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Female | 16

Could I have a miscarriage?

Curious about a miscarriage

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

Miscarriage happe­ns when pregnancy stops before­ 20 weeks. You might blee­d, cramp, pass clots. Causes include gene­tic issues, hormone problems, he­alth conditions. To help prevent miscarriage­, get regular prenatal care­. If symptoms occur, talk to a gynecologist right away.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Hi there My name is Afiyat Nuha and I am 18 years old, recently I have missed my period bt I can't find a reason for that to happen.What should I do?

Female | 18

Not getting a period is something that can happen for a lot of different reasons and it’s okay if this has happened to you once or twice before. If you are worried about not having a period, some things to think about would be stress levels, weight changes (up or down), diet changes, how much you’ve been exercising lately, and even hormone levels.

During the teenage years it’s common for girls to have irregular periods so don’t worry too much if this is the only time it’s ever happened to you. However, if your periods have always been like clockwork and you happen to be sexually active, then yes—there’s always a chance that you could be pregnant. 

Answered on 30th May '24

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Period kai 11 din pehle relationship se kya pregnant ho sakta hai

Female | 20

If a period was 11 days ago, and there was unprotected sex around that time, then there is a possibility of becoming pregnant. Symptoms might include missing periods, feeling tired, and vomiting. 

Answered on 28th May '24

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I had protected sex on april four days after my period. The next month was period was a day late so i had one full papaya and ginger tea with other spice and jaggery and exercised a lot. My period arrived but was comparatively light normal clots and heavy cramps. Is there any possibility am pregnant

Female | 20

It's not probable for you to be pregnant if your menstrual cycle arrived even if it was a little different than usual. At times, periods may be lighter or heavier due to factors such as stress or dietary changes. Cramps and clots are also normal occurrences during menstruation. However, if you’re still concerned about being pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Answered on 8th June '24

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i am 17 years vaginas inner lips gone be dark its happened with me since 2 years.

Female | 17

The inner vaginal lips may some­times seem darke­r during puberty. You might not have noticed be­fore, but this change happens naturally as girls grow up. Ke­ep the vaginal area cle­an and you'll be­ fine.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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My vagina skin is peeling and has itching and discharge. How do I cure it

Female | 24

Different causes of vaginal peeling, itching or discharge include infections and skin irritations. It is critical to seek a proper diagnosis and treatment from an expert.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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