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Male | 29

What should I eat before & after running for peak performance?

I'm training for a marathon and want to make sure my diet supports my training. What should I be eating before and after my runs to maximize performance and recovery?

Answered on 17th July '24

Consume food containing carbohydrates and protein two-three hours before the run to be full of energy. The protein shake makes sure your muscles grow and get rid of fat every weekend. If you keep your body hydrated throughout the day, it might prevent dehydration and tiredness. A wide array of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains can be included in a diet to help improve the performance of your workouts.

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Questions & Answers on "Diet and Nutrition" (125)

I was drinking a hot coffee but accidentally bird poop dropped into the coffee and i didn’t’ Recognise and take 2 - 3 sips. Please suggest

Male | 28

Consuming a relatively foreign item by accident can be a cause of concern, but it is important to stay calm. The symptoms to look out for include nausea, digestive problems, and fever, which could be a sign of any infection. The mere presence of bird droppings may potentially harbor pathogenic organisms, but it normally takes a heavy exposure to cause illness. Be sure to drink enough water and observe your health condition. If you experience any unexpected symptoms or are not feeling well, please get in touch with a doctor. Such professionals are capable of giving you the right pieces of advice based on your situation. Do not forget, in the first place, your health is the main thing.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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Can I take feroglobin together with wellwoman original and multivitamins gummies

Female | 24

It is safe to take Feroglobin, Wellwoman Original, and multivitamin gummies together. These supplements work together to provide your body with essential nutrients. If you feel tired or weak, it could be due to low iron levels, which Feroglobin can help improve. Wellwoman and multivitamin gummies add basic vitamins and minerals to support your overall health. Follow the recommended dosages, and you'll be fine.

Answered on 7th Feb '25

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Proper weekly diet chart and medicine for alochoalic fatty liver

Male | 25

you can get acupuncture done for fatty liver, also acupressure points and home remedies will give you faster results. 
you can connect with me 
take care 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am underweight and have low iron i wanna improve it as due to it i frequently get sick easily like 2 or 3 in month I did reports for iron and hemoglobin Iron level is 74.4 and hemoglobin is 10.7 ( it droped it was nearly 14 ) And for my weight I am 38.60 and height is 5'2 feet

Female | 16

It's concerning to hear about your low iron levels and weight. Symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and frequent illness often arise from these issues. Causes may include inadequate nutrition, absorption problems, or underlying health conditions. To improve your situation, focus on a balanced diet rich in iron sources like lean meats, beans, and leafy greens, along with vitamin C for better absorption. Consider eating more calorie-dense foods to support weight gain. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and possible iron supplements. They can help create a tailored plan to enhance your health effectively.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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Can i have Limcee 500mg VitC tablet everyday? I am not into any medication

Female | 19

Taking Limcee 500mg of VitC every day is perfectly okay. Your body's immune system is more powerful against infections thanks to the vitamin C, and your skin remains in good condition. Vitamin C deficiency may result in you feeling fatigued and frequently getting ill. A daily dose of one tablet would be really good for you. But it is also good to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C as well.

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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Can I take feroglobin together with wellwoman original and multivitamins gummies

Female | 34

You can generally take Feroglobin with Wellwoman Original and multivitamin gummies together, as they typically contain complementary nutrients. However, it's important to be aware of your dietary intake to avoid excessive doses of certain vitamins and minerals. Monitoring how your body feels is crucial; if you notice any unusual symptoms like nausea or fatigue, it may be wise to reassess the combination. For personalized advice, I recommend consulting your healthcare provider to ensure this combination fits your specific health needs. It's always best to prioritize your wellness with professional guidance.

Answered on 22nd Jan '25

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Chiken pox treatment and diet

Male | 25

Chickenpox, a supe­r contagious viral illness, leads to yucky, itchy red spots appe­aring everywhere­. It easily spreads through snee­zes or contact with fluid-filled blisters. Symptoms are­ feeling hot and icky, complete­ exhaustion, and not wanting any food. To ease te­rrible itching, slather on soothing calamine lotion. Drink tons of liquids and nibble­ soft foods since throat soreness make­s swallowing difficult. Rest up and resist scratching those spots to pre­vent ugly scars.

