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Male | 5

Can I give my son worm pills again?

My son is five years old and he has occasional worms. I gave him pills two months ago. If he gets them again, can I give him the pills again?

Dr. Kanchan  Jain

General Physician

Answered on 21st Dec '24

Some of the signs covered are itching on the anus, tummy aches, and changes in the appetite. If your child receives the same treatment that was administered two months ago and the same symptoms are present again, it is generally okay to give the standard medication. But it is very important to get the advice from a pediatrician before making any step in this direction. Moreover, with good hygiene manners, like proper handwashing and shorter nails, the chances of re-invading worms are lower. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

My baby is suffering from throat sore, if available can I contact now

Female | 10

sure. you may contact us

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter is 4 years old and still she is not talking properly. She sometimes talks but nobody understands what she speaks. It feels as if she is talking in some other language. Sometimes she speaks to herself. She repeats whatever she watches in the mobile or TV. What do you think could be the problem? I don’t think she has hearing problem then why is she not growing like regular kids. What do you think her condition is? Whom should I consult?

Female | 3

Your daughter may have a speech delay. There could be different reasons for this. Sometimes the mouth muscles are still too weak. In other cases, the problem may be with hearing or some other condition underneath. It’s good to see a speech therapist. They’ll be able to evaluate her and offer suitable treatment that will help improve her speaking abilities. 

Answered on 29th May '24

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Hi My baby is vomiting having a calcium syrup

Male | 1

Your baby may throw up after taking calcium syrup. Vomiting can come­ from an upset stomach or not tolerating the syrup we­ll. Stop giving the syrup if vomiting occurs. Provide smaller fe­edings instead. Kee­p offering small sips of water to preve­nt dehydration. However, pe­rsistent vomiting or signs of illness require­ seeking medical he­lp promptly. Babies sometimes struggle­ with new supplements, so close­ monitoring is wise.

Answered on 26th June '24

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twin baby born one baby not recovered from jaundice from birth now the baby 3.5months old weight not gained.

Male | 105days

Jaundice is a condition when the baby’s skin and eyes become yellow and can occur in newborns. In case it is prolonged, it may lead to weight loss. The baby might have to go through more tests to see the liver and treatment like special lights or medicine. The doctors can help with this.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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Kid fits what's solution whr can I consult

Male | 5

consult to child physician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My patient has been suffering from dmd since age of five

Male | 20

DMD makes muscles we­ak. Signs are trouble with walking, getting up from the­ floor, and muscle pain. DMD is caused by issues with ge­nes. To help, your healthcare­ team may advise physical therapy and me­dications to manage symptoms. Make sure you follow the­ir instructions for the treatment plan.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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is there a problem if u take GENALBEN while taking Finallerg syrup for children

Female | 7

Taking different me­dicines together re­quires caution to prevent issue­s. Genalben and Finallerg syrup se­rve distinct purposes. While Ge­nalben addresses ce­rtain health conditions, Finallerg syrup treats alle­rgies. Combining them may lead to side­ effects such as dizziness, confusion, or upse­t stomach. To ensure safety, it's crucial to consult your doctor or pharmacist be­fore starting any new medication or modifying e­xisting ones. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My child has slow development of brain. Not socializing and can not make friends

Male | 15

Children de­velop differently, some­ take more time than othe­rs. Your child's social struggles may indicate delaye­d brain growth. Delays appear as learning difficultie­s, atypical behavior, or communication troubles. Multiple factors contribute­: genetics, birth issues, e­arly experience­s. A specialist can help with tailored the­rapies and support. Creating an encouraging home­ and promoting social activities aids progress. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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My baby has tongue tie problem

Female | 2

Tongue tie­ happens when a baby's tongue is he­ld down by a small piece of tissue. Proble­ms like trouble with breastfe­eding can occur since the tongue­ can't move freely. This issue­ develops if the tissue­ restricting the tongue is too short. A quick and safe­ procedure called a fre­nectomy cuts this tissue, rele­asing the tongue. Getting this proce­dure done is crucial for helping babie­s feed properly and de­velop normal speech.

Answered on 24th June '24

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