceğimi hissediyorum ve bunu hiç istemiyorum. Bazı yararlı bilgiler: Kan tahlillerim ve ultrasonum normale dönmesine rağmen, yeni pcp'im bana pkos tanısı koydu, çünkü düzensiz adet döngülerim ile bunun kriterlerine uyuyorum. Ayrıca cbc'm de vardı; kapsamlı metabolik panel; çölyak; tiroid; A1C; ESR; ve C-Reaktif proteinin tümü Aralık 2023'te yeni pcp'mle tanıştığımda test edildi. Anormal olarak geri dönen sadece ikisi, 34'teki ESR'm ve 29,7'deki C-Reaktif proteinimdi.

Sosyal Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Uzmanı
Answered on 13th Sept '24
Karın ağrılarınla çok şey yaşadın. Bu nedenle, normal ultrason sonuçları ve cerrahın yeni endometriozis şüphesi göz önüne alındığında, ağrınız endometriozise, yani rahim iç zarına benzer dokunun rahim dışında büyüdüğü ve döngüsel keskin pelvik ağrıya yol açabilen bir duruma bağlı olabilir. biriyle konuşmak sorun değiljinekologdaha fazla test ve tedavi hakkında. Ayrıca, bir görmek isteyebilirsinizgastroenterologAyrıca, yaşadığınız belirtilere neden olan herhangi bir bağırsak probleminin olasılığını da ortadan kaldırmak için.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)
I had a single sexual intercourse on January 16 and my LMP was on Jan 7.After wards I had done beta hcg quantitative blood test on feb 15,feb 21,feb 29,march 22 all have same value i.e <2.00 mIu/ml.I also got my periods on march 24-march 29.Medium to heavy flow with clots.Is there still any chances of being pregnant?Is pregnaancy is posotive with <2.00 beta hcg value??
Female | 24
Taking the data for granted, it is highly improbable that you are pregnant if your period starts after the intercourse and the tests for hCG beta quantitative in blood have a fixed value of 200 mIU/ml. On the contrary, consultation with a gynecologist is important in making a reliable test as well as in dealing with any issues.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Rt ovary shows anechoic shadow with cyst. - It measures: 35.0 mm x 22.7 mm x 31.9 mm Vol-13.3 ml. RIGHT OVARY ADNEXA= Rt ovary shows anechoic shadow with cyst.
Female | 17
There is a small sack filled with fluid on the right ovary according to the report. This could be because of hormone changes among other reasons. The sac might not show any symptoms although sometimes it results in pain or irregular periods. Most of these cysts will disappear by themselves but if they do not; one may need treatment from a gynecologist.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I was having non stop periods so I went to d hospital for scan it's says it's imbalance hormone so I was treated then and my period comes back to normal so it's starting again dis morning I went back I was given injection and parlodel but it's been 7 days now d bleeding doesn't stop which drugs can I take to stop d bleeding
Female | 22
Constant bleeding can disrupt things. The injection and Parlodel were prescribed to help stop the flow. However, it may need some time for the bleeding to decrease. If a full week goes by without improvement, reach out to your gynecologist again. They might suggest different meds or procedures to manage the bleeding better.
Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm having vaginal infection
Female | 22
You may be experiencing a vaginal infection, which can cause discomfort. Symptoms of a vaginal infection can include an unusual odor, itching, pain, or abnormal discharge. These infections are often caused by fungi or bacteria. To address this issue effectively, consult a pharmacist. They can recommend specific pills or creams to treat your condition, leading to noticeable results.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
On my periods i started having paiful headaches which leads to vomiting and pale face- am i anemic? I take vitamins and folic acid but it takes time to affect
Female | 37
Painful headaches, vomiting, and pale face during periods - common. Vitamins and folic acid may not work. Consult a doctor immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai
I am 23 year old female.I have 85×47mm septed cyst in left adnexa since 8 to 9 months
Female | 23
It looks like you have a growth in your left ovary area. This can make your belly feel sore or bad. This growth is a sac with liquid inside it. It grows on the ovary. Sometimes these sacs go away by themselves. But if they get big, you may need care. It is best to visit a gynecologist who treats these problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am a 24 year old female with no known health defects that I know of. Occasionally I suffer from a severe lower stomach cramp followed by severe constipation, followed by severe nausea (with throw up). One of these episodes lead me to faint. This normally happens when I'm on my period, and sometimes they don't. I am roughly 165 LBS and I'm 5'3. My diet isn't the best but it's not too shitty.
Female | 24
You look like you might be afflicted with a serious case of menstrual cycle cramps that can, in some cases, lead to constipation and nausea. Stress, as well as physical pain, can lead to a fainting spell. This pain, as well as stress, can't be relieved by following these symptoms. The symptoms can be reduced by keeping your body hydrated, eating food high in fiber, and using pain relievers similar to ibuprofen. What you want to do on your end is to get a proper consultation with the gynecologist to learn about alternative reasons and treatments.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi I have irregular period. My age 34 how to regular my periods.
