Male | 63
पार्किंसंस के उपचार के साथ मुझे नए लक्षण क्यों अनुभव हो रहे हैं?
मेरे पिताजी पार्किंसंस रोग के रोगी हैं। उनकी पुरानी समस्याएँ बदतर हो जाने के बाद पिछले 2 महीनों से उन्हें ट्राइडोपा+हेक्सिनोर+परकिरोल+पर्किनिल दवा दी जा रही थी। लेकिन अब उसे बेचैन पैर, अस्पष्ट वाणी, भ्रम, चेहरे के हाव-भाव, कब्ज आदि की समस्या है।

Answered on 11th Sept '24
बेचैन पैर, अस्पष्ट वाणी, भ्रम, चेहरे के अलग-अलग भाव और कब्ज कभी-कभी इन दवाओं के प्रतिकूल प्रभाव होते हैं। इसके अलावा, ये दवाएं पार्किंसंस रोग के रोगियों में इन लक्षणों को बढ़ा सकती हैं। उपचार योजना में आवश्यक बदलावों के बारे में उसके डॉक्टर के साथ चर्चा करना महत्वपूर्ण है जिससे उसे बेहतर महसूस होगा।
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)
My father is 77 years old, he has shivering problem, his hands and legs shook severely, now he has no control on toilet.
Male | 77
Sounds like your dad might have something called Parkinson’s. This makes hands and legs shake a lot and causes problems controlling when you have to pee. What happens is certain cells in his brain stop working right. A neurologist can give him drugs or teach him exercises to help with these things.
Answered on 30th May '24
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My sister had a RTA last year in which she had a paraplegic spinal cord injury,she is doing physiotherapy since one year still can't walk without calipers,has no sensation,she is 20 years old
Female | 20
A spinal cord issue such as hers might result in weakness of stepping and the absence of the sense of touch. It occurs when the spinal cord sustains damage, generally from events such as a car ramming into it. Exercise makes muscles stronger, but full recovery might not be attained.
Answered on 3rd July '24
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Vertigo curable ya not am suffering from vertigo then I am lying down
Female | 23
Vertigo is a sensation you or the environment around you is spinning. It can be due to structural abnormalities in the inner ear or the brain. Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, and an imbalanced stature. The therapy for the cause is vertigo which is determined by the cause. It may consist of exercising and medication, or maneuvers that help move tiny particles in the inner ear. With proper treatment, vertigo might be controlled or cured.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
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I feel dizziness n muscle strain Little bit headache what medicine is good
Female | 27
It seems like you’re not doing very well. Dizziness, muscle tension, and a small headache can result from several things. It may be that you’re dehydrated or stressed out. To alleviate this, try taking a break, drinking some water, and doing light exercises. In case your condition doesn’t improve or becomes worse, it would be best to consult a neurologist for proper medical advice.
Answered on 3rd June '24
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I met with a head injury and suffered inter parenchymal bleeding and after being 2 months now m still suffering from memory loss not remembering the incident also which led me to this brain injury
Male | 23
Memory loss after intraparenchymal bleeding might occur because of harm to the brain. Failing to recall the accident that caused the injury and having problems remembering recent happenings or learning new things are among the most common symptoms. The best thing to do would be to get as much rest as you can and follow any advice given by your neurologist.
Answered on 25th May '24
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I have 1 pea size lymph node on both side of my neck since 1 month I also have post nasal drip.. I feel numbness like feeling in my neck throat and mouth some times I feel tingling in my head.. From yesterday I feel mild pain in front side of my neck
Female | 28
Your body fights infections through swollen lymph nodes in your neck. Post nasal drip irritates your throat and mouth, causing numbness. Tingling in your head might stem from sensitive nerves. It's crucial to get evaluated and treated by a neurologist. They'll determine the underlying cause and provide proper care for your symptoms.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.
Male | 20
Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a headache coming from inside of my head and it starting from left side then it radiate to back side of the head.. sometimes this pain is little and sometimes it is more. Even when I'm breathing the pain is happening. Why it is happening?
Male | 28
You may be having tension-type headaches. These feel like a tight band around your head. Stress, bad posture, or eye strain often cause them. The pain may move or spread. Try relaxing techniques to ease the headaches. Improve your posture and take breaks from screens. See a neurologist if they worsen or last longer. They can check further and suggest remedies.
Answered on 16th Aug '24
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My mother aged 79 is on the following medication For morning - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab calcuim and 1 tab metaprol 25 mg For night - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab pregablin and 1 tab doxolin But by mistake today gave the night dose twice.... Will it effect her in any worried
Female | 79
Accidentally taking two doses of her night medication could make her feel sleepy, unclear, or unbalanced. It's wise to watch over her and ensure she's alright. Remind her to relax and drink plenty of fluids. Should any odd signs appear, don't delay in seeking medical guidance. Most likely, she'll be okay but keep observing her condition for now.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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I been dealing with head jerking, eye blinking, hand movements, and sounds for a year now. I currently have no insurance but I'm working on getting some. How can I go about this?
