Female | 21
Une douleur au sommet du poignet pourrait-elle indiquer un canal carpien à 21 ans ?
j'ai 21 ans et il y a environ une semaine ou deux, j'ai commencé à avoir des douleurs au poignet et chaque fois que j'essayais de m'asseoir (je me redresse pour m'asseoir avec mes mains comme un angle de 90°) et c'était au point que je pouvais Je ne mets AUCUN type de pression dessus. Je n'ai pas d'attelle de poignet, mais j'ai utilisé ces bandages d'étirement de couleur peau qui m'ont un peu aidé, donc je peux certainement m'asseoir beaucoup plus facilement, mais maintenant la douleur est principalement juste au sommet du poignet lorsque je me penche. il est plus en avant que d'habitude lorsque mes mains forment un angle de 90° lorsque je m'assois. je suppose que c'est le canal carpien mais je n'ai ni assurance ni argent pour aller chez un médecin/soins d'urgence :/

Chirurgie orthopédique
Answered on 10th Sept '24
Vous ressentez une friction dans votre poignet, probablement à cause de l'usure. Le syndrome du canal carpien provoque principalement des engourdissements et des picotements dans les doigts mais pas seulement des douleurs au poignet. Des mouvements répétitifs et/ou un mauvais positionnement du poignet peuvent provoquer ce type d’inconfort. Pour vous aider, donnez un peu de répit à vos poignets, évitez les choses qui aggravent la douleur et portez un support de poignet si nécessaire. Si la douleur ne disparaît pas ou s'aggrave, rendez-vous dans unorthopédiste.
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)
Why do I have a bony lump on top of my left shoulder?
Female | 30
That bony lump is likely an "acromial spur." It happens from wear and tear on your shoulder joint. You might feel pain when moving your arm or raising it up high. To help with discomfort, try gentle shoulder exercises. Also, apply ice to reduce swelling. If the pain continues, see a physiotherapist for guidance. They can advise on ways to manage the condition.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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Why Achilles tendon pain?
Male | 25
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir have pain in left knee It was showing as acl sprain and Hyper Lesion on pcl then it mention as gamglion
Female | Ranganayagi
Your symptoms – pain, an ACL sprain – suggest one thing: there’s been some injury there. Hyperextension of the PCL or even just having a ganglion cyst could also cause trouble with movement and make things uncomfortable in general. But don’t worry – rest up that joint, apply some ice on it, and listen to whatever the doctor says needs doing.
Answered on 10th June '24
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Previous Saturday I fell down fell down from riksha in Tagore garden and my left leg was crushed, I was admitted to kukreja hospital and discharged on Wednesday but no relief to me. They stitched the wound but more swelling is there, no orthopedist was there, I have severe pain and can not walk. Kindly guide me what to do, I am living alone.
Female | 64
It is better to consult Best Orthopedic surgeon in Delhi immediately!
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to increas disk space between L5 and S1
Female | 21
There is lesser space between the L5 and S1 vertebrae which contributes to back pain and leg pain. This is mainly due to aging or a slipped disc. You can create more room by strengthening your core muscles that support the spine. Additionally, proper posture and regular physical activity are important in relieving the pressure on these vertebrae. You can also visit an orthopedist for further treatment.
Answered on 28th May '24
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Hi, I am 63 years old. I have persistent pain in both knee joints. Can I go for stem cell transplant? Will it help?
Stem cell therapy is definitely showing promising and great results, but is under research and still not FDA approved. So please consult an orthopedic for further treatment options, this page may help - Best Orthopedic Doctor in India. Hope this answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 50 years old lady and suffering for heal pains, can you please advise.
