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Male | 77

Yemek borusu adenokarsinomu yemek yapışması sorununa neden oluyor mu?

Babam yemek borusuna yemek yapışmasından şikayetçi bende tomografi bulguları var. CT Taraması Göğüs Karın ve Pelvis CE: PROTOKOL CT taraması diyafram seviyesinden simfiz alt sınırına kadar elde edilen 5 mm'lik kesitlerin aksiyal görüntülerini gösterir. I/V kontrastlı pubis. Raporlama iş istasyonunda yapıldı. GÖĞÜS BULGULARI: Sağda ağırlıklı olarak iki taraflı alt loblarda çok sayıda küçük buzlu cam nodülleri görülüyor. Sağ üst lobda periferik subplevral lokasyonda küçük kalsifiye bir nodül dikkat çekiyor, muhtemelen eski kalsifiye granülom. Büyümüş kalsifiye mediastinal ve hiler lenf nodlarının en büyüğü 1,4 cm'dir. Her iki tarafta da plevral efüzyon bulgusu görülmedi. Aort ve dallarında yaygın aterosklerotik kalsifikasyonlar görülür. Kalbin görüntülenen kısımları dikkat çekici görünmüyor KARIN VE PELVİS BULGULARI: Özofagusun distal üçte birlik kısmında, gastroözofageal bileşkeye kadar uzanan yaklaşık 4,2 cm distal özofagus içeren asimetrik artan çevresel duvar kalınlaşması görülür ve bu da lümen daralmasına neden olur. Kontrast sonrası görüntülerde gelişme gösteriyor. Yemek borusu çevresindeki yağ planları korunmuştur ve komşu yapılara invazyon olduğuna dair bir kanıt yoktur. Distal periözofageal lokasyonda birkaç (2 lenf nodu) belirgin lenf nodu görülüyor. biri 7,3 mm ölçülerinde. Karaciğer, safra kesesi, pankreas ve dalak dikkat çekici görünmüyor. Her iki böbrekte de değişken boyutlarda çoklu sıvı yoğunluğu kistleri görülür; sol böbrekteki en büyüğü sol üst kutupta 2,6 x 2,3 cm, sağ kutuplar arası bölgede ise 1,2 x 1,2 cm ölçülerindedir. Her iki adrenal bez de özelliksiz görünüyor. ■Önemli asit veya lenfadenopati kaydedilmedi. Görüntülenen bağırsak yapıları dikkat çekici görünmüyor. Prostat ve idrar kesesi dikkat çekici görünmüyor. Kemikler ve omurga boyunca görüntülenen kesitler dikkat çekici görünmüyor. Kesin litik veya sklerotik lezyona dair hiçbir kanıt belirtilmedi. İZLENİM: Durum: Biyopsi ile kanıtlanmış özofagus adenokarsinomu vakası. Yukarıda ayrıntıları verilen bulgular, yaklaşık 4,2 cm distal özofagus ve gastroözofageal bileşkeyi kapsayan, lümen daralmasına neden olan asimetrik artan duvar kalınlaşmasına ilişkindir, ancak proksimal tıkanmaya dair hiçbir kanıt belirtilmemiştir. Yemek borusu etrafındaki sağlam yağ yüzeyleri ve bitişik yapılara invazyon kanıtı yok. Periözofagus bölgesinde iki belirgin lenf düğümü. Bilateral alt loblarda çok sayıda minik buzlu cam bulanıklığı nodülü.... özofagus primerinden akciğer metastazı açısından oldukça şüpheli. Mevcut taramada kemik veya karaciğer metastazına dair bir kanıt yok. Klinik korelasyona ihtiyaç duyar.

Dr samrat jankar

Cerrahi Gastroenterolog

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Babanız yemek borusuna bir tür yemeğin sıkışmasından dolayı acı çekiyor. Babanızın yaptırdığı CT taraması, onun yemek borusunda yer alan bir tür kanser olan özofagus adenokarsinomundan muzdarip olduğunu gösteriyor. Bu tür durumlar yutma güçlüğüne, göğüs ağrısına ve kilo kaybına neden olabilir. Tedavi seçenekleri cerrahi, kemoterapi ve radyasyon terapisinden oluşabilir. Onunla iletişim kurmakgastroenterolog etkili bir plana ulaşmanın en iyi yoludur.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

I will be having gall bladder operation but because of high blood sugar my operation is being general physician gave me insulin...thus my blood sugar level decreased however my sugar level again please can you recommend me a diet chart and other measures to be taken.

