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Female | 24

Why Do I Feel Pain in Both Sides of stomach?

I have pain in both sides of the stomach

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 27th Nov '24

These symptoms are disorder in nature and thus, there are many possible causes. This type of pain appears in the form of gas, constipation, indigestion, and the strain of muscles. You can also try having light meals. Nevertheless, if the symptoms persist or if it becomes unbearable for you, consult a gastroenterologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

What causes pain in the left iliac side and having black faeces with pus

Female | 17

This could potentially indicate a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. This can happen due to gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, or inflammation in the digestive tract. It's better not to delay and get the right treatment asap.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was diagnosed gallbladder polyps and can it causes bad breathing

Male | 40

Gallbladder polyps are growths inside the gallbladder which can be described as tiny bumps. These types of polyps generally aren't related to any form of bad breath. Bad breath usually comes from poor dental hygiene or problems with the lungs. Sometimes they may cause pain in your abdomen or make it hard for you to digest food. If they do and are still there when this happens again then taking out your gall bladder might stop anything else like that from happening in the future. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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I have acne from 5 years now I have heard about isotretinoin and I want to know if I can use it

Female | 19

Chronic stomach problems can have various causes, you need to get it diagnosed properly by a gastroenterologist. To address these issues, consider dietary adjustments, stress management, regular exercise, and maintaining a food diary to identify triggers. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was diagnosed with typhoid after which the doctor gave me medicine for 10 days. After 10 days they gave me medicine again which also included Tramin plus. I would like to know why given Dromadin Plus because it is a strong pain reliever. Now there is no pain in my body.

Male | 37

Typhoid is due to a bacillus and can result in fever, body aches, and stomach problems. The medicine that your doctor prescribed acted to eliminate the bacteria that were responsible for the infection. The Tramin Plus contained in your medication is responsible for the relief of any pain or discomfort you may have been experiencing. To ensure that the infection has been completely treated, it is crucial to take your medication exactly as directed.

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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I found one worm in my stool

Female | 22

Discovering a worm in your stool might be due to a parasitic infection. Parasites can enter your body through contaminated food, water, or surfaces. Consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, maintain good hygiene, and practice food and water safety. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does pyrantel pamoate get rid of tape worms?

Other | 55

No, Pyrantel pamoate kills roundworms and hookworms; however it does not kill tapeworm. If you think about the infection with tapeworms, it is recommended to refer a gastroenterologist for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from constipation since 1 week

Male | 25

The condition indicates difficulty with bowel movements. It could happen if you don't eat enough fiber, do not have enough water, and do not have enough physical activity. Symptoms are abdominal fullness, dry, hard stools, and sluggish bowel movements. Please, consider advice like incorporating fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates into your diet to relieve the symptoms. Daily physical activity and increased intake of water will facilitate the process as well.

