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Female | 18

Should I seek urgent care for sudden memory loss?

I am 18 and have recently been experiencing heavy memory loss (ex. unable to remember names, forgetting how to do tasks, driving unknown places). I have an appointment but I'm unsure whether I should go to urgent care for this instead or not.

1 Answer

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Memory loss, particularly at a young age, is a matter of concern. Forgetfulness, having difficulties remembering names or tasks, and getting lost can be the signs of a serious issue. It might be due to stress, a lack of sleep, or a medical problem such as a brain injury or dementia. Getting a checked-up by a neurologist is essential. They can figure out the reason and offer the right treatment to help your memory improvement.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (929)

I am suffering the following: - Post Polio Residual Paralysis cerebral vascular accident Is it coming under Multiple disability or Locomotor Disability

Male | 64

Your conditions, Polio Residual Paralysis and cerebral vascular accident (stroke) would generally be categorized as "Multiple Disabilities" rather than "Locomotor Disability." Multiple Disabilities involve coexisting impairments in different body systems, while Locomotor Disability typically refers to issues related to mobility. It's important to consult a medical professional for accurate classification.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What causes sudden bouts of dizziness for days?

Male | 38

Dizziness lasting days may arise­ from various causes. Ear issues like BPPV or Me­niere's disease­ could trigger dizzy spells. Low blood sugar or dehydration also cause­s dizziness sometimes. Staying hydrate­d and eating regularly helps pre­vent this. However, if dizzine­ss persists despite re­medies, consulting a doctor become­s crucial. They can pinpoint the underlying re­ason and recommend suitable tre­atment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Sleep problems, congested brain and brain fog, frequent urination, hands freeze when I'm sleeping, impulse ideations, and bone melt when I sleep.

Female | 26

If you are getting the feeling of your mind becoming cloudy and urinating frequently, with your hands feeling cold and having dubious thoughts, it's natural to be a health care provider. These symptoms could be a result of different things, including sleep disorders or even hormonal imbalances. Trying remedies and talking to a medical practitioner will be very helpful in clarifying what is happening, you could be directed to a specialist.

Answered on 16th July '24

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I am gad passant.l am taking three medicine these are duzela 60 hs maxgaline 75 bd and sensiril 25 mg but these medicine can not relief to me ple suggest to me.

Male | 54

You are still dealing with that condition even after taking the prescribed medications. It is good to know the reason for your non-improvement. Your symptoms might be brought on by several causes such as a wrong dosage, an existing illness, or potential side effects of the medication. See your physician to reconsider your treatment strategy. 

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I am 36 I am having head pain dizzy.kind like lightheaded.what going on

Female | 36

This can be due to various reasons. It may be because you are not taking in enough water, or perhaps you are feeling stressed or tired. Things such as not eating regularly or having low blood sugar can also make you feel this way. Drink a lot of water, take a proper diet, and avoid overexertion. Suppose in case dizziness persists, it is feasible to check with your doctor so that any serious issues will be identified.

Answered on 13th June '24

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I have headache from last few months headache on right side eyes ears and head pains a lot and even neck and sometimes on left side and even i am not able to focus not able top remember things speaking issue lack of communication i need proper brain check so that in future does not cause any problem

Female | 23

Ongoing headache­s are troubling. Your symptoms - right-side head, e­ye, and ear pain, focus and memory issue­s - suggest a potential problem. Ge­tting a thorough check-up is crucial to pinpoint the exact cause­. Don't disregard these warning signs, as the­y could signify an underlying serious condition. See­k prompt medical attention to avoid potential complications.

Answered on 31st July '24

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Dear Sir, Below i am sending my father MRI report, kindly guide me. MRI REPORT – BRAIN WITH CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: T1W Sagittal, DWI - b1000, ADC, GRE T2W FS Axial, MR Angiogram, FLAIR Axial & Coronal Post contrast images after administration of 5 ml of gadolinium contrast. OBSERVATION: The study reveals an intrasellar mass lesion, with enlargement of the right half of the anterior pituitary gland, extending to the suprasellar cistern. The mass lesion is predominantly isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images the mass is predominantly isointense to gray matter with internal areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of ?necrosis/cystic change. Dynamic postcontrast images revealed decreased/delayed enhancement of the mass lesion as compared to the rest of the pituitary gland. The mass lesion measures 1.2 AP x 1.6 TR x 1.6 SI cm. Superiorly the mass displaces the infundibulum to the left side. A clear CSF plane of cleavage is seen between the superior aspect of the mass lesion and the optic chasm. No significant parasellar extension of the mass lesion is seen. The cavernous segment of both internal carotid arteries show normal flow void. The mass causes mild thinning of the floor of the sella turcica, with slight bulge toward the roof of the sphenoid sinus. MR findings likely represent pituitary adenoma. Confluent and discrete areas of T2/flair hyperintensity are seen in bilateral supratentorial periventricular and subcortical deep white matter, likely representing nonspecific ischemic changes with a combination of leukoariosis, microvascular ischemic changes, lacunar infarcts and prominent perivascular spaces. Basal ganglia and thalami are normal. Midbrain, pons and medulla are normal in signal intensity. The cerebellum appears normal. Bilateral CP angle cisterns are normal. The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are normal. No significant midline shift is seen. The cranio-cervical junction is normal. Post-contrast images reveal no other abnormal enhancing pathology. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted.

Male | 70

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Patient Name.Rithvika age .2 years female child ...she having neuro problem at brith time s o could you suggested me who is best children neuro Doctor in hyd

Female | 2.5

kindly visit any corporate/Government hoapital 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi there, I am a 19 year old female. I am born in London, UK. I am currently away on holiday in Saudi Arabia. It’s currently around 40 degrees. I was walking whilst holding my bags & I suddenly became unable to see for a second & felt sick and dizzy. I felt like my heart was beating really fast and I could not breathe properly. I sat down and tried to cool down & drank cold water. After resting, I got up in the attempt to continue walking however, I felt really faint and my heart was beating even faster again. I felt my eyes rolling, I didn’t entirely faint and black out but it felt as if I were going to. I sat down and got escorted by a golf cart. However, I am unsure if I am okay or what it is I should do. I want to know what happened. I do still feel lightheaded and sick. But I am not sweating or red anymore.

Female | 19

You may have gone through heat exhaustion. This is when your body's internal thermometer becomes too hot and fails to function properly. The symptoms arising from such illness include, but are not limited to, faintness, dizziness, experiencing a fast heart rate as well as the feeling of nausea. The solution is to move to a cool area, drink water, and rest. Avoid the scorching sun and keep your body as cool as possible.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Having Constant headaches

Female | 17

Constant headaches are caused due to tension headaches, migraines, eye strain, lack of sleep etc. Consult with your doctor to determine the cause and develop treatment plan. In the meantime stay hydrated, get enough sleep, avoid triggers such as certain foods or activities, and take pain relievers as directed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pain in the head parmanent 24 hours

Female | 35

In case you are unable to bear a headache that lasts 24 hours straight, look for a neurologist today. It may be a sign of an underlying sickness and therefore the specialist to diagnose and treat the issue should be consulted.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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