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Female | 21

I m 21 years old female my left nipples always cracks and peels out and little blood flesh which has come out of nipples is seen I m very tensed I have consulated two doctors they oitment is still thing from three years

2 Answers

Answered on 22nd June '24

If the cracking of nipple is not responding to ointment what needs to be ruled out is a Paget's disease of the nipple. This requires a clinical examination by a breast surgeon and he or she can guide you further on the same.

78 people found this helpful

Answered on 23rd May '24

When this type of nipple cracking and bleeding does not answer to treatment, further evaluation is necessary. It is highly recommended to seek an opinion from a breast consultant dermatologist that can provide further evaluation. Next, they could look at more diagnostic tests or different treatments. Since persistent changes in your nipple may have different causes, seeing a specialist might give you the required treatment for its best care. Second opinion is also recommended if the symptoms do not subside despite treatment.

88 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Good day I would like to have a quotation for cancer treatment. The diagnostic obtained is Moderately Differentiated Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This treatment is for 59 years old woman, because of the diagnostic she already removed the uterus. Best Regards Rosa Saiete

Hello, as per your clinical history is concerned, cost of treatment will be 2lakh 25000 only.
Dr sahoo 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I think i have skin cancer but i don’t know how to tell

Female | 14

If you suspect skin cancer, consult a dermatologist. Monitor any changes in moles or spots using the ABCDE rule. Take photos for documentation and avoid self diagnosis. A dermatologist can perform a thorough examination and potentially conduct a biopsy if necessary. Early detection is key for successful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from squamous carcinoma near retromolar. What is the best treatment for this type cancer?

Male | 45

First Oncologist will analyze the report and depending on the stage of the cancer, If operable surgery is the treatment of choice and depending on the stage chemotherapy and radiation might also be required 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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We have discovered that my uncle has Liver Cancer which is in 3rd stage. Doctors have found a lump of 4cm in his liver which will be removed through a surgery however he has only 3-6 months time to survive. Can somebody please help. Is there still chances of his survival?

Male | 70

Liver cancer in the 3rd stage can be challenging, but there is still hope with surgical removal of the 4cm tumor. Survival chances depend on many factors, including the success of the surgery and his overall health. Consukt the best hospitals for the treatment.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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A 45 year old woman just had surgery of left kidney removal due to renal cell carcinoma. A report came back saying “Microscopically; - left side radical nephrectomy ; - Sections show; renal cell carcinoma, nuclear grade Ill according WHO/ISUP grading system (composed of 4 grade), the growth composed of diffuse, tubular micropapillary patterns, the cells having granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, with invasion of pelvicalyseal system and renal sinus. Minimal tumor necrosis. Positive Lymphovascular and renal capsular invasion (but no invasion to perirenal fat). No renal vein invasion. Pieces of rib was tumor free. The growth limited to kidney, no extra renal extension. AJCC TNM staging 2N0Mx group stage I| (T2= mass > 7 cm< 10 cm limited to kidney)”. Some doctors are stating that chemotherapy is needed now because there is a risk of it being spread in the body (not necessarily organs). So my question is what does this report summarize or mean? Can you explain it to me and how chemotherapy really is needed?

Female | 45

Che­motherapy aims to eliminate unse­en cancer cells, pre­venting future recurre­nce. It serves as a pre­cautionary measure against the dise­ase. Chemotherapy targe­ts potential residual cancer ce­lls undetectable through scans. This additional tre­atment bolsters defe­nses, reducing chances of cance­r's return. It provides an extra safe­guard, increasing the odds of successful manageme­nt.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Throat cancer related? Mera gale ke cancer ka treatment ho chuka hai cemo aur radiation se 3 months ho chuke hai puchna tha mai kbtk solid food le paungi?

Female | 34

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can cause difficulty swallowing and mouth sores, making it hard to eat solid foods. Sticking to liquid foods can help you recover slowly, and you can reintroduce solid foods once your throat heals. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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I am a 24 year old girl presenting all classic symptoms of hogdkins lymphoma, but im not sure what is the next step

Female | 24

I know it is hard to have symptoms that seem like­ Hodgkin's lymphoma. This kind of cancer can make the lymph node­s swell up. It can make you fee­l very tired too. You might lose we­ight without trying. You might get sweaty at night. The be­st thing to do is see a doctor who treats cance­r. The doctor might need to do a te­st called a biopsy to know for sure if you have Hodgkin's lymphoma. The­ biopsy can help the doctor plan the right tre­atment for you. 

Answered on 8th Oct '24

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My mother pet ct scan report shows that active metastatic bilateral supraclavicular and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy. Please give me the right advice for better treatment in which hospital.


Please attach your reports-
a)CBC & CRP 
b)Liver function test
c)PET scan

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My maternal aunt is diagonised with cancer. She is in the first stage and Dr. From TATA said for operation. But her financial condition is not good. Is there any option for subsidies treatment to save her life.

Female | 56

There are many government schemes and programs in India that provide financial assistance for cancer treatment like the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), also known as Ayushman Bharat. You can check if your aunt is eligible for this scheme, and if so, she can avail cashless treatment for cancer in any empaneled hospital. You can check thjere are various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and cancer foundations for financial assistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How fast does sarcoma grow?

Male | 43

The growth rate of sarcomas depends on the grade. A low grade sarcoma is a slow growing Tumor which may take even an year to reach 5cm or less. On the other hand, a high grade sarcoma not only increases rapidly in size, it can also spread to other organs, like lung, very fast

Answered on 23rd May '24

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