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Female | 14

Do I have rib pain, dry mouth, and forgetfulness?

I just need to make sure there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m in a lot I’m feeling diffuseness like under the rib pain incredibly dry mouth sore eyes forgetfulness, nausea, wheezing chest pain

1 Answer

Answered on 27th Dec '24

I listened to your worries about being unwell and describing different symptoms. What you feel, for example, like down at the liver, no saliva, the eyes are so sore, and nausea, could be one of the many possible reasons, including strain, allergy, or dryness that might be the cause. To treat issues like these, you need to look at the whole picture. Keep drinking water, sleeping, and lowering stress levels. However, this magic can be a call for professional help as well. My advice is to see a healthcare professional so that they can screen you fully. They will help you personally with the right advice and health care you need to get better.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

My mother suffering from stroke last 3 days i have a ct scan report please analysis on it.

Female | 47

A stroke can lead to various symptoms, including weakness, confusion, or difficulty speaking. It happens due to disrupted blood flow to the brain, often from a clot or bleeding. The CT scan is vital for determining the type and extent of the stroke and guiding treatment. I strongly encourage you to share the results with her healthcare provider, as they can offer personalized insights and potential recovery plans tailored to her specific needs. Remember, professional medical support is crucial during this time. Be assured that there are effective approaches to assist her recovery journey.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Doctor, My name is Ayman. On December 25th, 2023, I suddenly experienced severe, unexplained pain in my neck. The pain quickly spread down my spinal cord, and I lost strength in my hands, making it impossible to move them. I began sweating profusely. Despite being weak, I managed to walk to the car, but my condition worsened on the way. I struggled to breathe, fainted, lost control of my legs, and my lips turned blue before arriving at the hospital. Once at the hospital, I was admitted to the RCU (Respiratory Care Unit) and intubated. Two weeks later, a tracheostomy was performed. During my 75 days in the RCU, I received the following treatments: 1. Plasmapheresis with 50 bottles of Albumin. 2. IVIG therapy (68 bottles). After 75 days, I graduated from the RCU. My recovery began slowly: • My hands started moving again, though they remained numb. • My legs also started moving, but they were extremely numb. I was prescribed Pregabalin 75 mg to help with the numbness in my legs. However, after taking the medication, my legs stopped working again. I was readmitted to the RCU for 3 days and remained under observation in the hospital for a total of 6 months. Eventually, my breathing improved, and I was discharged. I have been home for the past 6 months I can't stop and go This is my current health status. Thank you.

Male | 15

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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Paralysis of legs due to Bone tb Treatment is going on(6months) Reports ESR test suggests that the infection is very low now

Male | 47

It is a gradual process, and it might take some time to observe meaningful results. But the low ESR test is a good sign, therefore meaning that infection has been controlled. I recommend a neurologist consultation to assess the nature and origin of paralysis which can be treated accordingly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have migraine and Hello. OK, so the symptoms are my headache has become more frequent, like more frequent. Before it used to come like in two weeks once, but now it is like in a gap of two days maximum something. And it has become more intense, very intense. It has become like, you know, very, very much intense. Secondly, the painkiller doesn't seem to help at all.Before it used to work, now it doesn't help.Lastly, not exactly Lastly, it lasts much longer. You know like Pehle, it used, it used to go away in one day, but now it lasts for two to three days. And then I'm also experiencing ear pain which is behind my ears also and then inside the ear also, like my whole ear is paining with ear behind also.Then I get extremely nauseous, OK, and then sometimes even a bit dizzy. And then I have sensitivity to light and sound OK, motion sensitivity one side.It paints more and there's more frequent other side. It is not frequent. Doesn't mean it is not there. It happens other side also. It pains but one side is more frequent.And then while in headache I do try to sleep it off, but due to pain sleeping it off becomes difficult and if by chance I get sleep then there are chances it will go away. And then after it goes away still there is weakness, like I feel extreme weakness. What can it be?

Female | 18

The type of headaches you are having, which more often than not, are very intense, with earache, dizziness, and hypersensitivity to light and sound, all symptoms suggest a likely migraine. Migraines occur when your brain is hypersensitive to the things that your body would normally be able to cope with such as stress, lack of sleep, or even something you eat. To achieve the goal of migraine control, you can use a headache diary, stay hydrated, be well-rested, and avoid the triggers. Even if the symptoms get more serious or become a major obstacle in your everyday activities, it's always a good move to seek medical advice from a healthcare practitioner. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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I have a head pain past 1 year what can i do

Male | 18

Creative tension, lack of rest, or even strained eyes could cause headaches. You should visit a doctor who will check to see if there is something serious and give you ways to reduce the pain.

Answered on 5th July '24

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I am 28 years old my name is amir I have Bach headache issue from last 10 days not other symptoms occur taking medicine aspirin protect 100mg and panadol Dr prescription but after taking medicine relief only 2,3 hours and again pain start please guide me what should I do

Male | 28

It can be hard when your head keeps hurting again soon after you take aspirin and Panadol. Stress is one thing that might cause these types of headaches along with bad posture or eye strain too. You should try to relax more often sitting up straight instead of slouching down in your chair for example could help out a lot here as well as taking frequent short breaks from looking at screens if this is something you do throughout the day. Visiting a doctor would be best if it doesn’t go away.

Answered on 6th June '24

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I just need to make sure there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m in a lot I’m feeling diffuseness like under the rib pain incredibly dry mouth sore eyes forgetfulness, nausea, wheezing chest pain

Female | 14

I listened to your worries about being unwell and describing different symptoms. What you feel, for example, like down at the liver, no saliva, the eyes are so sore, and nausea, could be one of the many possible reasons, including strain, allergy, or dryness that might be the cause. To treat issues like these, you need to look at the whole picture. Keep drinking water, sleeping, and lowering stress levels. However, this magic can be a call for professional help as well. My advice is to see a healthcare professional so that they can screen you fully. They will help you personally with the right advice and health care you need to get better.

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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Hello sometimes I have shuttering(not very serious one,but I still have it) when I am talking(,especially when I am nervous or tired, my friend once told me that she had same problem during her childhood and she took medicament( I do not know what it was)and then it went away itself, i am curious if there is some medicament which help me take this shuttering away forever?

Female | 24

You experience­ stuttering, where spe­aking smoothly feels difficult. Maybe you fe­el nervous or tired. For some­ people, stuttering improve­s on its own, especially children. Howe­ver, therapies, and te­chniques exist to support fluent spe­ech. Speech the­rapy is one option. It's crucial to discuss with a speech the­rapist or doctor to find the appropriate path for you.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I have some memory issue I forget things very easily Tingling sensation in hand and feet Headache Weakness

Female | 17

The possibility that a person may have memory problems, tingling in the hands and feet, headaches, or muscle weakness suggests that there may be a shortage of specific vitamins in his/her body like vitamin B12. Taking vitamin B12 could assist in this deficit and could be found in meat and dairy products.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I feel dizzy with halluncination and I feel like I am not in reality

Female | 14

These could be indicative of a serious neurological or othe rmedical condition and require immediate medical attention. Please prioritize your health and safety by seeking immediate medical assistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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