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Female | 21

هل يمكن أن يشير ألم أعلى الرسغ إلى النفق الرسغي عند 21؟

عمري 21 عامًا ومنذ أسبوع أو أسبوعين تقريبًا بدأت أعاني من آلام في الرسغ وكلما حاولت الجلوس (أدفع نفسي للجلوس بيدي بزاوية 90 درجة) وكان ذلك لدرجة أنني لم أستطع لا تمارس أي نوع من الضغط عليه. ليس لدي جبيرة معصم ولكني استخدمت تلك الضمادات المطاطية الملونة بلون الجلد والتي ساعدتني قليلاً حتى أتمكن بالتأكيد من الجلوس بطريقة أسهل ولكن الألم الآن يكون في الغالب في الجزء العلوي من الرسغ فقط عندما أقوم بالانحناء فعليًا إنه للأمام أكثر مما أفعل عادة عندما تكون يدي بزاوية 90 درجة عندما أجلس. أفترض أنه نفق رسغي ولكن ليس لدي تأمين ولا أموال لأدفعها للذهاب إلى عيادة الأطباء/الرعاية العاجلة :/

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

ربما تشعر بالاحتكاك في معصمك بسبب البلى. تسبب متلازمة النفق الرسغي بشكل رئيسي خدرًا ووخزًا في الأصابع، ولكن ليس فقط ألمًا في الرسغ. يمكن أن تسبب الحركات المتكررة و/أو الوضعية السيئة للمعصم هذا النوع من الانزعاج. للمساعدة، امنح معصميك بعض الوقت، وتجنب الأشياء التي تزيد الألم سوءًا، وارتدِ دعامات المعصم إذا لزم الأمر. إذا لم يختفي الألم أو ازداد سوءًا، فانتقل إلى أحدجراح العظام.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)

Why Achilles tendon pain?

Male | 25

Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone. Achilles tendinitis most commonly occurs in runners who have suddenly increased the intensity or duration of their runs.They may be caused by strain, overuse, injury, or too much exercise. Tendonitis may also be related to a disease such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or infection.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir have pain in left knee It was showing as acl sprain and Hyper Lesion on pcl then it mention as gamglion

Female | Ranganayagi

Your symptoms – pain, an ACL sprain – suggest one thing: there’s been some injury there. Hyperextension of the PCL or even just having a ganglion cyst could also cause trouble with movement and make things uncomfortable in general. But don’t worry – rest up that joint, apply some ice on it, and listen to whatever the doctor says needs doing.

Answered on 10th June '24

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I am 50 years old lady and suffering for heal pains, can you please advise.

Female | 50

Proven record to treat heel pain / calcaneal spur with acupuncture and acupressure.
Along with diet tips
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from knee pain . need to orthopedic

Female | 60


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pain in spinal cord from 7 years

Male | 51

Experiencing spinal cord pain for 7 years requires urgent medical evaluation. Consult a spine specialist or orthopedic doctor to diagnose the cause. They can recommend treatments, and pain management strategies, and monitor your progress.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I started having muscle pain/ache in my outer right hip area a day after I changed my everyday footwear a week ago. Pain is dull and bearable but irritating. It usually starts when walking and tends to go away slowly when sitting in a relaxed sitting position. Sometimes it also starts when sleeping. I'm not taking any medication of any kind. I'm underweight due to my lifestyle and eating habits.

Male | 24

It seems that you have muscle pain on the outside right hip region. This pain could have been caused by changing shoes. Muscles can ache if they are tense or strained. In addition, if you are too thin, your muscles may easily get tired. Put on supportive footwear, stretch gently and take a good diet so that your muscles can heal. Also, make sure to rest and avoid activities that worsen the ache.

Answered on 6th June '24

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Hi, I'm 21 years old, female and since September 2021 i have muscle weakness. It only occurs when i'm moving. When i chew, or walk too fast or if i brush my hair, my muscles get tired very quickly. if i sit or lay down in a certain position, my upper body starts getting kind of muscle ache. My muscle weakness is on my hole body, started on my neck, on my legs, arms and my upper body. When i rest, it gets better. The first symptoms occurs 3 days after i had an intoxication with crabs eye plant seeds. I have talked to my physician about it, blood test, especially muscle enzymes were normal. He said nothing further about it. I'm pretty sure, the muscle weakness comes from the intoxication, but i'm not sure what should i do now.

Female | 21

you can take some sessions of acupuncture and acupressure, also diet recommendations will be given for your weak muscles.
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Achilles tendon pops when standing on toes?

Male | 23

Achilles tendon pops when standing on toes can be caused by a number of things, including tightness in the Achilles tendon, overuse, or injury.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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4th PP base fracture and 5th MC dislocation L hand

Male | 22

You likely e­xperienced a fracture­ in your 4th finger and dislocation of the 5th. Breaks and joint misalignme­nts can occur due to accidents or falls. Pain, swelling, re­stricted movement: the­se symptoms indicate potential issue­s. Treatment often involve­s splints or casts to immobilize affected are­as during healing. Though concerning initially, proper care­ should facilitate full recovery ove­r time.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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