Male | 52

My advice would be to see a registered dietician, who could develop an individualized nutrition plan based on your needs and high blood sugar levels. Moreover, you should adhere to the doctor's directions about insulin dosage and timing as well as accurately measure your blood sugar level. In case of any doubts concerning your gall bladder surgery, consult a gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi Sir, kindly help me out to get out confusion and frustration. This is my Clinical summary -Rohan, a 29-year-old male, presented with chief complaints of reflux symptoms and severe abdominal pain persisting for the past 3 months.Sometimes diarrhea.Upon examination, his vital signs were stable. Diagnostic procedures, including gastroscopy and colonoscopy, were performed, leading to the diagnosis of a duodenal ulcer, pan gastritis and pathological findings of lymphocytic colitis. The treatment approach involved the administration of medications, as mentioned in the prescription, to manage the condition. Regular follow-up visits were recommended to monitor the progress and adjust the treatment regimen accordingly. After two and a half months of treatment, significant improvement was noted, with no abdominal pain reported, and the patient's overall well-being has improved. Consequently, the dosage of medications has been reduced. Continued monitoring and adherence to the prescribed treatment plan are necessary to ensure complete resolution of symptoms and prevent recurrence. This was my condition eight months ago. Right now I am very frustrated because of gut problem. It's paining even after following treatment and strict diet for eight months. I almost lost 8 kg. I went for second opinion My doctor told me that your ulcers are healed completely.And lymphocytic colitis was misdiagnosed. Now It's a IBS that causing the pain and not colitis.He prescribed me Librax(Clinidium+chlorobenzodioxide) along with Amixide h(chlorodizapoxide +amitryptiline) . Whenever my gut starts paining I took it and pain fade away.I am very confused about this.Stomach pain goes away and comes back. About year ago this problem has started. And just take those above medicines to cope up with pain One more thing to add here is that I was diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) few years back. I was taking escitalopram( Lexapro 10 mg)on and off prescribed by psychiatrist.But My Gastroenterologist told me to stop using lexapro as it can cause ulcer. Can you guys help me to correctly understand the disease and ways to overcome it.

Male | 29

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I eat something eaten by rat accidentally

Female | 15

In their mouths and saliva, rats carry dangerous germs. If you eat food that happened to be gnawed on by a rat, you might develop symptoms such as stomachache, vomiting, or diarrhea. Ensure that you take plenty of water to keep yourself well-hydrated then look out for any serious signs like high fever. Just in case they occur, visit a doctor who will evaluate your condition further.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My nane is Pratyush raj . My problem is my stomach is not cleared in the morning completely so that's why my whole day is wasted in thinking about it . So please help me . I am very tensed about this . I want to go washroom only one time because lack of time .

Male | 21

Some causes of constipation are a low-fiber diet, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions. Increase your water and fiber intake, regular exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Harnia operation specialist

Male | 3


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ramesh Baipalli

Dr. Ramesh Baipalli

I am a teenage female. Late last night my stomach started to hurt and throughout the night it got progressively worse. The pain is in the upper right abdomen and it radiates towards the top middle too. I’ve taken Advil but it won’t go away. What should I do?

Female | 15

You might have an issue with your gallbladder on the information I have got. It is in the upper right side of the stomach. The area on your right hip with either an inflamed or stone gallbladder might give you severe pain that will sometimes get worse and affect the upper portions of your body. Pain-healing medications like Advil will not be very effective for this type of situation. Consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and examination to get a cure for your condition.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

i drank too luch alcohol but am fine now but am concerned

Male | 21

Alcohol can harm people and be sometimes dangerous because drinking too much will make your body spin. If you drank too much but are now okay, that's good news. But, sometimes too much drinking can cause things like a spinning mind, nausea, and feeling sick. Don't forget to drink water, take a break, and eat healthy foods to help your body recover. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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