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Female | 27

I have axillary fat I'm not confident with this finally I decided liposuction removel but it's too much expensive I'm not afford it so can you please tell me the cost for under arm fat removal?

Answered on 23rd May '24


axillary fat removal can be done by liposuction at affordable cost.

Kindly share images or visit for physical consultation.

23 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery" (245)

When can i stop using bbl pillow?

Male | 45

You can stop using a BBL pillow after two weeks of your Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. However, your surgeon will give you specific instructions based on your individual case, which you should follow carefully to ensure optimal results. Remember to avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for a few weeks after the surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi. I am 46 years old mother of 2 children aged 13 and 4yrs. In September 2021 I got liposuction and tummy tuck done. After 6 weeks of wearing the prescribed compression garments and daily massages post surgery, I started noticing big, hard eruptions on my stomach area. Some are red and some are very painful. The doctor punctured one of the eruptions to see if any fluid came out but it did not. He then ask me to use Tbac and put me on anti inflammatory medicine+ flexon. Then one day from the eruption i noticed a pus like fluid. Went to the doctor again. A pus culture was done. No bacteria found. Doctor said looks like it is a suture issue with my body not being able to get rid of the dissolvable stitches. He gave me tricort injections on the hard lumps. Now almost 3 weeks later, some are better but new large and painful ones have also formed. Please advise your thoughts on this and what you feel could be wrong. I am very worried.

Female | 46

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to reduce swelling after tummy tuck?

Male | 45

To reduce swelling, wear compression garment continuously after Tummy tuck. and after stitch line is healed u can start massaging the area. it will help in reducong swelling early after tummy tuck.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the y lift?

Male | 45

its basically injected fillers underneath the muscles giving face a Y shape with straight part of y forming lower face ( narrow face ) and bifurcated part of y forming upper face 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When can i workout after bbl?

Male | 39

After a Brazilian Butt Lift wait six to eight weeks before resuming workouts; however, the exact timeline depends on various factors. It is very important to schedule follow up consultations with your plastic surgeon because they are best equipped in recommending specific guidelines the recipient based on his progress of recovery as well individual factors. These recommendations will guarantee the safety return to physical exercises.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 5th July '24

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I just started taking prevention pills (mordette pills) and I want to start taking slimz cut (weight loss pills) would it be okay

Female | 18

Whenever you are mixing two different types of pills, you should be cautious. Mordette should be taken for protection and Slimz Cut for shedding off some extra pounds. It can be dangerous to use them together. There might be side effects due to the unknown interactions when pills are mixed without knowledge. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare provider before taking any new drug.

Answered on 31st May '24

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When can i sleep on my side after breast lift?

Female | 40

once the swelling begins to subside. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Maam I am 29 and I am soon going to get married. I want to make my size bigger, please advise.

Male | 29

You can opt for breast implant surgery or you can ask your plastic surgeon for breast fat Grafting.

Answered on 25th Aug '24

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When can you eat after lip fillers?

Female | 24

you might have to avoid drinking too hot and too cold soon after treatment. 
atleast for 24 hours 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to get rid of hardness after lipo?

Female | 51

massage local area

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Blocked nose 6 months after rhinoplasty, what to do?

Female | 35

Experiencing a blocked nose six months after rhinoplasty can be normal in some cases, but it's essential to consult with your surgeon for a proper evaluation. While the majority of swelling and healing typically occur within the first few months following rhinoplasty, it's possible for residual swelling to persist for a longer period, especially in the nasal passages. Residual swelling, Scar tissue formation, Nasal valve collapse can be the reasons for blocked nose at this stage. 

If you're experiencing a blocked nose six months after rhinoplasty, it's important to consult with your surgeon or an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) to determine the cause and appropriate course of action. They will be able to evaluate your situation and provide you with personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. In the meantime, here are a few general suggestions that may help:

  1. Follow post-operative instructions: Review the instructions provided by your surgeon after the rhinoplasty and ensure that you are following them correctly. This may include nasal sprays, saline rinses, or other prescribed medications.
  2. Nasal irrigation: Consider using a saline nasal rinse or a neti pot to help flush out any mucus or debris from your nasal passages. This can help alleviate congestion and keep your nose clear.
  3. Humidify the air: Dry air can exacerbate nasal congestion. Using a humidifier in your living space or bedroom can add moisture to the air, reducing the likelihood of a blocked nose.
  4. Avoid irritants: Minimize exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke, strong chemical odors, and pollutants. These can further inflame the nasal passages and contribute to congestion.
  5. Elevate your head during sleep: Keeping your head elevated while sleeping can help reduce nasal congestion. Try using an extra pillow or consider using a wedge pillow specifically designed for this purpose.
  6. Avoid blowing your nose forcefully: Blowing your nose too hard can potentially disrupt the healing process and worsen congestion. Instead, gently blow your nose with one nostril at a time or use a saline nasal spray to help clear your nasal passages.

Remember, these are general suggestions, and it's essential to seek professional medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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I'm 18 and just had a septoplasty surgery two days ago and I'm struggling to manage the pain but I also have some questions about the splints placed inside my nose

Female | 18

It is common to have pain following septoplasty. The splints inside your nose are meant to support the healing process. Due to them, you might feel discomfort, pressure, or blocked-up sensation but do not try touching or removing them all the same. Follow the doctor’s advice for managing the pain and keeping the nose clean. In case of any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hi ,My name is Reena G right plam got burn during ganpati aarti from camphor I went to the dr he cut the whole burn part of my plam it took months to heal and sometime my hand hurts do you suggest any plastic surgery on the plam I'm getting married this year I need help and what will be the cost of the surgery please reply

Female | 34

I advise you to visit a certified plastic surgeon. Upon proper diagnosis and after seeing the extent of the injury, shape and size of your scar and other things, the surgeon will decide which treatment is appropriate for you and whether plastic surgery is an option for you or not. Talking about the cost, the cost varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and the type of anesthesia. 

Answered on 8th Dec '24

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What is micro laser liposuction?

Male | 46

Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin. It’s also called laser lipolysis.Its safe and effective.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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