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Female | 27

Why Am I Struggling with Sleep?

Feeling too sleepy but still not getting sleep

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 26th July '24

This happe­ns when you're anxious or stresse­d. Irregular habits play a role too. Caffeine­ and screen time be­fore bed don't help e­ither. Try a calming routine - read, take­ a warm bath. Avoid caffeine, scree­ns close to bedtime. Ke­ep a consistent slee­p schedule. If it persists, talk to a therapist or counsellor.

58 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

I feel like i have anxiety. How to control it?

Female | 16

Anxiety fe­els difficult, but you aren't alone. It cause­s worry, fear, nervousness. Symptoms include­ fast heartbeat, sweating, tre­mbling, and insomnia. Stress, genetics, and past e­vents contribute. Manage anxie­ty by relaxing - breathe de­eply, exercise­, confide. Care for yourself through nutritious e­ating and sufficient rest. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Can I take methylphenidate and clonidine HCL .1mg together?

Male | 21

Methylphenidate can be taken with Clonidine, but make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.  Methylphenidate is used for ADHD and Clonidine is sometimes used for high blood pressure as well as ADHD.  Combining them might help to control symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattention.  If you have any worries or notice any new symptoms then always talk to your doctor about it.

Answered on 16th July '24

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I get fainting and I have so many negative thoughts and it's change my behaviour and I suffer lot

Female | 18

Your drooping spirits and the negatives in your thinking have the consequence of your behavior. Various causes of these signs are found hence people having been under a lot of stress or anxiety experience the same feeling. When you go through the emotions focus on the end of this exercise: slow breathing and calming of the soul. Besides, communicating with your close friends or even family members can be helpful. You can also recognize that it's important to ask for help when needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Anxiety headache depression

Male | 40

Anxiety, depression can cause tension headaches. Treatment options include therapy, medication, and self-care. Consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello so i am a 13y old boy. Since this month i had some panick attacks and hyperventillation(i had 2 one today and one 2 weeks ago) i would ask how i can stop making having panick attacks or hyperventillation.

Male | 13

Commonly, everyone gets scared or anxious from time to time, even when experiencing panic attacks and hyperventilation. These are most likely caused by stress, fear, or anxiety. Signs are quick breathing, chest tightness, and dizziness. Apart from doing deep breathing exercises, training in mindfulness, and talking to a trustful person, can also reduce panic attacks. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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I take Sertraline for anxiety and depression and I am going to have my first tattoo done and don't no if the Sertraline has blood thinners in it. Many Thanks.

Male | 47

Sertraline is a medicine often used for anxiety and depression. Tattooing does not contain blood thinners but may result in minor bleeding. Thus it’s important to inform the tattoo artist about your intake of Sertraline so that they can take necessary precautions. To prevent any complications ensure you adhere to their aftercare advice. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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My son aged 25 was learnt to be under your treatment.I neither know for what illness nor have his prescription.He is aggressive and wouldn't co-operate if I call him for consultation with you along with me and his mom although he said to have consulted you.The boy is confined to his room and is hostile towards me for reasons unbelievable.His mother, my wife was under Dr vijayakumar's treatment from 2000 for over a period of 10 years.Now she consults another psychiatrist as she was on a transferable job. I am 62 years old and my wife 56 years.She had taken VRS from Bank job six months ago. My son is only child and a pampered one.His behaviour isn't acceptable although he would appear normal. I am worried how I could manage to give him treatment through you as he is aggressive and may also leave home

Male | 25

Aggression and hostility may be symptoms of other problems such as anxiety or depression. It is very important to handle the situation with empathy and patience. Supporting him through the process like by advising him to reach out to a psychiatrist, can be helpful. The main approach to the matter is to allow him to freely express what he feels, thus he will be able to share his issues. 

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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I feel sleepy all the time but then also I don't want to sleep.

Male | 21

Often, a constant fe­eling of tiredness ye­t not wanting to sleep signals slee­p issues or irregular routine. Pe­rhaps insufficient rest or poor slee­p patterns occur. Stress, exce­ssive screen time­, or inadequate exe­rcise contribute. Establish a regular sle­ep schedule. Limit caffe­ine and sugar intake and wind down before­ bed. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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I am getting this really weird thing where I feel like I’m in a dream all the time and I feel like I’m getting really confused all the time and it’s effecting how I learn with school and stuff I’m leaving in around 20 days to go to collage but it’s getting quite concernibg

Female | 16

It seems that you may be going through a type of depersonalization. That means that a person can observe life like an outside spectator from the viewpoint of seeing himself/herself acting. It can be associated with anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues as well. It is highly advised to communicate with someone you trust or a counselor about how you feel. They will be able to provide you with coping mechanisms. Besides, resting well, eating properly, and take a couple of breaths or practising mindfulness can also be beneficial to keep your mind at peace. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have taken unwanted 72 pill yesterday. For avoiding unwanted pregnancy I'm patient of depression my antidepressants medicine are lithosun sr, lonazep, olimelt, aripmt . I daily take these antidepressants but yesterday not and till now . Does antidepressants reduce the effectiveness of unwanted 72. Will I get pregnant? I'm worried

Female | 21

In general, the impact of the 72-hour pill on the efficiency of antidepressants is not that significant. If used in the recommended time frame, it is meant to work against getting pregnant. However, skipping your antidepressant doses may lead to your general well-being. Pay attention to any strange signs or emotional changes. If you go through persistent anxiety or if you have other concerns, see your healthcare provider for specifically tailored advice, and they can also help both your mental health and contraceptive requirements. 

Answered on 14th Dec '24

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I just quit smoking weed 3 days ago. Also just got prescribed venlafaxine for my anxiety. How long should i wait to start taking them?

Female | 20

The period of 7 days should pass after you have quit smoking weed. There should be a week's break between the two treatment regimens. Make sure to stay patient and let your body adapt to the medications. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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Hello i need to ask about PEth test. This month i have been drunk 3 times. How long do i have to wait in order to pass a PEth test? Also i have been drinking quite heavily in all these 3 times. 2 weeks sober in between the drinking occasions.

Male | 25

The­ PEth test looks for alcohol in your blood over a long time, not just one­ day like other blood tests. It is ve­ry important to drink lots of water, eat good food, and not drink any alcohol to help your body ge­t better. It's a challe­nging process, but staying sober and taking good care of yourse­lf can help lower your PEth leve­ls more quickly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My recent psychiatrist advised me to check with an endroconologist, and a psychotherapist who specializes in sexuality. Any suggestion? Patient is a women of age 42 and is suffering from some mental or brain related issue. She shakes her head frequently and often does not work normally of her day to day work

Female | 42

Information given by you ( some mental or brain related issues)is insufficient to arrive to proper diagnosis, Repeatedly shaking of head needs to see a neurologist, rather than endocrinologist, talk with your therapist for further treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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