Answered on 11th July '24

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Hello sir , Sir my age is 23 and I got fatty liver and ocd from 3 years when first time I got fatty liver my ultrasound report show grade 2 fatty liver and my doctor gave me proper medicine like golbi sr 450, adilip 45, zolfresh 10, ocid 20, folvite 5 , fluvox cr 300 , epilive 600 , rospitril plus 1 , clonil 75 SR . and after 6 months my treatment completed and docter advised me usg and I reversed to fatty grade 1 liver and docter stop my medication later I got fatty liver 1 and high triglycerides so doctor recheck my tests and I done with all test cbc , lft , kft , thyroid test , hba1c , lipid profile and usg and results were all kft , thyroid , hba1c are normal but elevated liver enzymes sgpt and sgot and lipid are also high and usg show fatty 1 grade and doctor re start my all medicines as same as first time medicines for six months then after 6 months my doctor advised all re test my all reports get normal except liver enzymes and grade 1 fatty liver and docter told me everything is normal so they stop my medication and advice me physically activity to do but I am little obese and doing no exercise and drink alcohol 90-120 ml a day six to seven times a month and later after just one year I got fatty liver symptoms and I go to new doctor well renowned doctor he advised me fibroscan , lft , cbc , esr , lipid profile , thyroid test , hba1c. Reports are : hba1c - 5.8 normal Kft : normal Thyroid : normal Esr : normal CBC : little low RBC , low p.c.v , little high m.c.h , m.c.h.c Lft : bilrubin direct 0.3 indirect 0.4 , sgpt 243 , sgot 170 IU/L Lipid profile : Total cholesterol : 210 mg/dl Triglycerides : 371 mg/dl Ldl : 141 mg/dl Hdl : 38 mg/dl Vldl : 74 mg/dl Tc/hdl ratio : 5.5 Ldl/hdl ratio : 3.7 Fibroscan report : Cap(dB/m) median : 355 Iqr : 28 Iqr/median : 8% E(KPa) median : 10.0 Iqr : 2.3 Iqr/med : 23% Examination M(Liver) Number of valid measurements : 10 Number of invalid measurements : 0 Success rate : 100% Measurements all 10 : 1- CAP : 359 dB/m E : 10.2 KPa 2- CAP : 333 dB/m E : 12.8 KPa 3- CAP : 351 dB/m E : 7.6 KPa 4- CAP : 302 dB/m E : 7.1 KPa 5- CAP : 381 dB/m E : 7.8 KPa 6- CAP : 359 dB/m E : 8.9 KPa 7- CAP : 368 dB/m E : 10.7 KPa 8- CAP : 345 dB/m E : 10.2 KPa 9- CAP : 310 dB/m E : 9.8 KPa 10- Not given Clinical correlation with fibroscan data : Evidence of significantly with fibrosis of liver corresponding to liver biopsy metavir score F3 Treatment started : - Flunil 40< - ursotina 300< - cutee 400< - roseday F10- - zolfresh 10 - ocid 20 Treatment given : 1 Year After Treatment Tests : Fibroscan report : Cap(dB/m) mean : 361 E(KPa) median : 9.4 Iqr/median : 28% Examination M(Liver) Number of e- measurements : 10 Success rate : >100% Measurements all 10 : 1- E : 11 KPa 2- E : 11.5 KPa 3- E : 10.0 KPa 4- E : 10.7 KPa 5- E : 7.8 KPa 6- E : 8.5 KPa 7- E : 8.8 KPa 8- E : 11.4 KPa 9- E : 8.2 KPa 10- E : 7.5 KPa Clinical correlation with fibroscan data : Evidence of significantly steatosis with evidence of fibrosis of liver corresponding to liver biopsy metavir score F2 B.M.I : 29 CBC : normal Esr : normal Thyroid test : normal Kft : normal Uric acid : normal Lipid profile : normal Lft test : sgpt 113 sgot 70 IU/L Serum GGTP : 42 IU/L (normal) Hba1c : 6.1 % prediabeties Treatment medicines for NASH : - Ocid 20- - Flunil 60- - Zolfresh 10- - Bilypsa- - Polvite E- - Fenocor R- - My question sir : Can my fibrosis F3 to F2 can come back to F0 healthy liver after weight loss and treatment I listen that scarring is natural process to heal itself but scar never go just it get fade with treatment not permanently heal or removed is it true or not what is your advice sir

Male | 23

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can progress to fibrosis, which is the scaring of the liver. Healthy weight loss through diet and exercise can play a key role in the liver's health. The liver is capable of some self-repair, but the damage from serious scarring is probably not going to be reversed completely. Following your doctor's advice, taking your medication, and lifestyle changes to support your liver health are essential. 

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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I am 21 years old. My weight is 48kg. And since few months I experienced itching around the anal region. I got to know it was due to pinworms after observing them in stool. Please provide me some medicine for pinworms

Female | 21

Tab Bandyplus you can take today and second dose after one week.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’ve had constipation for six months and I have been using dulcolax every week to help, however this week when I used my dose, I felt nauseous and didn’t feel my normal budge in stool. I suspect I have impacted stool or some sort of blockage. I tried 2 enemas however after using them (lying on my left, inserting it for 5 minutes and staying still) it didn’t work. My main question is If I’m having impacted stool should I take miralax powder , dulcolax pills, or suppositaries, or a third enema Or book a colonic treatment? thank you

Male | 17

If you feel sick after taking Dulcolax you may need to try a different method. When stool is impacted it means that the poo has become stuck and will not come out very easily. Use Miralax powder which can help to soften it. You can mix it with a drink and take it according to the instructions on the packet. Make sure you also drink lots of water. If there is no change when using Miralax then you should speak to a healthcare professional for further advice.

Answered on 7th June '24

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