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Female | 22

Can Masturbation on Upper Vagina Lips Cause Nerve Damage?

Mastrubate on uppeelips of vagina not in vagina Can this cause any nerve damage? And can the hymen be broken only by masturbating on the upper lips? Only use finger.leaving me masturbating It's been almost 2 years .so now i'm married So, will masturbation have any effect on my married life??Will my body be repaired in 2 years? And masturbation does not cause infertility issues. ???

1 Answer

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Masturbating on the outer part of the vagina, the upper lips do not cause nerve damage or break the hymen. Masturbation is a normal and safe activity that does not interfere with your marriage or fertility. The body naturally heals itself, so any leftovers from old habits should not be a concern for you now. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4734)

I’m a 15 year old female and I had sex for the first time but I used a condom, and my period is late

Female | 15

It is common to worry when your first sexual intercourse is not on time. It may be a bit late due to stress, weight gain hormonal imbalance, etc. If you think that you might be pregnant then do a pregnancy test to calm down yourself. Remember that every time one should use a condom during sex to avoid pregnancy and getting infections like HIV. 

Answered on 15th Dec '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Hello, I have a question in the field of gynecology. My cycles last approx. 30 days. I had unprotected sex on April 13. but the parter did not ejaculate in me, but stated that he felt some fluid coming out of him, but he stopped intercourse, after which he ejaculated outside of me. I took the EllaOne pill 3 days after, just in case. A week after the pill, I took a Clearblue early pregnancy test and it was negative, and on Thursday (9 days after the pill) I started bleeding lightly (then it was the day before my expected period). The bleeding started mildly, but after a couple of hours, red blood and a stronger stream appeared. On the 4th day, the bleeding stopped, but there was still blood in the vagina. The cervix is ​​hard, lowered and slightly open. Yesterday (day 5) the bleeding started again but much milder than usual (my periods usually last 7 days) and in the afternoon the pad was empty again. I took another pregnancy test, an early Clearblue test (16 days after intercourse) and again it was negative. Today, slight bleeding appeared again, but not enough to soak the pad, I have slight cramps in my stomach and back. I'm under a lot of stress all the time. I'm wondering if it's possible that I'm pregnant or if the pill messed with my hormones. I am asking for your answer. Kind regards.

Female | 20

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Hello doctor. Me and my partner didn’t had sex. On July 4, gave him oral. His pre cum got onto my lips. Kissed him on his hips with his pre cum. And then he went down on me. Is it possible to get pregnant like that? Or even if he has touched his penis with a little bit of pre cum and fingered me after 1-1.5 hours of doing so? I took emergency contraceptive under 48 hours. And I drank 2 glasses of ginger water one day before taking it and also 5 hours before taking it. And early morning before taking the pill on July 5, I saw some light bleeding in my vagina and thought it was ovulation bleeding because I don’t have such light periods. And I’ve irregular periods. ( I’m not sure if it was my periods ) so there are chances that I took the unwanted 72 pill on the first day or 1-2 days before my periods were due. And after 14-15 hours of taking the pill, I started bleeding heavily (more than spotting and less than periods) . The bleeding was enough to use a pad. Can withdrawal bleeding start this early ? Just after 14-15 hours of taking the pill? Or is it my periods triggering early because I took the pill maybe near my due date or on my due date? On 6th July morning, I drank one more glass of ginger water , and in the evening my body temperature fluctuated between 99.3 at 5pm to 98.7 at 8pm and 97.6 at 11pm . My heartbeat also gets fast sometimes. Is it because of the stress? Or hormonal changes? Today is July 7th, more than 48 hours gone after taking the pill. And in the morning , I was feeling dizzy , tired and weakness. I slept again and woke up at 3pm. I am still feeling tired but that maybe because I slept so much. I’m still bleeding heavily. But it’s lesser than my normal periods. Could this be my periods only? But less heavier? Or is it withdrawal bleeding? Am I pregnancy safe? I’m really worried!

Female | 19

Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Please opine how to proceed regarding the following Gyencologist MRI with Gadolinium report: Technique: MRI pelvis with IV contrast. Comparison: No previous similar study. Findings: The uterus is enlarged and retroverted, measuring 9.3 x 9 x 8.3 cm. there are 3 subserosal pedunculated fibroids, the largest arising from the anterior fundal region measuring 5.6 x 6.2 x 7.2 cm, the second lesion seen arising from the left lower uterine/cervix junction measuring 5.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm and the third fibroid seen at the right lower uterine/cervix junction measuring 4.7 x 2.5 x 2.3 cm. There are multiple intramural fibroids, around 6 lesions, the largest seen at the left fundal region measuring 2.7 x 2.7 x 2.7 cm and the second largest lesion seen at the right fundal region measuring 3 x 2.7 x 3.4 cm. These fibroids demonstrate low T2 signal intensity without diffusion restriction. Postcontrast demonstrate hypoenhancement relative to the myometrium. The endometrium measuring 0.8 cm in thickness and junctional zone measuring 0.7 cm in thickness. There is posterior fundal ill­defined focal subserosal lesion measuring 4.4 x 2.8 x 2.8 cm with an ill￾defined margins and intermediate low T2 signal intensity in addition to internal subcentimeter tiny foci of T2 hyperintensities could represent adenomyoma. Both ovaries are  unremarkable and containing a few follicles.  No ascites or enlarged lymph nodes. The rectosigmoid junction is compressed by the  enlarged uterus. Trace pelvic free fluid noted,  likely physiologic. Urinary bladder is moderately compressed anteriorly.

Female | 47

Answered on 19th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

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