Answered on 8th July '24

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My mom have mild stroke and doctor give her a blood tinner medicine and high cholesterol medicine,she don't have high cholesterol but she have low blood lately me (her son) trying to find healthy diets for her but ended up with confusing result on Google,some say salmons are good,some say are not...i hope you can help me

Female | 37

Individuals with low blood pressure are in need of special attention and treatment. The most vital thing for them is to concentrate on a healthy diet. Salmon is a great option as it is full of Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for heart health. It is best to discuss with her doctor the safest and most effective diet plan to take care of her health.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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I have PCOD problem, I have gallstone problem. I have excess weight. I have high cholesterol. What should be diet plan for me

Female | 31

First, PCOD, which causes irregular periods, acne­, and weight gain. Eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits, ve­ggies, whole grains, and lean prote­ins can help manage it. Next up, gallstone­s. These can cause abdominal pain afte­r fatty foods. Limiting greasy, fatty foods in your diet is advisable. Exce­ss weight puts strain on your body, worsening PCOD and gallstones. Eating smalle­r portions and staying active aids weight loss. High choleste­rol can lead to heart problems too. Re­ducing saturated fats from butter, red me­at, fried foods helps lower chole­sterol. Instead, opt for healthie­r fats like nuts, seeds, olive­ oil. Making these dietary change­s positively impacts your health.

Answered on 8th July '24

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Body nhi ban rha hai body dupla ptla hai

Male | 20

You are worried that your body is not being built up well and you are thin. It happens because one doesn't eat enough healthy food, gets any rest, or has an illness. One way to improve this is to eat a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. In addition, plan adequate time for sleep and find time to engage in physical activities. If the problem still exists, seek medical advice.

Answered on 24th July '24

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I need gestational diebetic diet plan...

Female | 31

Gestational diabe­tes occurs when your body struggles to proce­ss sugar during pregnancy. You might feel unusually thirsty, e­xhausted, or need fre­quent bathroom breaks. These­ signs happen because your ce­lls can't use sugar efficiently. Eating nutritious foods like­ vegetables, fruits, whole­ grains, and lean proteins helps re­gulate blood glucose leve­ls. Additionally, routinely monitoring your blood sugar provides valuable data for manage­ment.

Answered on 8th July '24

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Hi good day. I would to ask if aspartame is really safe? Thank you

Female | 25

Aspartame is a sweetener used in foods and drinks. It is safe for people ten. Some may have mild symptoms from aspartame like headaches or digestive issues. If you have these and think they are from aspartame try to avoid it to see if you feel better. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I want a diet plan for 5000calories a day

Male | 28

Eat 5000 calories e­very single day, problems may arise­. High-calorie intake leads to issue­s: weight gain, blood pressure spike­s, diabetes risk increase­s, heart troubles deve­lop. Consume nutritious foods instead - fruits, and vege­tables provide vitamins, lean prote­ins build muscle, and whole grains give fibe­r. Avoid sugary drinks filled with empty calories. Also, unhe­althy fats are detrimental. 

Answered on 8th July '24

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I have a family history of heart disease, and I'm concerned about my cholesterol levels. What foods should I incorporate or avoid to maintain a heart-healthy diet?

Male | 34

The changes in your diet should be aimed at the inclusion of the following: incorporating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish and poultry. To lower cholesterol intake food containing trans fats, saturated fats, and added sugars should be avoided. These can increase your cholesterol level and heart disease risk.

Answered on 22nd July '24

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Hi, I struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome. Are there any specific dietary adjustments or supplements that might help improve my energy levels?

Male | 35

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that causes severe tiredness that lasts for a long time. It is characterized by unexplained weakness. In addition, a healthy eating plan comprising a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains could be the perfect strategy to cope with it. Alternatively, you can try supplements like Vitamin D or Vitamin B12 is a source of good energy. To maintain optimal functioning of the body, also drink enough water and get enough sleep. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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What is the diet for blood pressure high?

Female | 60

Blood pressure­ problems cause difficulty. Headache­, chest pain, dizziness result. Following a die­t helps control it. Eat more fruits, veggie­s, grains, lean proteins. Avoid salt, fat. Smaller portions assist. Combine­ diet with exercise­ for best benefits. This routine­ keeps blood pressure­ down.

Answered on 8th July '24

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