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Female | 20

I am a 20 year old female. I had missed a step and fallen down on ground two days ago (I think I twisted my left ankle but I don't remember clearly). After that I have trouble putting weight on my left leg. It doesn't hurt when I am resting and even movement is possible. But whenever I walk, there is some sort of pull near the left ankle and it hurts whenever I try to put weight on it. I have done ice compresses and elevated it but still it pains whenever I walk. Is it a mild ankle sprain? what should i do next?

1 Answer
Dr. Dilip Mehta

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult a Physiotherapist if no relief then consult an Orthopedic.

58 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

Regarding some medicine .... I m having osteoarthritis

Female | 49

Osteoarthritis is a condition that can cause pain and stiffness in your joints. The tissues that cushion your joints wear away, leading to this problem. Sometimes it may be due to old age, an injury, or obesity. You can do low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming to relieve the pain. Alternatively, apply ice packs or use heating pads on the affected area. Furthermore, purchasing footwear with proper arch support may also alleviate discomfort.

Answered on 27th May '24

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Injury on the leg caused by stepping on a nail

Male | 4

If you ste­p on a nail, wash the spot with soap and water right away. This cleans the­ cut. Then put a new bandage on it. Che­ck the cut every day. Look for signs of infe­ction. That can mean redness, fe­eling hot, or pus coming out. If you see those­ things, go to the doctor fast. They can give you me­dicine to keep the­ infection from getting worse.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is 62 years old and has had recently gone under ORIF for her elbow injury. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and also osteoporosis sue to her age. She takes hypertension medicine and controls pre-diabetes with diet. It's been 10 days since her surgery, she has a temporary plaster and we haven't got the x-ray yet. What are her chances of full recovery? Can there be any complications because of arthritis and how can we prevent those?

Female | 62

Considering your mother's age, medical history, and recent elbow procedure, her chances of complete healing are good. However, arthritis can sometimes slow down recovery. It's important to follow the doctor's advice, attend follow-up appointments, and keep her joint gently moving to prevent stiffness.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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I was having back pain since 1 year i visited orthopaedic i also did my MRI my reports were normal i completed the medication given by doctor.When i was on medication then i did not have pain and now the pain again has started once i was done with my medications. could it be nerve problem due to which i am facing pain?

Male | 27

Perhaps your backache is associated with nerve injury. I recommend that you see a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. They will perform further tests and establish what is causing your pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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growth plates checking by x ray

Male | 19

Growth plates are­ special areas in children's bone­s. They allow the bones to grow longe­r. An X-ray can show if a child's growth plates are still open. This me­ans the child is still growing taller. Some signs of proble­ms with growth plates are pain, swelling, or one­ limb being longer than the othe­r. Growth plate issues can happen afte­r injuries. They can also be cause­d by certain medical conditions. Treatme­nt depends on what is wrong. It may involve re­sting the area, doing physical therapy e­xercises, or sometime­s surgery.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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i am a 15 year old female ,i have been having knee pain for almost a year,i have visited a doc who gave me intamine cream and a compressor but its getting worse

Female | 15

You should consult an orthopedist. Various factors such as injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions can lead to knee pain. An orthopedic doctor will assess your condition and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. If the treatment is delayed, this may lead to worsening of condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have pain in the inside of my legs for a week and a half and it hurts whenever I put pressure on it.

Female | 14

If you're experiencing pain on the inside of your legs that worsens with pressure, it could be due to muscle strain, adductor tendinitis, groin hernia, or nerve impingement. It would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have swelling in one finger and not sleep well last one month what is the reason

Female | 31

Any injury on that particular finger ?
acupressure and acupuncture will help in treatment of swelling
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How safe is a spinal fusion? And is surgery the only way to fix the lower back pain caused by a vertebrae trapping a nerve?

Male | 36

Spinal fusion is a surgical operation used to stabilize the spine and reduce pain. While it carries certain risks, advancements have improved its safety. Surgery may be recommended if non-surgical treatments fail or if there is a risk of further nerve damage

Answered on 23rd May '24

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