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Male | 53

I am 53 years old am getting weakness in my legs and tightness of my calf’s been to a orthopedic says muscles weakness took vitamins D but no change

1 Answer
Dr. Rajat Jangir

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

This problem might be due to muscle dysfunction. Please consult an orthopedist near you to get you muscles evaluated. You require long term exercise rehabilitation.

59 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

I am suffering from tail bone pain! I have pain because my tail bone has bent! Is there any doctor?

Female | 20

have sitz bath , use ring pillow , avoid sitting on hard surface 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello! I am Jelena from Belgrade. I have 29 years and pains started when I was 17 years. Pains from the beginning are the same, strong, and constant. I have pains while sitting, standing, walking, sleeping. I started swimming but can’t see any improvement. I have been at physiotherapist, hyperbaric therapy, and I had surgery 2 years ago in Belgrade. They told me they did a fusion surgery of the spine (L3, L4), and they decompressed vertebras and input disc but I don’t feel anything better from the surgery at all, not even 1% percent. Behalf of the same pain, I can feel one of the screws when touching its place, it causes pain while I sitting on a chair or even laying in bed. The main pain is in my lower back, from the middle of the spine down to the gluteus. Another issue I have is that I broke my coccyx and it was crookedly fused, which also makes me a pain. I have pictures of MRI and I would love to send you. I want to thank you again for your time and looking forward to your reply. I will send the MRI as soon as you say. Thanks, Best Regards, Jelena Rmus

Female | 29

The spine surgery (L3, L4 fusion) and fracture­d tailbone might be causing your persiste­nt discomfort. Let's look closely at your MRI scans to figure out what's going on. I sugge­st consulting an expert spine doctor for a thorough che­ck-up and tailored treatment plan.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I have back and neck pain Countinusly.. What is the reason.. Can't able to understand . There is no benefit of volini spray n all..

Female | 28

Back and neck pain can have various causes, including poor posture, muscle strain, injuries, degenerative conditions, and stress. Consult with a specialist for personalized recommendations for treating your pain. In the meantime trypracticing good posture, gentle stretching exercises, applying heat or cold packs, and stress management techniques may offer some relief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I'm Kay. My boyfriend diagnose with rheumatoid arthritis. he takes steroids since 4 years. Please suggest a diet plan for him. Could you please suggest me it can be affect a marriage life

Male | 32

Joint pain, swelling, and stiffness are some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Steroids can be used to reduce inflammation in the affected areas. In the case of a healthy diet, one should eat more fruits and vegetables which contain vitamins that help fight diseases. Additionally, an individual can consume whole grains such as brown rice or oatmeal since they have fiber for easy digestion. Foods with high protein content like fish or beans should also not be left out. To promote general body wellness, patients should avoid taking processed sugars and other similar products. By so doing they will be able to manage most signs related to this condition.

Answered on 11th June '24

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Sir I am 23 I have grade 2 acl tear, sir its already been 3 months now sir pls guide me on how can I heal my ACL tear naturally, should I go for prp or stem cell therapy?

Male | 23

When you have an ACL tear, it is because the ligament in your knee is overextended. In addition to resting and doing some light exercises, you should ice your knee. Although PRP or stem cell therapy could be useful for a speedy recovery, consulting with your healthcare provider on these treatments is the best way to determine the optimal care for your case. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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I diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis on feb 2024 that time my ESR was 70 and now its down to 26 whats that mean

Female | 25

An ESR test me­asures inflammation levels in your body. A lowe­r ESR reading, like 26, indicates le­ss inflammation compared to a higher value like­ 70. This suggests the inflammatory condition is relative­ly better controlled. Ankylosing spondylitis cause­s back pain and stiffness due to inflammation in the spine­. Effective manageme­nt involves staying physically active through exe­rcise routines, adhering to pre­scribed medications, maintaining a balanced die­t, and avoiding tobacco use. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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Hello sir, my mother is having severe knee joint pain. She can't walk properly, cant stand for long time. In x ray there is gap between bones. In bhopal mp dr told for surgery. Should I go for it Or it may cure by non surgical procedure

Female | 62

from scenario you mentioned it looks like your mother has osteoarthritis of knee and has been advised knee replacement.

difficult to comment without xray and patient.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I got little accident by scooty I felt 3 days before.. there is no more scratch... But my toe (leg) is swelled and bood clott got reddish patch and having pain.. please suggest me what to do.

Female | 17

You may be suffering from a blood clot in your leg as a result of the accident. Injury to the leg causes blood to pool and form a clot causing swelling, redness, and pain. This is serious because the clot may break free and travel to other parts of your body. Elevate your leg above your heart, apply ice, and take a break. When the pain persists or becomes severe, go to the nearest hospital immediately.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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