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Female | 16

Possible OCD Symptoms: Finger Tap, Muscle Twitch, Symmetry

I wonder if I have a form of OCD. I finger tap, muscle twitch, and count syllables. Also, when I finger tap and muscle twitch, it has to be equal on both sides of my body, or else it really bothers me. Also, let's say I hit my elbow on a table or fridge, I feel a very urgent need to touch my other elbow to said table or fridge, and it is very hard to ignore the need. This has been bothering me for about 2-3 years. (Ever since I started high school).

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Your description points to Obse­ssive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms. OCD is a condition whe­re thoughts repeat. Pe­ople feel compe­lled to do actions repeate­dly. This includes tapping, counting, or needing symme­try. OCD treatment usually involves the­rapy and medication. Speaking with a psychiatrist about symptoms is crucial. 

48 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (492)

I am 36 years old, doing night shift work tobearn money from last few years,pure veg,no egg ,no fish non drinker non smoker, unable to sleep properly and some time anxiety occurs.

Male | 36

This might be that the night shifts have disturbed your body's internal clock, which can lead to sleeplessness. The lack of sleep can also be a contributing factor to anxiety. Try to make a sleep schedule and stick to it, avoid caffeine and screens before bed, and relax your mind with deep breathing or gentle music before going to sleep.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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I am 26 old male but i am very very thinking my problem please sir any solution.

Male | 26

Thank you for reaching out. It sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed by constant thinking, which can happen when we’re stressed or anxious. It might help to start with simple steps like setting aside time daily to write down your thoughts or practice deep breathing exercises. If this overthinking is affecting your daily life or making you feel stuck, talking to a psychologist can be very beneficial. They can help you understand why this is happening and guide you toward strategies to feel more calm and focused. Taking this step can bring clarity and relief.

Answered on 11th Dec '24

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I was on deanxit for 2 years with escitolopram 20 , my doctor stoped deanxit due to its side efficts and put me on wellbutrin 150 my with escitolopram 20 mg, it has been 12, 13 days and facing severe withdrawl symptoms like needles and tingles sensation in Arms and legs, Anxiety and weakness, what should i do with these symptoms Thanks and Regards

Male | 40

To minimize such effects, it's crucial to re­duce Deanxit dosage gradually unde­r medical guidance. Meanwhile­, staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals, re­sting enough, and doing light exercise­s may provide relief. But re­member, always kee­p your doctor informed about changing your dosage for e­ffective manageme­nt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am 26 years old and struggled my whole life with anxiety and stammering. I usually don't stammer when I am not nervous or when I am in position of power. Help me reduce my anxiety please.

Male | 26

you can be helped through hypnotherapy and CBT.Reach me by

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I'm taking esomeprazole, lisinopril, lipitor, citalopram and ropinerole. I want to know if I can take anti sweat tablets

Female | 59

It is possible that sweating contributes to the discomfort, and any medications may interact with each other. The adverted drug might also negatively affect the efficiency of other medications that you are taking. It is vital to communicate with a doctor. They will give advice or suggest something else if necessary to manage your situation. 

Answered on 11th July '24

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I am 24 years girl appeared for MBA final. Recently I had some sort of panic attack. My pulse rate went up to around 150 and was feeling heaviness in chest. I got relief after vomiting. This happened for conservative two days. Now I am ok but don't know if it can occur again. What could be the possible cause and remedy for it.

Female | 24

Panic attacks can be caused by anxiety, stress, or underlying health conditions. To manage panic attacks, try relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Seeking support from a mental health professional is important for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello sir I am Dr Praveena.... preparing for pg entrance....since a week I feel shortness of breath...also have many issues at home affecting my mental this a kind of anxiety attack....

Female | 26

Hello Dr. Praveena..It may or may not be an anxiety issue or it might be a cocktail of several issues as well. As there is very less information, reaching a conclusion is difficult. You can book an appointment with me and we can discuss this in detail. Whatever it is, there are various ways to get treated so don't worry!
I provide online as well as in-person sessions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am unable to sleep since last few weeks

Male | 38

The trouble of late with a rest condition can hardly be seen due to feeling concerned. One of the most common side effects is having difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently during the night, which then leads to fatigue during the day. A multitude of things, such as anxiety, lifestyle choices, or even health concerns existing underneath the condition is being the causes of these symptoms. It would be beneficial to try the following to help relieve the situation: implementing a consistent and relaxing nighttime routine, staying away from screens while you're about to sleep, and creating a cozy sleep space. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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What would happen if I take 3 yellow betapam pills at once

Female | 19

Taking 3 yellow be­tapam pills at once is extreme­ly risky. Betapam treats anxiety disorde­rs. But overdosing can induce seve­re dizziness, exce­ssive sleepine­ss, and dangerously slowed breathing – a se­rious overdose situation requiring urge­nt medical attention. Neve­r exceed your doctor's re­commended dosage.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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Hi. I suffer from severe OCD, anxiety and depression and I'm on two antidepressants - fluoxetine and mirtazapine. I am wondering about the efficacy of vortioxetine in treating OCD, anxiety and depression and whether replacing mirtazapine with vortioxetine will bring improvement to my mental health. I can't find any information on Google. Both of them are atypical antidepressants. Is vortioxetine superior or inferior to mirtazapine in general? Someone told me that vortioxetine is "very mild" in terms of efficacy. Is that true? Thank you.

Male | 25

Like mirtazapine, vortioxetine is believed to help with anxiety, depression, and OCD. Some trials have shown vortioxetine may be useful for these conditions. However, everyone reacts to drugs differently. Therefore, you must talk to your doctor about any changes in your medication so that they can find something that will work for you.

Answered on 30th May '24

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I have ADHD. I was diagnosed 6-7 months ago. I have a hard time focusing and tend to move around when I shouldn’t. Should I take adderall?

Male | 23

Adderall is a drug used to treat these symptoms by enhancing concentration among people with ADHD; however, you need to consult with your doctor before taking any medication like this. They will provide proper guidance on how best to manage the condition effectively.

Answered on 15th Sept '24

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