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Female | 25

Understanding Rheumatoid Factor Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Rheumatoid factor arthritis problem

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Your immune system protects you, but sometimes it mistakes friend for foe. That's what happens in rheumatoid arthritis—immune cells attack your joints instead of defending them. Mornings can be stiff and painful as joints swell. Medications can ease the pain and slow joint damage, but staying active and eating well are just as important in managing this condition.

49 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

Hi i have a spinal stenosis

Female | 48

For spinal stenosis, you should consider consulting with an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, or a spine specialist. You may be facing symptoms like back pain, numbness, and weakness and you must seek prompt treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Подагра, лечиться ли полностью эта болезнь? Если да, то какими препаратами?

Мужской | 54

Подагра – это заболевание, связанное с накоплением мочевой кислоты, что может приводить к болезненным воспалениям суставов. Симптомы включают сильные боли, покраснение и отек. Полностью излечить данное состояние не всегда возможно, однако его можно эффективно контролировать. Препараты, такие как нестероидные противовоспалительные средства, колхицин и препараты, снижающие уровень мочевой кислоты, могут значительно облегчить симптомы. Важно обсудить с врачом индивидуальный план лечения, включая изменения в питании и образе жизни. Профессиональный медицинский совет поможет вам справиться с заболеванием и улучшить качество жизни.

Answered on 10th Mar '25

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Knee pain from last 2 months and swelling since 7 days ,started after dance workout . No injury as such , took xray ,no fracture, difficulty in walking. Using knee support and crepe bandage , had Zerodol sp for pain and swelling

Female | 33


Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father is diabetic and takes insulin every day. For the past few months, he has been unable to walk for more than a few minutes. He has no problem standing for long while traveling in buses or walking up and down stairs. He has no knee pain but feels cramps in his calf muscles whenever he starts walking for more than 2 minutes. Around 3 years ago, he also lost a lot of weight and has never gained it back. He is 5.7ft and weighs less than 50 kgs. Is an orthopedic the right specialist to visit for treatment? What could be the causes behind his symptoms and how can they be treated? Does he need physiotherapy?

Male | 57

Your dad's walking problems and le­g pains could signal restricted blood flow. This condition, periphe­ral artery disease, make­s walking hard. Your dad losing weight and unable to walk well is worrying. He­ may need a vascular doctor to check his le­g circulation and treat the issue. Physical the­rapy could help build leg strength and improve­ blood flow too.

Answered on 18th June '24

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17 - suspected broken ankle after a fall from dismounting a horse. Landed on an already weak ankle and heard an audibe crack (mum heard it from 4m away. It is swollen, isolated bruising on the ankle bone and sore to touch this part. Am abke to bear small amounts of weight into the joint however flexing and twisting the ankle is very painful

Female | 17

This could indicate a serious ankle injury, possibly a fracture. It's crucial to seek immediate medical attention to determine the extent of the damage and receive proper treatment. Rest, elevate your leg, and apply ice in the meantime, but prioritize getting medical help as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever and body pain.. Cold

Male | 19

When you're sick, your body fights a virus, leading to symptoms like fever, aches, runny nose, and cough. To recover, rest, drink fluids, and take it easy. If needed, use over-the-counter meds for relief.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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I got fracture on ankel. it will completed 14days can I walk slowly

Male | 20

Let me suggest that you never move any weight on your ankle until it is completely healed. Even slow walking puts too much pressure on the fracture, and it can still cause more injury.Please follow your doctor's advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Should I go to doctor if my knee popped and collapsed playing soccer the other day and now I have burning in my knee

Male | 17

Consult an orthopedic specialist or sports medicine doctor for proper evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage. take rest, avoid weight bearing on the knee, and apply ice until you can see a doctr..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What does a high bone mass mean?

Female | 68

high bone mass means dense and stronger bones

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have right side knee pain

Male | 55

For your knee pain, please visit an orthopedist. He will evaluate your condition to know the exact cause of knee pain. It can be caused due to sprains, arthritis etc. Based on the diagnosis and cause, a proper treatment will be suggested to you which can include physiotherapy, medications or surgery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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This is Mohana, 36yrs old. I have severe lower back bone(bottom spinal cord) pain. I cannot even sit and get up, its paining a lot. I have gastric problem.My left leg knee is producing crackling sound and creating difficulty in climbing stairs

Female | 36


Answered on 23rd May '24

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