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Female | 35

I am 35 years old and I have abnormal bleeding .back pain .weight loos dx stage 3 cervical cancer . is stage 3 cervical cancer curable?

1 Answer
Dr. Sandeep Nayak

Surgical Oncologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is possible to cure stage 3 cervical cancer with proper treatment.

42 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can lymphoma cause erectile dysfunction?

Male | 41

Lymphoma can cause erectile dysfunction in some cases. This may occur due to the cancer itself, or as a side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is important to discuss any sexual dysfunction with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and potential treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How many chemos are required in case of rectosigmoid

Female | 40

The number of chemotherapy sessions required for rectosigmoid cancer, also known as sigmoid colon cancer, can vary depending on the stage of the cancer, the patient's health, and the treatment plan recommended by their oncologist. Chemotherapy might be used as a part of the treatment for advanced stages of rectosigmoid cancer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to donate mu hairs for cancer patients

Female | 38

It is indeed a very noble gesture. Please connect, so I may guide you further.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Hello dear Doctors. I am writing this letter to ask for help for my father. He is 55 years old. last year suddenly he felt pain in his throat.After that. we checked up oncology hospital in Tashkent. Doctors diagnosed my father "cancer" named Shivinki disease. I need a second opinion on this.

you may consult to oncologist or surgeon for second opinion. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is there any treatment for cholangiocarcinoma? 4th stage of cancer Hoping for your quick response Do you know any good hospitals in India? Thank you

depending of the condition of the patient systemic therapy is the choice of treatment 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father has secondary liver cancer and his condition is deteriorating every day. We can't see him like this. Please advise the next course of action.

Male | 61

Secondary liver cancer where is the primary. After the PETCT whole body and biopsy further decision to be made

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is Squamous cell carcinoma on the tongue for one and half year now..Please guide me for cheap treatment as we dont have much money (Name: Jatin)

Please provide with all the reports along with scans we'll try and help you partly in financially sustaining treatment through our partner NGOs. Reports are needed. 


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ive always had discharge for as long as I can remember and at my 8 week postpartum checkup the doctor checked me but said it wasn’t alarming because it’s not bothering me. I am currently 4 months postpartum and noticed I was getting discharge that had a slight odour and the discharge left rashes between my thighs and it got to the point I couldn’t wear underwear because the discharge would get more and I keep getting rashes. I noticed it getting a little bit better when I stopped wearing underwear the smell was still slightly fishy but not too terrible like before but recently after sexual intercourse I bled a little. Now google says it’s either the C word or some infection. I’m aware I should go doctor right away but I’m just not able to do so , my last two screenings for cervical cancer with my Pap smear came negative it was in 2018 and 2021. What’s the reason I bled?

Female | 27

Postpartum, it is normal to discharge but rashes and odor can prove an infection. Sex-related bleeding is not normal and may indicate a problem. This is why it’s important to go and see a doctor so that they can rule out any serious conditions. Cervical cancer screenings are also significant, but they do not detect all problems. If you are experiencing symptoms, do not waste time before seeing a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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He is infected of perenial fistula. And for years ,almost 9 surgeries was operated for him. And his colonscopy result before 1 and half year said normal. But now when MRI is taken ,shows some small tumors and may be T4N1MX adenocarcinoma cancer IS created but the other results like colonoscopy says normal , biopsy result says non diagnostic, CT SCAN result says it is better for him to take the test after 6 months, the blood test says normal and other organs like kidney, liver...are all normal. He has normal medical result apart from the cancer and now he is taking chemiotherapy treatment so what shall I do

Male | 64

When you have adenocarcinoma, you must stick to the treatment plan your doctor gives you. Chemotherapy is used often for treating this type of cancer. Just try to follow the treatment schedule, eat well, and get enough rest. 

Answered on 19th June '24

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Namaste, My father lives in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and is in terminal stage of cancer. It started as oral cancer which was removed surgically but unfortunately has metastasized to his lungs and now his liver. He took 6 rounds of chemotherapy, but it spread anyway. He is at end of life now and we are desperately looking for Ayurveda treatment or options that can ease this situation.

Male | 65

Metastasis means the cance­r has spread to other body areas. The te­rminal stage signals the disease­'s progression. Pain, weakness, and no appe­tite are symptoms. Ayurveda use­s herbs and healthy practices to e­ase discomfort and lift life quality. But consult an expe­rt to plan the ideal ayurvedic tre­atment approach for your dad's specific case. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Hello, My father is suffering from stage II B cancer. What are the chances of survival for this kind of cancer? What are the treatment options in India?

Need more details to comment on the treatment 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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