Female | 50
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Suffering from knee pain . need to orthopedic
Female | 60
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Pain in spinal cord from 7 years
Male | 51
Experiencing spinal cord pain for 7 years requires urgent medical evaluation. Consult a spine specialist or orthopedic doctor to diagnose the cause. They can recommend treatments, and pain management strategies, and monitor your progress.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What should do for knee pain
Female | 49
For knee pain, it is important to rest and avoid activities that strain the knee. Applying ice packs, using a compression bandage, and keeping the knee elevated can help reduce pain and swelling. However, it’s best to consult an orthopedic doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your condition.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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Sir I have not achieving my puberty I think and I never gain weight my body has less muscle and my bones are also thin
Male | 18
Delayed puberty requires consultation with an Endocrinologist. For muscle and bone issues, a visit to the Nutritionist Orthopedic specialist is recommended.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I hurt my big toe at football practice, it hurts and is bent a bit inwards like a little tilt, please help me
Male | 18
A sprained big toe might cause it to bend a bit and make it painful. Swelling up, making walking difficult too. This often happens from twisting or hitting the toe hard. Ice, rest, elevation, and pain meds may help ease things. But if it doesn't get better, see an orthopedist.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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I am 21 years old . I have Scoliosis s curved shape and the back bone touched to my hipbone I don’t have any pain but I’m stressed about it
Male | 21
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine is curved sideways. Some of the symptoms include one hip appearing higher than the other or a lean body. To cope with it regular exercise and check-ups with your orthopedist can make the difference.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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I am 30 year old man having pain in left leg near calf for 2 months I think I test for colour Doppler
Male | 30
One of the reasons for this might be the improper flow of blood through your leg, but there are a lot of different causes for this at the same time. A color Doppler is a test that can be done, in general, to detect any abnormalities. The most important thing is to visit an orthopedist who will diagnose and treat you properly, so don't take this lightly.
Answered on 21st June '24
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I started having muscle pain/ache in my outer right hip area a day after I changed my everyday footwear a week ago. Pain is dull and bearable but irritating. It usually starts when walking and tends to go away slowly when sitting in a relaxed sitting position. Sometimes it also starts when sleeping. I'm not taking any medication of any kind. I'm underweight due to my lifestyle and eating habits.
Male | 24
It seems that you have muscle pain on the outside right hip region. This pain could have been caused by changing shoes. Muscles can ache if they are tense or strained. In addition, if you are too thin, your muscles may easily get tired. Put on supportive footwear, stretch gently and take a good diet so that your muscles can heal. Also, make sure to rest and avoid activities that worsen the ache.
Answered on 6th June '24
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Lower back pain with morning stiffness of muscle pain was severe
Female | 32
These signs could mean arthritis or muscle strain. Avoid things that worsen this pain. Gentle stretches may help relax your body. Warm baths could also relieve muscle tension. Try taking over-the-counter pain meds if needed. But, speak to an orthopedist for the right diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I'm 21 years old, female and since September 2021 i have muscle weakness. It only occurs when i'm moving. When i chew, or walk too fast or if i brush my hair, my muscles get tired very quickly. if i sit or lay down in a certain position, my upper body starts getting kind of muscle ache. My muscle weakness is on my hole body, started on my neck, on my legs, arms and my upper body. When i rest, it gets better. The first symptoms occurs 3 days after i had an intoxication with crabs eye plant seeds. I have talked to my physician about it, blood test, especially muscle enzymes were normal. He said nothing further about it. I'm pretty sure, the muscle weakness comes from the intoxication, but i'm not sure what should i do now.
Female | 21
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 19 years old, female. I have been suffering from a clicking sound on my right side jaw for last 5 days. And also I am having problem to open my mouth widely. Is this tmj problem? And what should I do now? Please help sir
Female | 19
You may be having problems with your TMJ, which is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. The clicking sound and difficulty opening your mouth could be due to inflammation or muscle tension in that area. It's important to rest your jaw, avoid chewing gum, and stick to soft foods. Putting packs of ice and simply rubbing the area could be a solution. If the symptoms persist, consider seeing a dentist or an orthopedist for further evaluation.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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Achilles tendon pops when standing on toes?
Male | 23
Answered on 23rd May '24
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4th PP base fracture and 5th MC dislocation L hand
Male | 22
You likely experienced a fracture in your 4th finger and dislocation of the 5th. Breaks and joint misalignments can occur due to accidents or falls. Pain, swelling, restricted movement: these symptoms indicate potential issues. Treatment often involves splints or casts to immobilize affected areas during healing. Though concerning initially, proper care should facilitate full recovery over time.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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