Dr. Rajat Jangir
Joint Replacement Surgeon
26 years of experience
Questions Answered By Dr. Rajat Jangir
Asked for Female, 47 YearsWhat is robotic knee replacement?
Answered on 23rd May '24
use of robots for knee replacement results in accurate implants placement and longer survival, used more specifically in extra articular deformity with osteoarthritis of knee joint. www.shoulderkneejaipur.com
How long does limb lengthening take?
Answered on 23rd May '24
uptill now few cases have been done for upto one feet or more in staged manner www.shoulderkneejaipur.com
Limb lengthening surgery age limit?
Answered on 23rd May '24
No age limit as such | www.shoulderkneejaipur.com
Hello doctor My age is 25 ,female . 7 years back a rod was inserted in my right leg in femer bone ,so now I want to remove it. Will it be problematic in future ?? And will my leg heal if rod will be removed.? Please answer my question ?
Answered on 23rd May '24
It is bit difficult to remove femur nail after 7 years but it can be done and better to take opinion in person. Yes this will heal after removal.
Next step: consult orthopaedic surgeon doctor
I am 25 year old male and have sprained ankle for many times during playing cricket or running etc. I have used pain relief cream but have not got any relief.what should I do now?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Your have probably injured your ankle atfl ligament many a times. It is always better to consult an orthopedic surgeon in person to get the clinical diagnosis. You may require X-rays and MRI as well. Next step: consult orthopedic surgeon.
Tips: use ice compression, not to do heat or gel
Here is one of the patient actually I did ACL surgery last 8 month ago and now my knee start paining and swelling. Here is my MRI report please once check and tell me is here serious issue.
Answered on 24th Aug '24
Pain and swelling after ACL surgery are there for initial few months only. If it’s is persistent after 8 months of ACL reconstruction surgery, it’s always better for consult knee specialist orthopedic surgeon.
Tips: use ice compression and regular Rehabilitation
Not to do: Heat or gel application on ACL operated knee
What causes thigh pain after hip replacement?
Answered on 22nd Mar '25
Data from studies indicate that thigh pain is a significant complication after successful cementless total hip replacement surgery. In most cases, reported symptoms are mild to moderate, resolve spontaneously or do not progress, and require little or no therapeutic intervention.
I am 19 years old and i have got a back injury 2days ago. I can barely sit or stand bcuz of this injury. I have applied ointment and ice bag but its still the same.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Further information needed: where is the pain and how did this injury happen? Word of caution: avoid prolonged sitting and take rest, can apply ice, avoid application of the gel. Immediately required: consult an orthopedic specialist near you.
What is the best treatment for Osteophytes with acute swelling?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Osteophyte is neither a problem nor a diagnosis. It happens in every joint with Age . Your problem might be acute flare of osteoarthritis. Please contact best orthopedic surgeon in india for better treatment
What is post-operation care for Knee Replacement Surgery?
Answered on 23rd May '24
For details you can read the article "Speedy Recovery after Knee Replacement"
Previous Saturday I fell down fell down from riksha in Tagore garden and my left leg was crushed, I was admitted to kukreja hospital and discharged on Wednesday but no relief to me. They stitched the wound but more swelling is there, no orthopedist was there, I have severe pain and can not walk. Kindly guide me what to do, I am living alone.
Answered on 23rd May '24
It is better to consult Best Orthopedic surgeon in Delhi immediately!
Hello Doctor, My knees feel like jammed. Unable to move freely. I am badminton player. Recently I had undergone treatment with ortho doctor a month ago. he said water clogged in knees. Please suggest me for better treatment. Thanks
Answered on 23rd May '24
This might be due to cartilage problem. Please get an MRI done !
I am 20 years old and I met an accident and I have injury in backbone at thoracic level about 1 year ago. Kindly tell me about recovery
Answered on 23rd May '24
you are suffering from vertebral fracture, recovery after this is multifactorial. It is better to Consult Orthopeadic surgeon in person !
Having right foot angle swelling. Very difficult to walk. MRI Scan done.} advice further
Answered on 23rd May '24
It is difficult to advice you regarding your situation as we dont have any input regarding it. Please visit top orthopedist in India for best consultation.