Female | 26
You might be showing signs of Tourette syndrome. Discharge syndrome causes you to move suddenly and sound the same repeatedly without your consent. The brain has a medical malfunction known as a neurological disorder. For this, you must make an appointment with a neurologist, the moment your insurance starts, because it is something you should treat as soon as possible. Possible ways of treatment include psychotherapy or medications.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
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I feel dizzy every morning help
Female | 40
Some causes for feeling dizzy in the morning are dehydration, low blood sugar, inner ear problems, anxiety or stress, medication side effects, or a sleep disorder. You can contact a general physician or a neurologist for proper evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother is diagnosed with disc bulge with nerve compression l4 l5, Her right foot is getting numb when she walks. Pls suggest us what we should do?
Female | 65
While analyzing the problem it indicates nerve compression, If numbness is persistent If no relief from medications and Physiotherapy, surgery may be required. For the exact solution you need show the MRI report to the orthopedist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have epilepsy from 10 years
Male | 23
Long-time living with epilepsy can be extremely complicated, but let's together solve this problem. Epilepsy is an explosion of electrical signals in the brain that results in seizures. These seizures can have different consequences, for example, you can be shaking or losing control of your body. Medicines are mainly used to manage epilepsy, and it is important to take these medicines the way your neurologist tells you to. Moreover, living a balanced healthy life can also be supportive in the treatment of epilepsy.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
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Sir i have consecutive falls for 4 days last month in last week now from 7 oct to 10 oct again. I am worried is this some desease or why it is consecutive, even thay i exercise, my diet is one glass dates shake, then 2 eggs , 3 times meal, i drink alot. Being different days doesn't matter, but i want to ask why it is consecutive, even i don't watch or think something like that which aggravate it
Male | 30
Fall can be caused by many problems, including balance disorders, vision problems, or muscle weakness. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and checking your medication for side effects. Consult a neurologist for a proper assessment and instructions on how to prevent falls in the future.
Answered on 14th Oct '24
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I am sangeetha 43 yrs old from Chennai I have high bp and under active thyroid so taking pills of both. While laying or walking feel unbalanced weakness dizziness vertigo and while laying look body jump
Female | 53
You might feel off-balance, dizzy, like everything moves. That's vertigo. The inner ear may cause it - problems like infection or ear crystals. Since you have high blood pressure and thyroid troubles, see a neurologist. They'll find why you're unbalanced. Maybe meds need adjusting, or exercises can help your balance. Be careful not to fall. Avoid risky things until they improve.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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I have head ache for the past 3 days and I couldnt sleep
Female | 66
A headache lasting for days could be a symptom of various reasons. It can be caused by stress, dehydration, or the lack of sleep. In some cases, it could be a signal of a more dangerous disease. You can try to drink a lot of water, relax in a dark room, and avoid light screens before sleeping. If the problem persists it is better to consult a neurologist for it.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
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I am mayank rawat I am 21 year old I have a primary mitrocondial diseases doctor prescribed me to take vernance, coq 500 mg, riboflavin but I am taking it from so long but it's not working I thing I have access relative oxygen species producing in the body what's the treatment I am going through taugh time I have redness in hands and feet I experience tingling effect on hand and feet I also experience pain in whole body after these things happens I also have Neurogical problem
Male | 21
The red skin, tingling, pain, and nerve issues could be from too many bad molecules in your body. These bad molecules can hurt cells. To help stop the bad molecules, eat more fruits and veggies. Also, talk to your doctor about helper pills that may stop these issues from the bad molecules.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am having headache from 7 days Kindly help me
Male | 14
Headaches stem from various reasons: stress, dehydration, prolonged screen time. Stay hydrated, take breaks. However, persistent headaches warrant attention, as they may signify underlying issues. Consult a doctor if pain persists, they'll assist in alleviating it.
Answered on 30th July '24
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I'm 19 years old. I had a mild stroke 10 days ago.but I have an exam after 15 days. I am feeling much discomfort in my brain. and it's like hell in out in my brain. I cannot concentrate for more than 5 minutes. now what can I do?
Female | 19
It is normal to go through uneasiness following a stroke. It can cause trouble concentrating and brain fog. But, generally, these problems tend to be resolved as your brain heals. Rest, eat, and drink well. It is also essential to fulfill the potential recommendations of your neurologist.
Answered on 5th July '24
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I am a 60 years old woman and I have Chiari malformation syndrom since 20 years
Female | 60
Chiari malformation syndrome occurs when the lower region of the brain known as the cerebellum gets compressed through the skull hole that permits the spinal cord to pass. It can lead to symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, dizziness, or walking problems. Treatment can be routine medications for the symptoms and sometimes surgery to relieve the pressure on the brain. Discuss your symptoms with your neurologist.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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