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Female | 61

Can I Improve Mobility with Osteoarthritis and Weight Loss?

I’m 61 knee pain foot pain being of 42 osteoarthritis and need to loose weight quickly finding mobility getting worse

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 3rd June '24

Given your age and history of osteoarthritis, it is most likely caused by the wear and tear on your joints. Losing some weight gradually with a healthy diet could relieve the pressure on the knees. Additionally, physical therapy may enhance flexibility while building up muscles around these areas. 

30 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

Perineural cyst is painfull?

Female | 33

A perine­ural cyst can hurt sometimes. These­ fluid-filled sacs grow near lower back ne­rves. They cause back pain, le­g pain, numbness. The exact re­ason is unclear, but old injuries or gene­s may cause them. Treatme­nt includes managing pain, physical therapy, or, rarely, surge­ry removing the cyst.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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I got my acl and mcl surgery 4 weeks ago and now I walk without any support or knee brace it is safe or not ?? And today at bending my knee I hear a cracking sound it is possible of break the repaired acl

Male | 24

A cracking sound heard during knee flexion may raise a red flag. It might be caused by the rupture of scar tissue or movement of the joint. However, don't be frightened. Initially, it is not likely that the repaired ACL has been torn again. Still, though, for your good, stay away from practices that hurt or cause any discomfort. Keep being careful, and maybe set up a visit with your surgeon to check that everything is okay.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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I have got burn in my ankle and i got wound.How Can i heal this fast.

Male | 25

Burns occur when skin contacts hot items like­ fire or boiling water. The are­a might be red, swollen, and painful. To he­al faster, gently clean the­ wound, apply burn cream, and bandage it. Kee­p it clean and dry for a few days. If it doesn't improve­ or you notice pus or more pain, see­ a healthcare provider. But for now, ke­ep it clean and protecte­d. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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Hi I had a Talus fracture , here is the below CT SCAN report. Please let me know if I can walk normally without pain like before. CT SCAN REPORT IMPRESSIONS :"age indeterminate undisplaced fracture of the dome of the talus with intra-articular extension to talotibial joint space"

Male | 40

What treatment is taken for the fracture 
pl detail

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Body eatching.. What is medicine for relief.?

Male | 67


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I met with an major accident last 2 months back and my right leg was opened and after surgery doctor had put k wire but today while gng to washroom I fell down and my kwire is bit moved and it bleeding what to so

Male | 30

you should get medical help immediately. Contact your orthopedic surgeon and follow medical advice given. Indeed, delaying treatment causes only more problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Nucoxia 90 is safe for daily use for long term

Male | 41

Nucoxia 90 treats pain and swe­lling. Used daily for extende­d periods, it addresses ailme­nts like arthritis, post-surgical discomfort. Consult your physician regarding appropriate usage­ duration. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Hips too much pain and swelling not going to sit

Male | 42

Acupuncture has proven track record to reduce swelling and help improve mobility of the joints.
Acupuncture combined with Acupressure, Moxibustion, Cupping. Also detailed consultation session which includes Do's and Donts in food, diet, physical exercises will reduce swelling, improve movement and overall boost the well-being of the patient.
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is 39 year old female, she's been having pain in all of her joints for the past 4 months, it worsens with physical activities while pain alleviates with rests. I want to know who I should consult with for further treatment

Female | 39

As for your mother's complaints of painful joints, which are aggravated by activity and relieved by rest, they can be interpreted as potential signs of arthritis. Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by swelling and pain in the joints. Therefore, you need to consult a rheumatologist for further treatment. A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other joint problems. They can assist in determining the origin of the discomfort and enable the correct therapy to be administered that will aid in the alleviation of the signs.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Answered on 30th July '24

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