I have had shoulder, arms and back ache for more than a month now. How do I determine if it's a frozen shoulder?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Frozen shoulder have restricted range of shoulder motion and more pain at nights. You need to take opinion of Best orthopaedic surgeon
Knee cap is broken 2 pieces
Answered on 23rd May '24
Your case can be managed by a surgery around your knee joint . Please visit Best Orthopedist near you for exact treatment.
My leg was operated on tibia fabula one and a half year ago but now the complete is not connected what to do
Answered on 23rd May '24
Probably as per your complains you are suffering from Non Union of bones. You may require re surgery as bone grafting or Ilizarov surgery. Please consult Best Orthopedist near you for further treatment.
Do you treat.. bone diseases? I I'm going through with some different and unidentifal bone issues and since few month. Which have pain in hip bone ,finger joints, tightness in joints, wrist discomfort ness during moving, fever in the bone which gives pain and internal temperature instead external temperature of body like viral fever has. Difficulty while getting up and bending forward ,slow moves of body after waking up in morning or after lay on bed or floor for few mins to an hour. Also I feels this issue is connected with fungal infection and infection now have reached into my blood stream...I'm also facing ringworm since more then 3 years ,I'm taking medication but no effects because after few doses of medicine it occurs again on place. Ang many more.. Plz guide me to know I'm at right place and with right doctor for my issues or not,,?
Answered on 23rd May '24
We would be more than happy to help you but you have just uploaded your reports but did not mention Whats your problem ? So kindly get in touch with Best Orthopedist near you for the treatment.
I am 53 yrs old recently I had surgery from fortis hospital Post operative appearance with orthopedic device, plates and screws seen in situ. There is evidence of a persistent fracture line in the distal femoral condyle with extensions involving patellofemoral articular surface, intercondylar notch, medial and lateral condyle reaching tibiofemoral articular surface. Proximal visualized shaft of left femur shows diffuse cortical thickening, coarse trabeculation and patchy intramedullary sclerosis. Proximal end of fracture does not show any clearly demonstrable callus formation or periosteal reaction suggesting hypo/oligotrophic fracture healing. Multiple well defined small bony hyperdensities are seen within the fracture line. Extensive surrounding soft tissue stranding and fluid density seen within the intercondylar notch area. Osteoarthritic changes seen involving the knee joint with tibial spiking, marginal osteophytes, significantly reduced medial tibiofemoral joint space.
Answered on 23rd May '24
We would be more than happy to help you but you have just told your reports but did not mention What's your problem? So kindly get in touch with an orthopedic surgeon near you.
I am sahil seth i suffered lateral ankle sprain 2 years ago i did physiotherapy but haven't got any relief doing the same.. i have flat foot on which my doctor recommended me to wear customized arch support but the problem is the same please help me out.. asap..
Answered on 23rd May '24
Your problem seems quite complex, so before getting to any conclusions we need to examine you clinically as well need to review your MRI . Get in touch with one of the best orthopedic surgeon near you.
I have hip joint pain from 15 days. I am taking antibiotics after MRI report says infection in my hip joint and esr report says 42 after taking 15 days of antibiotics not getting any relief what should I have to do
Answered on 23rd May '24
Please take opinion from another orthopedic surgeon as this may require urgent surgery as well !
I am 53 years old am getting weakness in my legs and tightness of my calf’s been to a orthopedic says muscles weakness took vitamins D but no change
Answered on 23rd May '24
This problem might be due to muscle dysfunction. Please consult an orthopedist near you to get you muscles evaluated. You require long term exercise rehabilitation.
I am 19 years old and is diagnosed with disc bulge. I am a gymnast and I’m suffering from a great deal of pain in lower back and glute folds and behind the knee for about 4 years now. Also poster deformity due to severe pain. I feel like something is holding by back and pelvic region. I have tried consulting doctors, physiotherapists and all sorts of treatments but it didn’t get any better. It keep getting worse everyday.
Answered on 23rd May '24
For a proper diagnosis of your problem we need to clinically examine you and also need to see your images. Contact Top Orthopedist in Jaipur or any other in your area for better treatment.
Actually I have stiffness in my whole body from shoulder to waist and weakness and exhaustion in my body, what should I do?
Answered on 23rd May '24
These problem might be due to ankylosis spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis. You need to consult www.shoulderkneejaipur.com and then get some investigations done.