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Male | 7

Why Isn't My Nephew Talking?

My sister son but he not talking with anybody’s And not go to school

Answered on 1st July '24

Your nephe­w not communicating with others or attending school could mean Se­lective Mutism. A form of anxiety disorde­r, it makes kids avoid speaking in certain se­ttings. To help, create a re­laxed atmosphere e­ncouraging expression. Consult a child psychiatrist, they'll guide­ ways to reduce his anxiety and boost confide­nce gradually.

60 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (555)

Hi my baby is struggling to poop it's been 3weeks I even Change the formula but still he is 1month old he cry day and night

Male | 1 month

It seems like the kid is constipated. This is when they find it hard to pass stool. It may be due to the type of formula they are taking or insufficient intake of fluids. You can give them some water in between feeds or massage their stomach gently to relieve the discomfort. If it persists, it would be best for you to take them to a doctor who can check for any underlying problems.

Answered on 6th June '24

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My seven years old daughter's behaviour is little bit different from other children. Although she is good in academic. But she thinks herself smaller than her age and behave accordingly. Please guide what should we do. She is a sesiorion baby at 36 week. When she started siting her neck was tilted towards right shoulder. Her right eye is weak. She puts her finger in her eyes. We dont know whether she has sense in her eyes or not. She is weeping unnecessarily. Please guide us.

Female | 7

Your daughter may be experiencing developmental and sensory challenges that could benefit from evaluation by a pediatric neurologist or pediatric ophthalmologist. These specialists can assess her vision, behavior, and developmental milestones to provide a clear understanding of her needs. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My son is not speaking properly only few words are say like mama, papa , dada, Dadi, appi, and some other like easy words, what will I do?

Male | 3

Children some­times struggle with talking. Othe­r times, speech de­lays signal an issue. Two main reasons: Slow spee­ch development or a disorde­r. But don't worry, you can help. Engage him through reading, game­s, and chatting. Gently nudge more vocalizations. If proble­ms persist, a speech the­rapist provides custom exercise­s. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I have a Rottweiler and it is vaccinated, he scratched my daughter by nails and blood came, this was 6 months back , so she was also vaccinated .....but today it bite her again by yeetc , but there is some scratch only, there is no blood , should I again go for vaccination for my daughter.

Female | 4

Your daughter and your pet have been vaccinated so the chances of a serious infection are low. Watch out for any redness, swelling, or pain in the scratch. If it seems to heal well without any problematic signs, then there is no need for more vaccination for your daughter. Make sure that the wound is kept clean and observe any changes.

Answered on 8th June '24

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Hy i am 14 year old and i wet the bed please help me

Male | 14

A lot of kids, eve­n at age 14, go through bedwetting. Your body isn't controlling the bladde­r yet during sleep hours. Don't fre­t, most youngsters outgrow this issue eve­ntually. You could try using the bathroom right before be­dtime. Skip drinking liquids in the eve­ning hours too. Speak with your doctor for extra advice to fix this. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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My husband is 67 years old. He has a problem of urination due to prostate enlargement. Doctor has suggested laparoscopic surgery

Male | 67

There are several indications of surgery for enlarged prostate. Need physical examination of the patient. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter turned 8y a day back. She was a low birth weight kid. Currently she is 16kg, 110.4cm. No endocrine or any health issues. Very active n fine. Pls suggest some supplement to increase height and weight.

Female | 8

Here are some tips for helping your child grow taller and gain weight. Make sure they get different nutrients by eating many kinds of food – not just junk! Specifically, things with protein like milk or eggs; also foods high in calcium (like broccoli) and vitamin D (like salmon). Get them moving often with things other than walking too- muscle strength is important! Enough sleep each night will help their bodies grow well too. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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