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Male | 19

Why do I have black feces and stomach pains?

I am 19 years and I have been having stomach pains and popping black feces

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Tummy aches and black poop can show bleeding in your gut syste­m. This can come from stuff like sores, some­ meds, or even ble­eding guts. You need to talk to a gastroenterologist quickly. The­y can help find the cause and fix it fast so you fe­el good soon. Listen to your body and take care­!

55 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

i am 31 year old i diagnosed with acute calcolus cholecystitis , my gall bladder stone size is 18 mm , my doctor already did key hole method to remove the stone but due to inflamation and infection around my gall bladder my doctor stop the surgery , while surgery they fine severly distended gallbladder, dense omental adhesions, pericholecystic fluid, frozen callots triangle, features suggestive of acute calcolus cholecystitis . so my doctor suggest to do the surgery after 2 month , my question is that gall bladder get rupture or is there any any life threatening issue

Female | 31

Problems with the gallbladder can be difficult. If they’re left untreated, there is a slight chance that it may burst which could be very serious. When this happens you’ll have piercing pain all over your stomach area, fever and feel weak all the time. Dealing with the infection before anything else is vital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am kennedy...and for years i have been taking ant acids when am in an occasion...or during mind thought it was acid in the stomach, wen i take ant acid..there is no gas formation in the stomach and no regular farts. So i came to find that wen i take food like beans i expect to have more acid and farts but thats not the case...the farts has no smell...just stomach gas then a sound then a fart...

Male | 23

You've had gas in your tummy without a funky sme­ll. This is normal, it occurs when our bodies process the­ food we eat. Some foods like­ beans tend to make more­ gas. To reduce the gassy fe­eling, try eating slower. Also, ditch fizzy drinks and split your me­als into smaller portions. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I am a female, fell during loose motion & my head hit the floor, have taken some stomach medicine before that incident

Female | 40

It's important to get evaluated by a neurologist or an emergency physician if you hit your head after falling. Even seemingly mild head injuries can sometimes have serious consequences, so it's best to seek medical attention promptly. They can assess for any potential concussion or head injury and provide appropriate guidance based on your symptoms and medical history.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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When saftypin stay in my stomch since 2 years what's happened

Male | 22

Carrying a safety pin in your stomach for 2 long years can result in dangerous situations. You may get a tummy ache, feel like you are going to throw up, or actually, throw up. The pin can cause a tear in the lining of your stomach and be the reason for the infection. It is important to have it done through surgery. If the pin stays there it can cause other problems. A doctor must be seen immediately to get help.

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir mere bete ko kala latrin horaha hai.kuch bhi khane per dard horaha hai. Endoscopy report me esophagus ke GE junction me 39 cm ka tumor bata raha hai. Please help kare.

Male | 20

If there are pains after eating and the stools are blackish, it could be a sign of some serious problem that is taking place inside the body. The 39 cm tumor at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach is the cause of this problem. These types of tumors can be malignant, hence, the person may face trouble swallowing as well as experience weight loss. The options of surgery or other methods such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy might be necessary to eliminate the tumor. 

Answered on 24th Oct '24

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Can Ayurveda treatment cure Ulcer politics?

Male | 30

Ulcerative­ colitis leads to swelling and sores in the­ colon. It brings belly pain, diarrhea, bloody stools. Ayurveda may he­lp with symptoms, but not cure fully. Eat healthy food. Reduce­ stress levels. Take­ medicines prescribe­d. Do consult a doctor regularly. Proper manageme­nt is crucial for ulcerative colitis control.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Papa kuch b kha lain un k Stomach pain ho jta hai

Male | 68

His stomach pains after e­ating might result from acidity or gas. Fast eating habits, spicy foods, and oily dishes ofte­n contribute to this discomfort. Advise him to consume me­als slowly, avoid spicy fare, and eat smaller portions throughout the­ day to alleviate symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Iam 19 years old,male,I have gas leaking from my anus and it ruins my relationships, I have H-Pylori and I have duodenum inflammation. So I need help to get rid of this leakage.

Male | 19

You may have a problem known as anal incontinence. This term refers to the inability to control your bowel movements or flatulence. This issue may be connected with your H-Pylori and inflammation in the duodenum. When the muscles in the anus become slack due to digestive disorders, an individual may experience involuntary passage of wind. To control this complication, it is recommended that you eat a balanced diet containing fiber as well as avoid foods that can trigger it. You can also do pelvic floor exercises which will help in strengthening these muscles. Don’t forget to keep seeing your doctor concerning H-Pylori and duodenum inflammation because treating them can also relieve the signs.

Answered on 8th July '24

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My father complaining from food sticking in esophagus I have ct scan findings . CT Scan Chest Abdomen & Pelvis CE: PROTOCOL CT scan shows axial images of 5mm slices obtained from level of diaphragm up to the lower border of symphysis. pubis with I/V contrast. Reporting was done at the work station. CHEST FINDINGS: Multiple tiny ground glass nodules are seen in bilateral lower lobes predominantly on right. A small calcified nodule is noted in right upper lobe in peripheral sub pleural location likely old calcified granuloma. Enlarged calcified mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes are seen largest one measuring 1.4 cm in location. No evidence of pleural effusion seen on either side. Extensive atherosclerotic calcifications are seen in aorta and its branches. Imaged portions of heart appear unremarkable ABDOMEN AND PELVIS FINDINGS: The distal third of esophagus shows asymmetric increased circumferential wall thickening involving about 4.2cm of distal esophagus extending to the gastroesophageal junction, causing luminal narrowing. It is showing enhancement on post contrast images. The fat planes around the esophagus are preserved and there is no evidence of invasion into adjacent structures. A few (2 lymph nodes) prominent lymph nodes are seen in the distal peri esophageal location largest one measuring 7.3mm. Liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen appear unremarkable. Multiple fluid density cysts of variable sizes are seen in both kidneys; largest one in left kidney measure 2.6 x 2.3 cm in left upper pole and 1.2 x 1.2 cm in in right inter polar region. Both adrenal glands appear unremarkable. ■No significant ascites or lymphadenopathy noted. Imaged bowel structures appear unremarkable. Prostate and urinary bladder appear unremarkable. Imaged sections through bones and spine appear unremarkable. No evidence of definite lytic or sclerotic lesion noted. IMPRESSION: Status: Biopsy proven case of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Findings as detailed above are of asymmetric increased wall thickening involving about 4.2cm of distal esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, causing luminal narrowing however no evidence of proximal obstruction noted. intact fat planes around the esophagus with no evidence of invasion into adjacent structures. Two prominent lymph nodes in peri esophageal region. Multiple tiny nodules of ground glass haze in bilateral lower lobes.... highly suspicious for lung metastasis from esophageal primary. No evidence of bony or hepatic metastasis in current scan. Needs clinical correlation.

Male | 77

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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