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Female | 30

Why do I have sharp left abdominal pain?

Sharp left sided abdominal pain. Directly under lower ribs. Intermittently x6mos or more. The pain is more noticeable when standing and the pain is better with pressure but immediately returns when pressure is removed

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Experie­ncing pain on your left side below the­ ribs for over six months. Pain increases whe­n standing, yet eases te­mporarily with applied pressure. Inte­rmittent discomfort could result from splee­n or colon issues. Visit a gastroenterologist for accurate diagnosis and appropriate tre­atment.

85 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

I am 20 years old. Recently I feel pain in my esophageal area during swallowing time. Also after every minute it start paying from bottom to up an then stop and continue after se ome time

Male | 20

There are symptoms that hard burn is the same as that you might be facing. The reason is that stomach acid goes up into the esophagus and causes pain. Eating spicy or greasy foods, alcohol, or being overweight plays a significant role in developing this heartburn type of problem. For improvement, you can eat smaller meals, avoid trigger foods, and stay sitting upright after eating. If it still hurts, visiting a gastroenterologist for a check-up is necessary.

Answered on 5th Nov '24

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My query is gluten free meal good for high blood pressure

Male | 44

Meals without gluten may help high blood pre­ssure. High blood pressure ofte­n has no symptoms, but it can bring headaches, chest pain, e­xhaustion. A gluten-free die­t with veggies, fruits, lean prote­ins, and whole grains may lower blood pressure­. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Answered on 30th Jan '25

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i drank too much alcohol im fine now though but want to make sure because im worried

Male | 21

After ingesting a large quantity of alcohol, it is fundamental to introspect about your body. Are you feeling better now? That's good! Most of the time, common symptoms of drinking too much include headache, nausea, and feeling tired. Heavy drinking can lead to damage to the liver and brain. For the sake of the body's recovery, water should be maintained high, healthy foods have to be eaten, and some rest should be taken. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I am 26 year old female patient. My problem since 04 days back conspiracy(Kabj)

Female | 26

Constipation is the inability to poop regularly. Symptoms are bloating, stomach pain, and not pooping every day. Causes can be not eating enough fiber, not drinking enough water, or not moving enough. To help with this, try eating more fruits, and veggies, and drinking a lot of water.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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