Female | 34
Irregular menstrual cycles often bother many people. Frequent or infrequent periods indicate irregularities. Stressful situations, weight fluctuations, and hormonal imbalances contribute to this. Adopting healthy eating habits, exercising regularly, stress management techniques, and consulting a gynecologist assist regulation.
Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Is it normal didnt have period in 2months?
Female | 22
Typically, if you are not pregnant, missing your period for two months is not ordinary. The underlying reasons may include stress, too much exercise, hormonal imbalances, or specific medical conditions. Take note of any additional symptoms you might have and think about seeing a gynecologist. They can find out what’s causing it and give you the appropriate treatment.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
is the morning after pill aftera effective. I took after 30 hours of sex
Female | 19
The morning after pills help stop pregnancy after unprotected sex. They work best within three days but can help up to five days later. Some side effects like nausea or irregular bleeding may occur, but aren't serious. If you have severe pain or heavy bleeding, talk to a gynecologist right away.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I have been taking contraceptives for some time now and my last time of taking was December 15 I haven't had sex till now my menses came December n last month but was supposed to come last week but it didn't come. I checked for pregnancy n it was negative
Female | 27
Hormonal contraceptives do affect your menstrual cycle. Also if your pregnancy test is negative then the period delay can be due to stress, changes in weight, or certain medications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
My period blood is black and very painfull my abdomen pain and back pain my leg paim
Female | 46
Blood that is dark red can occur due to several reasons, including old blood or some medications. The pain in your abdomen, back, and legs during your period is also a quite common symptom. It might be a good idea to keep a journal of your symptoms and then discuss them with a gynecologist. They can recommend methods to help you with the pain and give you more personalized treatment.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
My periods is late 3 days and then 3rd day my very light spotting but periods not come
Female | 24
Are you experiencing a late period with very light spotting? This could have various causes like stress, hormone changes, or your daily routine changing. Sometimes, light spotting happens instead of a full period. Monitor your symptoms closely. If it keeps up, speak with a gynecologist for personalized guidance. Don't forget to drink lots of water, eat nutritious meals, and get enough rest to maintain good health and balance in your body.
Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
My girlfriend is suffering from heavy menstrual pain
Female | 19
Heavy menstrual pain is a widespread problem for many women. So many causes like fibroids, endometriosis, or irregular periods are possible. I recommend to your woman friend to see a gynecologist who will make a diagnosis and give her the right treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Last month I had sex one day before my period began and I got my period which lasted the usual duration of 4 days with normal bleeding, this month my period is 4 days late, can I be pregnant
Female | 26
As it might be that you are already pregnant. Normal intervals may also be subject to interruptions associated with stress, hormones, or weight changes. To confirm your pregnancy, I want you to meet with a gynecologist who can give you all the correct information and help you plan the course of further action.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am having spot bleeding during my periods it started on 6 th september still it haven’t stopped, 15-20 days before after unprotected sex i took ipill is it due to that?
Female | 20
Spotting or minor bleeding between periods can happen for various reasons, not just the i-pill. It could be due to hormonal changes, infections, or other medical conditions. Since you recently took the i-pill, it might have affected your menstrual cycle. It's important to monitor the bleeding and any other symptoms. Make sure to stay hydrated and get enough rest. If the bleeding continues or worsens, consider consulting a gynecologist for further evaluation and advice.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 3 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and my previous pregnancies were sound and i had normal delivery both times. Last 3 days i am having vaginal bleeding with clots and tissue like discharge. The color of blood is dark red or red-brown type. And my midwife says today that my cervix is 1cm open. I have another blood test today to make sure if i am pregnant or not, but it’s positive again. Right now i am having some financial challenges. I am feeling helpless. Please help me with your advice.
Female | 31
Bleeding with clots and tissue-like discharge, plus your cervix being partly open, is worrying. This could mean a miscarriage is happening. It's important to visit a gynecologist to figure out what's going on.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hi mam kya Ak baar sex karne ke baad dubara do saal Baad karne pr vagina S3 blood aata hai kya,?
Female | 20
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 25 year old female and I have am having problems in consieving for pregnancy
Female | 25
A few causes of infertility are an irregular cycle, lack of ovulation, problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes, and hormonal imbalances. To assist you in conceiving, we may recommend lifestyle changes, medications to enhance ovulation or fertility treatments. You can visit a fertility specialist who can guide you in the right direction.
Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Hi. My partner is male and I am female. He recently disclosed that he was diagnosed with herpes many years ago but has never had an outbreak since. So I have allowed us to have unprotected sex. Am I able to contract it even though he’s been dormant for years ?
Female | 28
Infections can be transmitted through sexual contact, even without visible outbreaks. Even if your partner may not have had symptoms for years, the virus can still shed and pose a transmission risk. Please consult a good medical facility and a gynecologist for proper evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
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