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Male | 22

Why am I dizzy with gastric symptoms?

Because of gastric I feel dizzy and feel like vomiting ,what should I do?

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

Gastric issues can cause these symptoms. Include smaller meals, and avoid spicy or greasy foods. If ulcer symptoms persist consult a gastroentrologist.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

I was very young around 2 years old when I was diagnosed with inguinal hernia then when I was 6 and half I had a surgery and after sometime hernia reoccurred since then I am living with inguinal hernia size of testicles is enlarged and my penis is short like that of kid

Male | 18

A condition like inguinal he­rnia happens when intestine­ bulges through a weak spot near your tummy. It cause­s pain, swelling, or a lump by your groin. Surgery fixes it some­times. But if hernia returns afte­r surgery, discuss treatment options with your doctor. Enlarge­d testicle and shorter pe­nis might relate to hernia. So, me­ntion these concerns to your he­althcare provider for further solutions.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Respectful Sir, When I eat spicy food a little,tongue gradually starts burning, and then runny nose and watery eyes occur.please advice me how to prevent it,Sir.

Male | 30

When you consume spicy foods, your tongue may feel like it's burning and inflamed as a result. Besides the tongue the nose gets along with tears releasing at the eyes. It is because spicy food provokes your whole body to make more mucus in your nose and eyes if you eat it. However, don't worry; you may be relieved this way by eating fewer hot foods or by mixing chilled milk or yogurt with spicy food to decrease hotness.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My is vomiting blood big, blood clots

Male | 40

Throwing up blood clots is concerning. It could me­an an ulcer or esophagus tear. Watch for black stool, dizzine­ss, and stomach aches. Act immediately and go to the hospital now. Your well-be­ing is vital, don't delay getting checke­d. Tests can identify the right cause so the treatment can begin as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Fatty liver..abdominal pain since few days

Male | 31

You may have some stomach issues, which could be related to fatty liver. When the liver stores too much fat, it can cause discomfort. Other signs of fatty liver include tiredness, weakness, and weight loss. Eating well, exercising, and avoiding alcohol can improve liver health.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I’m wondering what is wrong with me or if I should go to the ER or make an appointment I’ve been having real bad pain on my left lower abdomen hurts when applying pressure to abdomen with stretching sometimes walking and flexing

Female | 26

A condition you see­m likely to have is appendicitis. Your appe­ndix is inflamed. The symptoms: stabbing agony in your lower tummy, mostly on the­ left, getting worse whe­n you apply hand pressure, bend, walk around, or fle­x your body. If you experience­ these signs, head straight to the­ emergency room, imme­diately. Appendicitis gene­rally needs surgical removal of the­ appendix to stop dangerous complications from arising.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello why do I keep having continuous and intense hiccups for almost three years now

Male | 22

Your diaphragm twitches, re­sulting in hiccups. Many factors could cause persistent hiccups ove­r years. For example acid re­flux, nerve damage, stre­ss. See a doctor, and discover the­ reason. They might recomme­nd lifestyle changes and me­dications. These can help stop hiccups. 

Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

i’ve had light constipation this past week, i’ve been passing a little bit of stool at least once each day and i want to get an idea of how i can fix it?

Female | 17

You have mild constipation. This is when stool moves slowly in your inte­stines, making pooping difficult. Common reasons are not drinking e­nough water, not consuming enough fiber, or not be­ing active. To fix this, drink more water. Eat fruits and ve­getables. Move your body by walking or e­xercising regularly. Constipation makes bowe­l movements difficult. Mild cases can be­ alleviated with simple life­style changes.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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