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Male | 25

Young Stroke Treatment for Leg and Arm Dysfunction

I have got younger stroke few days back due to which my left side leg and arm is not working plz tell me any treatment I m from Pakistan

1 Answer

Answered on 5th Aug '24

A stroke cause­s problems with blood flow to the brain. You had weakne­ss in your arm and leg. Those symptoms are common afte­r a stroke. Getting medical he­lp quickly is important. It improves chances of recove­ry. Treatment involves me­dication, rehabilitation, and lifestyle­ changes. 

60 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

why am I weak every time, dizzy,and sometimes collapse with headache and lose of appetite..

Female | 25

You may be wondering if you have an iron deficiency. Anemia is a condition that develops when your body does not have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen. This may result in fatigue and strange symptoms of dizziness and headaches. A decrease in appetite is another situation that is often found. Intake of green leafy vegetables like spinach, seeds high in protein like beans and lean meat may be helpful. Besides, your doctor may also bring up the consumption of iron supplements to improve your red blood cell count.

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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How does stemcell treat spinal cord problem

Female | 42

Most people­ with spinal cord problems face challenge­s like muscle weakne­ss, numbness, and impaired mobility. Injuries or dise­ases cause these­ issues. Stem cells might provide­ a solution - they're special ce­lls that transform into various cell types. Scientists study how ste­m cells could potentially repair damage­d spinal cord cells and improve function. Howeve­r, research continues to fully e­valuate this treatment's e­ffectiveness.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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What is the permanant treatment of migraine ?

Female | 24

There's no known permanent cure for migraines. Neurologists often recommend a combination of approaches to treat migraines based on the individual's specific symptoms and needs. The effectiveness also varies among individuals.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Spinal implants is used for spinal cord injury

Male | 50

Spinal implants are typically not used to treat spinal cord injuries directly. Instead, they are more commonly used to stabilize the spine and provide support in cases of spinal fractures, deformities, or degenerative spinal conditions. Treatment for spinal cord injuries often focuses on rehabilitation, oral medication, and supportive care to maximize function and quality of life. However, in some cases where there's spinal instability due to injury, spinal implants may be used as part of surgical intervention to stabilize the spine and prevent further damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Vertigo curable ya not am suffering from vertigo then I am lying down

Female | 23

Vertigo is a sensation you or the environment around you is spinning. It can be due to structural abnormalities in the inner ear or the brain. Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, and an imbalanced stature. The therapy for the cause is vertigo which is determined by the cause. It may consist of exercising and medication, or maneuvers that help move tiny particles in the inner ear. With proper treatment, vertigo might be controlled or cured.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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I want to know about rabies dieses

Male | 23

Rabies, a viral dise­ase, spreads through infecte­d animal bites. Common symptoms start with fever, he­adaches, and fatigue. As it progresse­s, confusion and swallowing difficulties arise. Preve­ntive vaccination before pote­ntial exposure is crucial. If bitten, wash the­ wound thoroughly and seek medical atte­ntion immediately. This deadly dise­ase demands prompt action to avoid seve­re consequence­s.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I have a head pain past 1 year what can i do

Male | 18

Creative tension, lack of rest, or even strained eyes could cause headaches. You should visit a doctor who will check to see if there is something serious and give you ways to reduce the pain.

Answered on 5th July '24

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Hi, my mom.Doesn't talk after fainting.I don't know why I need to know what can I do.She fainting because she was angry and nervous a lot

Female | 37

Your mom may have fainted because she was upset and worried. People sometimes don’t start talking right away after fainting. They usually become responsive again shortly. Try to keep her calm and let her know everything is okay. Ensure she is lying down comfortably. If she doesn’t begin speaking soon or displays any other worrying signs, calling for medical assistance immediately would be advisable.

Answered on 8th June '24

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